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  1. H

    Symbols in left column...

    Just curious.... I know this means I have posted and no new posts. this one is one I have posted in but new post exists... So what does this or this specify? I thought the bullet hole was a thread I had not viewed and the crosshairs was one I looked at but doesn't seem to really be so. Brent
  2. H

    Mitchell's Mausers

    Are their items as nice looking once purchased as they are in the advertisements? Brent
  3. H

    Deer huntin' idea... Discussion...

    Hey what do ya'll think of this thought I had to trick them deer. I got to thinking about human scent and deer habit. so what if I take a spare shirt as I scout my spots... I would then take off my worn one and tie it in a tree limb and swap it out each trip in. I can go in almost daily. Think...
  4. H

    my first "turkey shoot"

    I didn't win a bird... But me and my 18 inch 20 gauge did OKAY! I only put a dozen pellets on paper at 90 feet but on each I was 1/4 inch from the "X". I borrowed a long gun for my 3rd shot and it had more like 2 dozen pellets but none closer than the 1/4 inch... Guys were ribbing me asking if i...
  5. H

    Another 870 express chamber prob...

    Junior took his Express super mag to a buddy's place to run some fire and lead down the pipe... I never said a word about a possible chamber issue... didn't want to taint the opinion. He said "we wuz on our way back and i seen some birds to shoot... I shot and the sucker wouldn't open to eject a...
  6. H

    High dollar ammo and "BOOLITS"

    So would anyone be willing to enter into dicussion regarding the "Premium" VS. "Cheap" ammo? I buy Winchester .30-30 or shotgun ammo in the lowest price scale for either round. For the sake of discussion we will just say that your rifle/shotgun puts any and all ammo into a sub 3 inch group at...
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    Okie Pharmacist?

    Anyone heard if and/or when the trial will commence? I want to follow it. It is one worthy of court TV coverage but not sure if they are picking it up... Brent
  8. H

    Snake Chow. tree rat w/pics... *Snake eating it...

    Well the tree rats have calmed down into their pre-fall feeding so they been pretty active. Let "Eva Braun" go a couple weeks to take some stress off the squirrels... well here is what I got and where he went... And here is Eva and her weeks supper... It was about 30 yards... I was given a box...
  9. H

    Turkey hunt video MUST SEE!!!

    I think this is a training video but it is must watch viewing for all. There is a kill shot at the end but not too gory:D!!! Brent
  10. H

    Junior's 870 Express Super Mag...

    Well he bought this LIKE NEW gun from our ONE local pawn shop for $217 OTD including tax and BG check IIRC... He fired a shot today and then mentioned he may have a MB plug in as it only held 2 in the tube. He asked pops to pull it out. He was off to gamble the rest of his money shooting pool. I...
  11. H

    870 SUPER Mag... steel shot damage?

    My mistake... I should have stated in the cleaning thread it was a super mag. Junior did okay I reckon as this gun has no routine wear whatsoever AT ALL!!! However upon inspection and cleaning of the choke tube I noted what appears to be slight grooving I would expect from steel shot in a tight...
  12. H

    870/500 dissasembly differences...

    QUICK!!!! I am holding Juniors new to him 870 Express MAg (Don't ask me why he wanted a 3 1/2 gun that weighs so little)... Still had plug so I opened the mag tube and got the spring retainer out (WITH MY FINGER:D and removed plug... But I smelled that factory preservative so i am gonna do a...
  13. H

    Pregnant momma Stops a burglar...

    The guy is a repeat offender with similar crimes in his past. This pretty much local news here to me. No charges filed and I do feel she overstepped the Castle Doctrine allowances. The kid had a cooler with 5K in cash and other loot. I think I heard his firearm was stolen as well...
  14. H

    Love the .30-30...

    Went to help dad on his place yesterday... Took the .30-30 to make sure the scope was ready... I love being able to shoot off a box and a half of ammo with just a tank top so I had the unpadded stock right on skin. No discomfort, no flinch and no soreness of bruising today:D Gun is shooting...
  15. H

    Hot Salt system in N.C.;action=display;num=1252331239;start=1#1 Just posting a link to the system that is for sale. I do not have a connection to this guy. I am just a long term member and thought my TFL brothers and sisters may...
  16. H

    what law is violated???

    If I am stopped by a LEO and he asks me a direct question such as "Do you have any guns drugs or large quantities of cash?". Am I violating a law if I answer no to all but I have a rifle and pistol in the vehicle? A "gun" is, by definition a smoothbore projectile launching platform. Brent
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    Any one ever hunt the Sandhill Crane? I hear they are called "the ribeye of the sky" for their beef looking meat. But what I want to know is what they actually taste like... And don't no one try to say they taste like chicken...:barf::D Brent
  18. H

    Live barer snakes...

    So how many of ya'll know rattle snakes don't lay a clutch of eggs? We got a 3 foot rattle snake with only 3-4 rattles and a button. Buddy squatted to leave a deposit and he hollered out hard... "BRENT BRING SUMTHIN TO KILL...." I couldn't make him out as he was 200-300 yards deep. So I take the...
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    Correia... Congrats...

    Happy Birthday and congratulation on the great news of the high sales of your novel!:D Brent
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    Junior buying an 870...

    Junior stopped into the local pawn shop and put an 870 super mag on layaway for $217. In his opinion he said it looked "real clean" and felt "nice and tight"... Brent