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  1. S

    What would the crime rate look like if everyone had a large dog?

    In thinking about the recent kidnapping in Utah, where the sister was told to keep quiet, it AGAIN made me think about how the mere presence of a large breed dog would probably have made such a sneak and grab impossible. I wonder how many of the thousands of robberies, rapes and murders would...
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    Will major shtf during us invasion of Iraq?

    I hope i'm wrong, i really do, BUT: Sadam knows we are coming. He had 4000 metric tons of anthrax before the Gulf war and countless supplies of botulin and other biological agents. He had all the Sarin he could produce, etc. If a few envelopes of anthrax in the mail paralzed the mail system...
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    Anyone have the pre-9/11 FAA instructions for pilots on hijacking?

    I'd like to see what they actually said to pilots regarding how to handle 9/11 types of situations prior to 9/11. I've seen news reports that they were taught not to resist, but I think seeing the actual reg might be both illuminating and possibly a powerful indictment of the HCI philosophy...
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    How would you solve suicide-bomber dilemma from Sharon's chair?

    I find myself armchair-quarterbacking this one alot. Every time there is a new atrocity and a new "limited response" from the Israelis, I find myself grousing about people who apply tactical solutions to a strategic problem. Seems to me like one side is fighting a total war and the other is...
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    Need to lose 15 lbs: Any suggestions?

    I really need to drop 15 lbs or so to be in the right weight class for my size and for my long-term health. Has anyone here dropped 10 to 20 lbs and KEPT it off? I have played with some dietary changes and started running a couple times a week and it is having zero effect...I guess I'm...
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    Where to get CURRENT Nato gas mask filters?

    Seems like they're all expired...
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    Need to buy a new laptop, any advice?

    I want to be smart about it, I just don't know what that means. Do I need a Pentium 4 as it is only a couple hundred $ more than a P-3? How much hard drive space do I need? What about wireless? And finally do any brands give a meaningful advantage in support? I'd like to spend in the $1200...
  8. S

    Send a letter to NTSB re: No armed cockpits

    Here is the letter I just sent. I see no reason why we shouldn't blast them with similar emails of indignation, cc'd in the thousands to Reps and Senators. I don't normally say this, but lets blast 'em. Her is their email address: To: Office of the Secretary...
  9. S

    Research help: Info on Pepperbox and duckfoot pistols wanted...

    Since these black powder guns contradict anti's arguments that our forefathers "never anticipated" semi and automatic "assault" firearms, I'd like to get a link that has good pics or diagrams of these historic muzzle loaders. Anyone have a good link and/or know of any other examples? I think...
  10. S

    Debate: Anybody want to see me pummel an anti?

    Warning, not for the squeemish. btw, I really DON'T need any help. As it is my foot is sore from kicking their defenseless butts...just thought you all might like to watch, maybe hold my coat. oh, i'm there as...
  11. S

    Watching news on Israel; where are all the Galils?

    I was always under the impression that the Galil is the best assault rifle bar none...Kalashnikov reliability, Western design and construction. Why are all the IDF soldiers I see eschewing them for M-16's?
  12. S

    suggestions re: neighbor's neglected dog

    I'm a dog lover, and ours are part of the family. In the two years we've lived here our next door neighbor has gone through 3 dogs. They chain them at the end of a short chain near a plastic dog house. Sometimes they wander and either get killed by a car or disappear. The last one, a nice...
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    Asking a favor...

    I started the thread as a form of protest because I was censored/banned from a UK discussion board, namely: Here's the "dedication" on that protest parody site: "This site is dedicated to the...
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    Do 2 wrongs make a "right"? ; ) board and censorship repealed!

    The superior and humanistic british socialists and their moderator at 's discussion board attacked our HCI parody site and banned me from posting when i tried to defend it. Rather than getting mad, which "never solves anything", i decided to "empower" myself in the name of...
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    Letter i wrote to Sen. McCain on CFR

    Congratulations, you did it! I don't think history should underestimate the enormity of what you have accomplished. After yourself violating rules on fundraising and corruption, you suddenly "got religion" and blamed the money, the special interests, everything but your own character. It was...
  16. S

    please post any humorous pics re: guns and anti-gunners

    As you know, we at strive to keep a steady flow of new material. I'd really appreciate it if any of you have any humorous pics, esp (though not necessarily) directly gun related. thanks in advance...
  17. S

    US donations to UK Gun Control Network public record?

    I've seen donor lists to HCI before. As you all know, we are now running the parody site, to expose the lies of UK's HCI, who are at . The site is dedicated to the idiots at, who censored me there so I had no recourse but to...
  18. S

    Barf alert: Brady Campaign to DOT on arming pilots...

    :barf: Am I the only one who thinks taking this position on this issue at this time will cost them...LARGE? Here are some exerpts: February 12, 2002 Public Docket Office Department of Transportation Re: Request for Comments...
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    Persistant trojan-horse hacker- Need help!

    Since getting kicked off the british (anti-gun) discussion board in a dispute with the moderator (, I have had a series of regular and persistant attacks on my computer by various trojan horse programs. These include the "hack-a-tack" program, the sub-seven, and just tonight...
  20. S screws overseas gun grabbers

    Hopefully many of you know about our parody websites and We have now secured (for UK),, (s. africa) and (canada) and are busy...