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  1. M

    Finally got the two newest to the range yesterday

    My Colt Official Police and my S&W Model 12, which I picked up sometime last year. Stuck with a mixed bag of moderate velocity 125 and 158 gr. LSWC round that I had sitting around. Shooting at 25 yards at a swinging metal plate (no option for shooting closer at that range). Very happy with...
  2. M

    Is this guy carrying what I think he's carrying?

    This is a picture of a guy who's been breaking into cabins in Utah. The news and police are calling him a mountain man... It looks like the rifle is a Remington 600. Anyone know for sure...
  3. M

    Feeding the revolver habit...

    Recently I got the jonsing for a Colt revolver. I've always been an S&W man, but I thought a Colt Police Positive Special 4" with black rubber grips from the 1920s or 1930s might go well in the collection. So off to the gun show I go this morning. Never found a PPS with the specs I wanted, but...
  4. M

    One handgun a month law in Virginia

    Senate just passed the repeal 21 - 19. House passed it a last week, or the week before. It now goes to a governor who has stated that he will sign it. :) I can't remember, but there MAY be multiple versions of the repeal in the house that will have to be sorted out.
  5. M

    Why? Why am I thinking about this?

    I've been a Smith & Wesson revolver person for a long time. Some years ago I bought a Detective Special, but traded it fairly quickly on a Smith & Wesson. Recently, though, I've been getting hankerings to get a Colt revolver. Something along the lines of a Police Positive Special in .38...
  6. M

    I'm not looking forward to this...

    I have to disassemble my reloading bench. My water heater is on the way out, and the reloading bench (not a big one, but big enough) is in the way. Oh well, good reason to sort through everything and give it a thorough cleaning.
  7. M

    Change in WalMart firearms sales policy...

    It's been announced that WalMart is changing corporate policy and will now hold firearms until the Brady Check has been completed, no matter how long that might take. The Brady Law says that after 3 days a gun can be released to the purchaser even if the police haven't completed the check...
  8. M

    Remington 760 value -- .244 Remington

    Friend's father has a 1950s vintage .244 Remington that he's looking to sell. Anyone know what a .244 of this vintage is going for these days? It's not particularly rare, but it's not really common, either.
  9. M

    Took the new old shotgun out today...

    A Stevens 311 in 20 gauge that I bought from a member here. This is the first I've had the chance to get it out. I'd shot the 12 gauge versions in years past, but this was my first time with the 20. Shot two rounds of wobble trap. First round was a 24 out of 25. Second round was a perfect...
  10. M

    FBI firearms article in latest issue of American Rifleman

    Interesting article going over the history of agent firearms carry at FBI. This is the first article I've seen that attempts to survey the sidearms in anything approaching a comprehensive fashion. That subject has come up numerous times here at TFL over the years. Two things are clear from...
  11. M

    Another bite at the bullet tax, or where do they find these clowns?

    Candidate for mayor in Baltimore thinks he can reduce crime in the city by imposing a $1 per tax on bullets (not cartridges) purchased in the city. Yikes.
  12. M

    Object lesson in how (not) to handle a gun

    A coworker just dropped by my cube to tell me about his brother in law. (All of this is his version only, I have no verification). Apparently his BIL is a gun guy, too, and had bought a new gun. He was having problems with it, and took it to the range (apparently it was jamming). So he and a...
  13. M

    And people think gun owners are crazy?

    This guy's an out and out lunatic. He's laying out his plan for murdering someone. Fortunately, if Michigan gets open carry, and this fool carries through with his threat, he's likely convicted himself of first degree murder. Warning. Only view if you have a strong stomach...
  14. M

    Universal Clays and .44 Special

    Anyone use Universal Clays for loading .44 Special? Most of my .44 Special loading has been done with Trail Boss because I'm looking for moderate velocity accuracy loads out of my Model 24-3. The high loading density of TB REALLY seems to help. I recently got a .45 Colt and decided to try...
  15. M

    Federal Magazine Ban to be attached to bill in Senate?

    Just got this via Virginia Citizen's Defense League e-mail. They're suggesting being proactive and contacting your senators NOW and not waiting. " I just got word that there may be an attempt to slip a magazine ban similar to the one proposed by anti-gun Congresswoman Caroline McCarthy into...
  16. M

    What do you use to clean the gas tube on your AR?

    I've fired about 1,000 rounds through my AR, and I think it's time to really give it a thorough cleaning, including the gas tube. But... what to use?
  17. M

    Utah considers designating "state gun."

    This is new and different! Utah, to celebrate the achievements of John Moses Browning, is considering designating the 1911 design as the official Utah State Gun. Of course, the anti-gunners are having a fit. If it actually...
  18. M

    Picked up my newest S&W...

    a Model 12-2 Airweight snub with a flat latch. Finish is a bit worn, but there aren't too many dings. Grips are also a bit worn, but the diamonds aren't totally worn down. Action locks up nice and tight, barrel is in excellent condition. Its apparent that this was carried a lot and shot very...
  19. M

    The guns of Walking Dead

    OK, this is not going to be a discussion about the merits of the miniseries, but about the guns. The main character, a sheriff's deputy, looks to be carrying a nickel 6" Colt Python. In one of the final scenes he fires a round at a zombie inside of an M-60 tank. It's the only time I've ever...
  20. M

    Romanian Tokarev from Southern Ohio Gun

    SOG has Romanian Toks for $189 and change, C&R eligible. Anyone get one of them? I've always been fascinated with the Tokarev, and am really considering getting one and some ammo. They also have ammo for $7 and change for a 72-round box.