Search results

  1. H

    Pig Bomb True info...

    I seen it on discovery and felt the info is pretty close to accurate IMHO... Most of the show is on you tube in short segments. It includes a little hog doggin as well as info on attacks etc.
  2. H

    Guns in America natgeo...

    On right now if yall want to see it. Explorer, guns in america episode... Again at 9 central 10 eastern time. Brent
  3. H

    Alter ego of the NO GUNS SIGN...

    What if business owners that are often targeted for robbery or terrorist attacks had a sign akin to this... "WARNING ALERT ADVISO" "The occupants and patrons of this establishment may be armed with concealed weapons! Violence may be met with equal or greater response with vilonce! Rob at your...
  4. H

    Found disturbing "letter to editor" I replied... Appalling to think some folks actually leave in this sort of fear. I couldn't help but reply... Brent
  5. H

    Hogs do save their own... Not me or anyone I know but like bears with cubs hogs are defensive/offensive when the squeal is real... No injuries or blood and gore but this is about how we do it here too but never a camera guy around... Brent
  6. H

    Snakes are back out...

    South texas dog that was bitten by a snake... Pic was posted by a fella on a hog doggin and bulldog board... Funny to look at but man that dog has to be miserable as he heals. I hope he makes it... Brent
  7. H

    Just to be safe... .22 shorts?

    What is the reason some .22s are not labeled for shorts but others are? Not semi's but bolt guns. Is it only a feed issue or is there any danger to this? I have fired shorts as single shots thru a variety of arms from semi auto pistos to several rifles... Brent
  8. H

    So you want to learn... Shotgun tactics?

    I mean home defense, self defense and food acquisition... I will show (not train) you what I know... plan on 7 days for a primer and 14-21 days for additional schoolin'. Bring no less than 200 rounds of field loads per day but 500 would be better. Plan on 500 slugs and 1,000 00 buck shot for the...
  9. H

    Those unknown stars... This guy is makin' some good music... The "Dog Huntin' Man" is a deer doggin tune but fits well with many dog huntin' types including hog doggin and modern loss of traditions and lands... Some of yall can relate to "Country to the Bone"... I know I sure can...
  10. H

    Called in my first hawk...

    Not that I would hunt them, just seeing if I could... First time for everything! While runnin' dogs yesterday, Junior heard a hawk squawking. He spotted it out a couple hundred yards in flight. I have a sound I have used since childhood to stop a tree rat that is on the run in the trees. I...
  11. H

    Mass shooting in Samson Alabama... Very breaking news on a shooting just 30 minutes north of my town. Not a gang type innercity crime. Very rural place and it is generally safe. Proof positive that you are never a paranoid nut job for wanting CC. Seems possible motive is job...
  12. H

    I Am Predator!!!

    In not just the hunting realm but all of my life is spent knowing full well that I am among the top ten predator animals. My eyes face forward as do most predatory animals. I eat meat and understand that humans are omnivores. I am not a wanton killer of creatures as most of the top ten are not...
  13. H

    Albino Deer... protect or not...

    Due to the antler restriction thread I am posting on this... Who thinks laws protecting the albino deer is fair to the herd? We are talking about a genetically inferior deer with a recessive gene. Possibly deaf, likely suffering sun issues due to zero/minimal skin pigment. I don't think it...
  14. H

    Range rules... yer job?

    As a regular customer do you feel obliged or inclined to enforce the personal or general safety rules on others? Brent
  15. H

    ever wanna chew glass? Gun related...

    CSI miami (wifle likes it, NOT ME!!!) is investigating a "hit". In morgue a "drag stabilized projectile" (dart like) is found in the "vic"... Comes from an "underwater assault rifle" as they flash scene to past tense, they show diver aiming an AK variant under water shooting the vic who is on...
  16. H

    Wear marks... post pics...

    I will post pics of mine by tomorrow after noon. All ya'll regular shotgun section readers, post up pics of your wear marked guns... SD/HD or sporting gun. Wear marks are sexy gun porn! Brent
  17. H

    Lil Miss.Hogdogs needs y'all's help...

    Debate assignment... Based on school gun violence they are debating Hand gun control. She was assigned the "pro gun" stance:D:eek: I feel for her competition. She has some good research completed already such as suicide rates do not drop, and if guns were carried by capable folks attacks may be...
  18. H

    Buid me a stock? less recoil...

    From michelin and this site i bring ya'll the future of gun stocks that would drastically reduce felt recoil... I am but a simple redneck but I see potential here... Build a regular shaped stock that uses this technology... hollowed out and...
  19. H

    what are these...???

    No pics yet but bear with me... Found 3 "shells" 12 gauge. All thick plastic red color hull. Has a brass looking "primer" looking thing inserted in a white plastic "section" inside. I first thought snap caps but they have lot numbers and date on them. looking in the open end the white piece has...
  20. H

    Light loads... Quiet?

    Reloaders... Theoretically speaking and all disclaimers need go un-mentioned... Can a shell be opened and "eyeball" out some of the powder to make a drastically quieter, shorter range small bird killer? Would some of the shot need removed? I am talking 25-30 feet on dove size birds on the...