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  1. S

    SAFE meeting- New Indy RKBA group...

    Passing this on, I'm the Secretary of the group. We've got about 15 members now and need more...Sim Jr S.A.F.E. Members, WAGC Members, and Friends of RKBA, This is just a reminder that our next Second Amendment For Everyone - S.A.F.E. - meeting will be on Wednesday, July 12th at 7:00 p.m. at...
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    Don't tread on me...

    Today's Wash. Times... 'Don't tread on me' Matthew Robinson Mel Gibson's much-anticipated Revolutionary War epic, "The Patriot," hits America's multiplexes on Wednesday. Previews of the movie show Mr. Gibson's character, Benjamin Martin of South Carolina, charging across a...
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    Pro-gun article in Wash. Times...

    Gun safety starts early By Christian Toto THE WASHINGTON TIMES If Hollywood were casting the part of a gun-proud parent, it would never choose Edwin Vieira. The Prince William County, Va., dad looks more like a professor than the stereotyped, tattooed, gun "nut" often portrayed in...
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    How your rep voted on House S$W bill... Check the roll call...
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    Safe-T-Lock: Boycott necessary?

    They sponsored the MMM. Do any gun makers use/offer them on their pistols?
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    S$W admits boycott blues...

    Smith & Wesson President Admits Consumer Anger Hurting Sales By Jerry Miller CNS Correspondent 21 June, 2000 ( -- The president of gun maker Smith & Wesson now acknowledges that a "consumer boycott" over the company's agreement with the Clinton-Gore Administration is hurting the...
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    Reframe the debate: justifiable homicide in CA/NY/MA/NJ

    New York Criminal Code Sec. 35.15 Justification; use of physical force in defense of a person. 1. A person may, subject to the provisions of subdivision two, use physical force upon another person when and to the extent he reasonably believes such to be...
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    Self defense legal project...what do you think?

    To put the anti's on the defensive, i'm thinking about putting together a list of the specific articles of the law for every state/jurisdiction in the us dealing with Justifiable Homicide. This could be posted and/or emailed to show that the anti's are denying the means to exercise a right...
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    Congress HUD/S$W vote tomorrow- Please read

    Tuesday, June 13, 2000) -- The moment of truth has arrived. Clinton's illegitimate grab of power will go on trial as early as tomorrow in the House of Representatives. Pro-gun Rep. John Hostettler (R-IN) is taking aim at gun control policies imposed by President Clinton this past March when his...
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    Emerson/5th Circuit- Breaking News

    I got this off another firearms forum, so can't absolutely verify the source. Breaking report from New Orleans-5th Circuit Court Emerson case Source: Neal Knox Published: unpublished backgrounder- prepublication material Author: Neal Knox ) To: xxxxxxxxxxx ) Date: Tue, 13 Jun 2000 17:46:48...
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    Emerson/5th Circuit- Breaking News

    I got this off another firearms forum, so can't absolutely verify the source. Breaking report from New Orleans-5th Circuit Court Emerson case Source: Neal Knox Published: unpublished backgrounder- prepublication material Author: Neal Knox ) To: xxxxxxxxxxx ) Date: Tue, 13 Jun 2000 17:46:48...
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    Alert: S$W begins to wobble...

    Report: Smith & Wesson to Suspend Some Manufacturing for a Month By Jeff Donn Associated Press Writer SPRINGFIELD, Mass. (AP) - Smith & Wesson, which angered some competitors and consumers when it struck a federal gun-safety deal, reportedly plans to shut down two plants for one month this...
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    Rape story and my email to anti-gunners...

    Please consider this article the next time you want to flex your unprofessional gun-control agenda. Self defense is a basic human right. And before you just delete it, since this is the result of your agenda you can at least view the carnage. I believe you would say these women should "just...
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    Not voting Bush? Better read this first!!!

    Burton: Justice Should Probe Clinton By William C. Mann Associated Press Writer Sunday, June 11, 2000; 3:42 p.m. EDT WASHINGTON –– The chief Republican congressional investigator of political fund raising in 1996 said he is likely to refer President Clinton, Vice President Al Gore and Attorney...
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    Email war of attrition- Anyone else?

    Every time i see some anti-gun travesty, I save the email address of the responsible party. Media, govt, corporation, whatever. I have a pile of them. Every time i see an article of a successful use of a firearm to defend a life, I forward it. I'm averaging 2 a day to about 15 anti-gun...
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    Luger responds- long letter post

    Here's Luger's response to my prostate exam of an email titled, "Luger lies to me through the mail". writes: << Dear Mr. (simonov): Thank you for recently contacting me regarding my votes on the Juvenile Justice bill. I appreciate the time you took to share your...
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    Letter from (and back to) Sen. Lugar

    Think I was too easy on him? In response to my recent email, Sen. Luger sent a letter which assured me that he is only interested in instant checks and that he feels that "enforcement is the key". Do I have to remind the Senator of his own voting record? He voted to praise the Million Mom...
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    Indy 1500 gun show meet?

    Who wants to go, any Hoosers going to be there next weekend? I'd like to meet some like-minded in Indy.
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    Toy gun buy-back in DC; Not a joke guns off the streets Save that old Roy Rogers "Little Buckaroo" six-shooter you played with as a child — it might be worth some money . . . to the Metropolitan Police Department. Not content to waste $350,000 (the money came from...
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    Here's what I did today, what did YOU do?

    Not a flame, hoping to inspire some action. Bought a $10 guest membership to NRA for a family member, and put $50 toward the new and KICK-ASS tv adds by NRA. Anyone else?