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  1. S

    Why "conventional" combat rifle over bullpup?

    I know the supposed advantages of a bullpup assault rifle design- same barrel length in a shorter overall package. More velocity for longer range engagements but better for mounted troops and close quarters combat. Users include Austria, France, UK, Finland, and lately Israel, China and...
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    Living in Hawaii: How bad?

    We've been considering a move to warmer climes, and Hawaii is on the short list. It looks ideal until you get to gun laws. Offhand it looks alot like Massachusset, ie I can't own a .22 without asking the local PD for permission. This doesn't seem to bode well for standard TFL-member...
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    What would the crime rates do if EVERYONE had a large dog?

    I have two dobies and strangers can't get near the house without a pretty fierce response at the window. I'm curious how many of the home-intrusion rapes, robberies and murders would occur at all if the intended victims owned a couple of large, protective-breed dogs wandering on premise. On...
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    Best liberal forums to debate on?

    Seems like all the good ones crash and burn. The rosey forum went down and now the DU forum is only letting "contributors" post. What's a pro-self defense debater to do for a good argument these days?
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    Architect of Waco debacle running Interpol! "Interpol Secretary General Ronald Noble also said he thought al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden was alive. In an interview with the Paris daily newspaper Le Figaro, on Friday, U.S.-born Noble said: "Something...
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    Brass tacks: :How would YOU catch the DC shooter?

    If I'm LEA with broad authority, I'd coordinate the stoplights throughout the metro area for auto-command. As soon as a shooting is reported I'd turn them ALL red for a 2-5 mile radius outside the scene. Once he's in the bag seems like you could work your way out and test all vehicle occupants...
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    MD Shootings mishandled by LEA's?

    From what i've gathered, the police seem to have erroneously maintained a civilian law-enforcement mentality in the face of what is actually an urban combat-type of situation. A lone sniper operating in a built up area, a la Belfast, can make an ARMY miserable for weeks, and that is with them...
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    Looking for authorized buyer for miniguns...

    I know some here have connections internationally in the defense arena. My company is looking for a govt. buyer or authorized reseller for 35 GE miniguns (20mm) , aircraft pods included. This is 100% legit, will go through Def. Trade Control as they are covered under a previous license...
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    Smallpox epidemic: What preparations are possible?

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In response to this and other credible reports, I believe there is a strong chance that a Smallpox attack is a real possibility in the next few...
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    Award: Most idiotic accidental link by a Liberal politician? Sorry, had to share this. Left-wing MD assembly woman's site lists her "Accomplishments", includung "lobbying" for the HCI parody site ( We're getting a bunch of traffic off it, wonder how her constituents like it. The funny...
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    Al Quaida sympathizer: Should I report him?

    Last Winter, during the war in Afghanistan, my wife (who is Muslim) and I had a party at our house. As the topic turned to politics and the war, one of the guests came into big-time conflict with me. He was openly sympathetic to our enemies, and defended both the Al Quada and Taleban. He...
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    Reparations, Affirmative Action and Gun Control...

    I think I might have a unique solution to the Slavery Reparations debate, one that would make everybody happy: Combine Affirmative Action with Gun Control. As you know, any sensible person will tell you that gun control reduces violence and therefore is inherently beneficial to the population...
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    Iraq safari- would you go?

    I know this is very hypothetical. I remember a number of yanks joined up with the RAF and before that the leftists in Spain, to get an early crack at the Nazis. Mercenaries have been around forever, as have big game hunters. Just suppose for a minute that someone has put together a Safari...
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    NBC inquiry

    I'm working with a new product for detection of nbc agents and have some fairly advanced questions. Anyone here have nbc experience or training? Also am looking for help with distribution, would be interested in those with past defense trade or sales backgrounds.
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    Canadians hang hero out to dry...

    Up North, its the old "Firings will continue until morale improves..." or "You're not going to fight a war if you can't be CIVIL about it!" . Hey, what if we threw a country, and nobody came? 'Trophy' photo probe...
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    Any worthwhile firearms innovations, last 30 yrs?

    "There have been some pleasing refinements, like the Steyr Scout, but I really can't think of any new basic designs that really matter that much in the last 30 or 40 years" Some body posted this on the API board and it got me thinking. I would suggest a few candidates for worthwhile...
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    Shoot-don't shoot question...

    I'm a ccw holder in IN, and carry regularly. This is a hypothetical but one I think I should have worked out in advance. I know officers shoot people all the time for "pointing a gun at them", or even "going for a gun". Seems to me if i'm driving and someone in the course of a road-rage...
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    UK's Gun Control Network reacts to parody site... "THE PARADOY WEB SITE AND GUN LOBBY ABUSE " "Most recently a pro-gun parody of the Gun Control Network web site has appeared on the Internet. Some of the content is relatively harmless, perhaps laughable, but much of it is offensive...
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    Bush said to report "suspicious" activity, so here's what happened when I did...

    In one of his War on Terror speeches, President Bush said for all americans to keep their eyes out for and report suspicious activity. Since then I really have kept more of an eye out for unusual activity. This past Friday, coming from St. Louis to Indy, there was a convoy of white "box-type"...
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    Al-Quaida sniffing dog...

    I think I have an Al-Quaida sniffing dog. Seriously. We had a party last year during the war in Afghanistan. One of the "guests" was a muslim from SE Asia, a college student. As soon as he came in, one of our dobeys, who is usually super sweet, starting growling and bearing teeth at him. I...