Search results

  1. H

    Hunting items...

    This is from another site I use and thought someone here may need something since we are close to season openers...;action=display;num=1249316110;start=0#0
  2. H

    HATSAN Arms...

    who knows of these and what are they cloning? Barrels are made of nickel-chromium-molybdenum steel with additional chrome plating internally & are proof tested for 1200 kg / cm² (17160 lb. per square inch). Tough black matte finish. Aircraft alloy...
  3. H

    303 enfield question...;action=display;num=1249011131;start=0#0 Is this the going rate for one in this condition? Is the info the owner was given sounding correct or close? Are these still safe to be regular shooters or just wall...
  4. H

    Who is gettin' antsy?

    Who is gettin' the hankerin' to sling lead or fling arrows? MAN, I caught myself sayin' "It is almost deer season..." but it is still 3 months+ away. Almost to me is the down hill side of a year:o... My first priority is to acquire a new smallish freezer. It is gonna be right in the dining room...
  5. H

    New Hog Doggin' Video...

    A fella that runs hog dogs took part in making a pretty good vid. If you don't agree with using dogs for legal hunting methods... don't watch the vid. This was filmed end of winter so the water is cold and the action is hot. The first hog in the video killed one of them white Dogo Argentina...
  6. H

    Gun safety psa!!!

    Look folks, I am generally an easy going guy and I rarely get riled up... ESPECIALLY FROM INTERNET PROFESSORS!!!! I am gonna have to admit that in the last 7 days I have let my blood pressure escalate from one repetitious bit of false information. This false information is also very dangerous...
  7. H

    .44 bounces off hog skull WARNING!!!

    WARNING!!! THE FOLLOWING VIDEO HAS SOME POTTY MOUTH WORDS!!!! For anyone who wishes to claim to know ANYTHING about what rounds to use on a charging hog, I present the following video. The cuss words are pretty justified as the .44 rounds bounced off a small hog. Now ya'll see why I will use...
  8. H

    1911 picture thread?

    I and my father got into a discussion about "non-basic" 1911's after he showed me a Kimber that had been customized and awarded to a president. He said "of course it is a Kimber" I asked why he would say it like that. He said "Well, because Kimber is the best quality 1911" Having never owned a...
  9. H

    My father made a gun design...

    He has a cafepress online shop and does alot of stuff i don't support but this one is pretty neat if you don't mind professing your 2A RKBA stance. Here is a link to this design and products. If you wish, you can view the whole "shop" from...
  10. H

    The day the squirrel won...

    Since a few bit finger tales comes forth from the "right tool" thread in shotgun section, I decided to share a little diddy 'bout the day the "baby" the pet squirrel and the "Meter Reader" (mr from here on out) got themselves aquainted. So we had raised this little bugger that fell from the...
  11. H

    Match grade magnifier...

    Okay I got these super thick high power (magnum?) magnifying lenses. I am having great difficulty keeping the beam focused on my prey. seems the more powerful the magnification the harder to hold steady on the target much the same as with a scope. I need some sort of "tri-pod" with 1/8th MOA...
  12. H

    Redneck tactical add-ons

    Leave it to me... I came up with 2 new tactical accessories of my own design. One requires a copper tubing barrel wrap loaded with liquid and a small circulation pump. when involved in a dove shoot you would have your baked bean can wrapped in this tubing so the ho liquid would warm them up...
  13. H

    Tazer over Firearms?

    Okay, PAX, I will bite! How many would consider a full genuine TAZER a viable means of SD/HD? I ain't talking no flea market stun gun but a real pro tazer or at least the wire feed unit sold for civvie use. I personally would not as it is unable to engage multiple targets and is not a sure...
  14. H

    This is Tactics & Training, Folks!!!

    For the use of discussing real world procedures in the legal use of firearms in defensive, protective situations. Not allowed are them end of the world, the commie zombie takeover of the local mall type stuff. Nor is blatant illegal use of arms considered justifiable discussion. For that sort...
  15. H

    Another wild hog show...

    :rolleyes: I wasn't impressed... Has some hog doggin' footage as well as discussion of birth control etc. But what was funny as heck was how the "star" was so gung ho to "leg" a hog but absolutely chokes when...
  16. H

    Should he "plea out"?

    Okay if you were a defense attorney, would you suggest a plea deal as the wise move for the Oklahoma Pharmacist? I rarely feel innocent folks are best served by a plea, but in this case... Maybe. I know this is veering a bit so if PAX or other mod feels it is too far off base, I guess I will...
  17. H

    Bushmaster Advertising...

    I watched the re-match of Uriah Faber vs. Mike Brown mixed martial arts bout last night... Ol' Mike Brown had Bushmaster Firearms as a high level sponsor. They had the only ad on his back in 3+/- inch lettering. Trunks and the "corner banner" had the logo very visible as well. I know it is...
  18. H

    Too wet! For hogs?

    Well junior and I had hopes of putting a TFL'er on hogs... Landowner has some good "bayheads" split by hay/horse pastures and his son's land. We had to wade/swim neck deep a few spots and they had CURRENT which is a very rare sight for junior and me. Only had the "curr dog" off lead maybe 10...
  19. H

    Sotomayor and questionairre...

    2A got press on fox news. Her princeton paper is eagerly awaited! I can't wait to how she wrote about 2A when she was but a college girl;) Brent
  20. H

    Handcuffs a no-no?

    So in areas where you have the right to use any level of force to stop a violent felony could you use hand cuffs on the felon... LEGALLY? Given the opportunity to have a set of full quality pro cuffs and the safe position to cuff it would give the person with gun etc. the ability to...