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  1. H

    Senate Bill SB-2099 real or not?

    Okay legal beagles, is this real or imagined.... I got an email from my dad who got word elsewhere on it... Brent
  2. H

    Jens Pulver MOLON LABE Tattoo...

    I just realized the "Little Evil" Sports a bold "Molon Labe" tattoo down the inside of his left fore arm... and his left is is trademark knockout material... Just thought some other MMA viewers may like to know that some are sporting our latin phrase! Brent
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    The "refine" hogdogs project...

    OKAY OKAY OKAY... After seeing the blaser and airbrushed guns posted of late, I concede I am a redneck with deep pocket dreams and short arm syndrome (can't reach the money):o... I am willing to accept a gift of a "finer" type shotgun to see what it is all about. Nuttin' too fancy but a "classy"...
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    Missouri college carry bill.

    I am copying this from another site in hopes to spread the word on short notice... Seems them politicians didn't want much public turnout... Best of luck MO students and residents! Brent
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    Mack My Marlin...

    Favor request for the photoshop literate... Just for giggles... Could someone pimp a Marlin 336 or similar lever gun out with the tacky-kewl requisite items to include halo optics, laser, picatinny rail barret style muzzle brake and maybe a bayo... Brent
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    Scare a rabbit to death?

    Well there has been a fat ol' cottontail just a little to brazen around here and "Deadly" the bulldog ain't had a "bunny treat" in near a year so I break out the ol' Savage bolt gun. It was only a 50 foot shot. He had his back to me eatin' and when he lifted his head I put the crosshairs at the...
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    Medal of Honor help...

    I heard an interview many years ago of a viet nam vet MoH recipient who held off attack doing many incredible things including firing (possibly) a howitzer or other big gun that was not really attached to the frame do to damage. I think he was the only one in the unit able to fight for a long...
  8. H

    Challenge put forth to the "tester types"

    Maybe box of truth would take a stab at 3 different night tests... Or ya'll give it a whirl. 1)This is all about gun mounted lighting. Take a pen light and duct tape it to a piece of flat black dowel. Support dowel about 24 inches forward of a typical silhouette torso target and from starting...
  9. H

    I guess I do "swing" to target for HD.

    Following a few recent threads and seeing today, a post about "in-sight neo" and a following reply regarding sight plane... IT HIT ME!!! I use only a single bead as it is out of sight. It is not blocking my view your complicating my use of the gun. In a full shoulder mount my head is in my very...
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    2 deputies shot at my local range...

    I posted a thread about it in Gen Dis section about a shooting today at my local gun range. Until recently it was only a clays range but now has pistol and rifle "tubes" of concrete culvert to shoot thru. I am not sure at all of the details as it only happened a few hours ago. We will see if...
  11. H

    How to bring the worst on us... How in the heck can folks find more heinous methods to bring heat on us law abiding folks who love and cherish our 2A rights? Not to mention that this is in a very rural, very conservative populace of redneck folks of the God...
  12. H

    Ship captains and crew...

    How are these ships being taken over? Don't the crew officers carry firearms? Don't they have a gob of pump guns loaded with 00 or 000 buck and slugs? I know they ain't military vessels but they should be ready to defend against piracy! Brent
  13. H

    Blame bswiv for this thread!

    His pic of the snake got me rememberin' the days of bulletproof (snake proof too) youth... As a teen in Louisiana I did some pretty stupid (brave and brazen is what we called it then) stuff in the name of both huntin' and money makin'... We could sell all soft shell and snapper turtles to...
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    NRA sells member name list?

    I haven't done anything in ages to give out my home address where solicitors could get it. That is until I applied for the "free" membership to NRA. Now I got an application for a Shotgun News offer in the mail... I am a self described HERMIT and I relish my daily walk to the mailbox. The...
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    Pistol grip Only POLL

    This isn't a what is good better or best. It is simply to state if you have previously owned and tried the PGO. If you have, do you still own it and/or use it. Brent
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    Primers now a commodity on wall street

    Starting tomorrow, 2 April, 2009. Primers will join Oil, Gold, Porkbellies, Wheat and other well known commodities on the NYMEX, CME and USFE. Prices may surge and be as manipulated as OIL has been. This may cause a severe shortage and a rush. Just be careful...
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    Dimples on bullets!

    Recent R&D on long range projectiles using a dimpled surface to generate a turbulent substrata around a projectile in flight, has shown promise in increased muzzle velocity, retained velocity and terminal performance. Osama, Look out Angry!! Source;
  18. H

    Air rifle fee in cali... Proposed legislation in California to control pneumatic arms and propellant AIR/CO2 with annual licensing at $95.00 (Air User Certificate) with state controlled refill facilities charging an air excise tax on refills!!and a $10,000 non-compliance fine...
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    Who Is Sniperinky?

    Nominate a TFL member (mods can be included) for an upcoming poll... If the real "sniperinky" would like to come clean they will win a free one week shotgun shooting excursion to florida or a hog hunting weekend... Expenses for travel, ammo or drinks are not included... Brent
  20. H

    Favorite hog charge footage... I really like this vid as it shows that even with wide open land to evade, the hog can and will target the predator in an attempt to aid escape... Tell that didn't leave a mark:D!!! Brent