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  1. H

    Opening day...

    Of general gun here in the NW zone of fla. Me and junior went out this afternoon. On the walk in junior flushed up a little bugger and he took a running shot with 00 buck and missed clean. i looked across the pasture I was hunting over and seen 2 little yearlings playing and they scooted back...
  2. H

    Pellet tech question for the thinkers!

    Okay, so we now have a repeatable "heavier than lead" technology in shot. So what if we had a #4 HTL pellet inside a 00 buck. The rest being lead. I am thinking it would have more mass and possibly a more devestating deformation. My thinking is that the ball would hit resistance and the HTL...
  3. H

    Paralyzed man wins right to own guns...

    Just seen the guy on fox news. He had been denied the FOID card or what ever the name in NJ as a chief of police said he "couldn't physically control a firearm". James had already purchased a mounting system for his electric wheel chair and a trigger device he could blow into to discharge the...
  4. H

    Junior bagged 2 gobblers...

    Well actually he has 2 tickets to pick up frozen birds for his turkey shoot efforts... He had one for 2 weeks and backed it up with a second "kill" tonite! Me? I ain't kilt nuttin' but the guy next my target... I looked and looked at my "brown 7" and layed aim right on "brown 8":eek::rolleyes...
  5. H

    lil' miss.h-dogs...

    Well fer cryin out loud Moses! Junior gave "sissy" a cell call and asked if she would come up to the "hunt club" and I told her i knew how to get there... Once there we got her to try a buddy's 12 gauge auto loader on the turkey shoot line...:eek: Girl wouldn't even try my pellet rifle and was...
  6. H

    18 inch 870 Barrel... for sale... Just a heads up... HD barrel for sale... Brent
  7. H

    History... the 21 gun salute...???

    Well as the title implies... who has knowledge in the history of the 21 gun salute and variants thru history as a way to salute the fallen? Brent
  8. H

    Veterans Day!

    Thank You to all our VETERANS and my thoughts today are with those who perished in battle! Brent
  9. H

    Bombs... Question...

    First off I am not considering doing anything illegal... I am just curious about something. I am always interested in technology be it scientific or redneck engineering. Is there any type of ATF stamp or license that allows a person to legally create assorted explosive devices for the purpose...
  10. H

    Pellet size deviation

    well a 6 month old dog of ours got a 7 1/2 Federal shell off my night stand and chewed it open on my bed... I noted that the pellets were both dull and shiny. As I palmed them off the blanket, I also noted some looked larger than others as well as some being obviously out of round. I measured a...
  11. H

    ALICE pack.. My SCORE

    Well I was invited by a veteran to go to the VA hospital on Friday as he hates to drive the trip alone. He informed me on the way that it was the day they have a "Stand Down" to help homeless vets and the generally needy. I thought this meant used BDU's etc... NOPE it was new gear with the...
  12. H

    Hog hunter loses his son!

    I just learned that a fellow hog dogger just lost his son in a hunting accident... Apparently the son (older teen) was in the back of a huntin' truck and was thrown out and landed on his head. He died from the injury... Be safe out there guys! That kind of loss is impossible to fathom for us...
  13. H

    What we need is.....

    A joke section, an off topic section and maybe even a home and auto fix-it section:rolleyes:;) Jist a thought... Happy Halloween, Regards, Brent...:D
  14. H

    Icky Deer Bones?

    Any one able to explain the biologic differences in cervid bones versus bovine/porcine bones? It is strange that it is common acceptance that deer bone does not impart additional savory tasty flavor but these some folks nearly insist on having the bone in for a steak, ham or roast. Then we...
  15. H

    True deer roping story...

    Funny that someone chose today to post the great deer roping story... Here is a story from a central florida hog doggin' and farmer's wife... Posted just today...
  16. H

    Bandana the deer...

    I have decided not to drag out any more deer. It has to be a detriment to meat quality and it is a ton of work defeating the frictional effect of heavy critters on the ground. I have decided to do it the way a NZ buddy totes out the hogs from their rugged terrain... He also does this with the...
  17. H

    Whats the difference?

    I am sure that I have the right to pose these questions to my fellow TFL folks... First off... I have never paid to hunt nor paid for a taxidermy mount. I also have never invested a single penny to encourage deer to spend time in a spot so I can shoot them... I have, on the other hand, baited...
  18. H

    Country Bumpkin (BSWIV AND PRONE2) Song...

    Well ya'll 2 both have huntin' gals as do some others on TFL. This song has enuff hunting references to be allowed a link here me thinks... It is by the same guy I posted the deer doggin' song from. According to his sister who I spoke...
  19. H

    Help the poor...

    ... ME!!! Anyone got a electronic caller they shelved for a new one etc.? I would like to try my hand at coyote calling but cannot afford to buy into a new system. Just want to try out calling and see if I want to settle in. If I can get decent at it, I am sure many local farmers will let me...
  20. H

    Time logged in?

    what determines how long I am logged in at TFL? Some times it seems I am left logged in for hours and other times, it seems just minutes and I have to log back in. I am on continuous high speed cable net. I do not close my browser. I run a couple open tabs so I can leave TFL up and open. Often I...