Your all time favorite pistol of the 19th 20th century.


New member
My all time favorite pistol from the 19th 20th century is the s/w victory modle 38. I dont own one myself but I just love every thing about them.


New member
My Colt SAA 2nd gen New Frontier in 44 special with 7 1/2"bbl. Not the best or even close to it but that wasn't the question. :)


Jim March

New member
Freedom Arms '97 in 357Mag, 5" octagonal barrel, adjustable sights, 2nd cylinder in 38Spl match grade chambers.

The most accurate general purpose handgun ever made, period, end of discussion.

The only more accurate handguns made are rimfire (esp. FA's version of this gun in 22LR with match chambers) but those don't qualify as general purpose.

old bear

New member
Far and away the N frame Smith and Wesson .357 Magnums the best production revolvers ever produced, closely followed by the Smith and Wesson model 19/66 variations. As one forum member states, “the M-19 everything you need in a handgun and nothing you don’t need.”


New member
As they say . . . "to each their own" . . . :D My all time favorite is from the 19th century - what else but the 1851 Colt Navy . . . . . what can I say . . . . it just "melts into your hand"! Great looking and a joy to shoot! :)

Hoe nobody is offended . . . . I sort of "strayed" over to this forum from the BP area! Afteer 45 + years of shooting black powder, for some reason, I'm getting a little interested in those new fangled "cartridge" pistols. :D


New member
- Fun: Ruger Single Six .32 H&R Mag
- Practical: Pre lock S&W 65LS (Lady Smith)--best of the K's IMO.
- Sentimental/classic: 1st Gen (ca 1915-1940) Colt SAA .44 Special (my version, a rare non-cataloged "4th Gen," very close just not as charming--yet)
- Special mention: Ed Brown Special Forces Carry (Commander bobtail)...Edit: just remembered this is 19th/20th Century, so make it a Colt Commander.
- If had to have/keep just one, especially if considering pass on to next generation, the old Colt SAA.
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