Search results

  1. S

    What 2nd job pays decent $?

    Hey, you guys are always a big help with everything ELSE, thought maybe I'd get some good suggestions. I have a good prospect developing in the 9-5 timeslot, but need to make extra cash till it starts to pay. What the hell can a guy do to make half-decent $ after/between these hours? ...Any...
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    things they don't tell you in business school...

    I've recently been the "beneficiary" of some hard business lessons. Thought I'd throw a couple out and see if there are any others you can add... You know you have a problem with your business partner when he: 1. Says repeatedly, "I'm NOT going to do anything to hurt you"... 2. Says, "You...
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    Brady campaign guest list...any surprises?

    Brady Tribute Honorary Chairs President William Jefferson Clinton and Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton President and Mrs. Ronald Reagan President and Mrs. Jimmy Carter President and Mrs. Gerald Ford Brady Tribute Honorary Hosts Dr. Maya Angelou William Baldwin Herb Block...
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    Anyone else here read Sun Tzu?

    This man and his book, The Art of War, have literally changed my life. If you want to go from a checker player to a chess player, there is NO substitute. I HIGHLY recommend it. I read and RE-read it, trying to absorb the lessons. Anyone who hasn't read it, this guy was absolutely the final...
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    Time for civil disobedience on McCain-Feingold?

    As you all know, this piece of garbage will prohibit free speech within 60 days of an election. Should there be an effort by law-abiding citizens/constituents to ignore it and force court challenges by getting arrested? Seems like if 10,000 of us EACH bought one of those $30 for 30 second...
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    NOW DON'T ANYONE LET THE CAT OUT OF THE BAG BEFORE THEIR BIG JUNE 14TH ANNOUNCEMENT! DAMN, HOPE NOBODY FORWARDS THIS TO ALL THE MAJOR NEWS ORGANS...; ) PS- In case you're wondering, the Brady CENTRE to Prevent Gun Violence parody websites will be up and running well before their...
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    Revised link info for my radio interview...

    Re: My interview on national talk radio about website WVOJ link I gave to some probably WON'T WORK... Instead, do this: Go to: Pick a station's call letters that shows "air times" (the WVOJ doesn't have this, so may not be...
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    I"m getting interviewed on national talk radio...

    Sunday, Pat Stinson is going to interview me about the HCI parody site, . It will be on this sunday am, from 7 to 8 am eastern time, though I'll actually be on from 7:30 to 8. He is at, but if you want to listen online, i think you can do so...
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    Ever seen anybody whip a pack of liberals this bad? They literally don't know how to deal with this. I've been clubbing them like baby seals and they're DYING...
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    Don't underestimate disputes with "dogs"...they sometimes have backup

    Get some pepper; get some pepper; get some pepper; say it with me... AP National Man Shot, Killed Over Dog Complaints FORT MYERS, Fla. (AP) -- A man who repeatedly complained to police about three barking dogs at a neighboring antiques store...
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    Member survey: What political groups do/would you monetarily support?

    What pro-gun, pro-freedom political groups DO you send money to when you can, eg NRA, GOA, Judicial Watch? What groups WOULD you send money too if you had MORE to donate? When you give, do you give any thought to tax deductions? Finally, which groups make the best USE of contributions?
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    I'm debating Scottish anti-gun "journalist"

    This article was posted in the liberal anti-gun British news. The author is a bed-wetter who wrote a hatchet-job article on the Second Amendment sisters...Any suggestions for the debate forum? I'm thinking about...
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    Hillary on guns and feminism... Check out the honesty here...
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    HCI recruiting drive link... I like the honesty here...; )
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    Need funny images...who's got em?

    We get alot of stuff for our hci parody site,, from the internet shooting community. Anyone holding out on us? ; )
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    Check out Australia's HCI- bedwetters Down Under They DO have email links, hint hint. Bet they could use some good old American political discourse...We'll be going for them soon with parody on , there's an Australian link.
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    HCI's Josh Suckerman assaulted! Check it out...; )
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    Should we consider civil disobedience?

    If there is a "legal" coup in FL, and Gore gets his win, should we consider demonstrations, work stoppages, or any other acts of civil disobedience?
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    The worse it gets, the BETTER it gets!

    V.I. Lenin said that. It was true for him then, and is even more so for US today. Why? Because we have spent the last quarter century getting "snausaged", the gradual, insidious salami-slicing away of our Liberties by those who would destroy the Bill of Rights. The way I read this, they are...
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    Is Clinton safe from a Bush Justice Dept?

    Could this be why clinton is so interested in the election, no Janet Reno to cover his a$$?