XDs Recall

This Safety Recall applies only to:
Springfield 3.3 XD-S™ 9mm pistols - serial numbers between XS900000 and XS938700
Springfield 3.3 XD-S™ .45ACP pistols - serial numbers between XS500000 and XS686300.

This Safety Recall does not apply to any XD® or XD(M)® pistols.

Methods of shipping can be blamed on our government, not the firearm manufacturers. Plain and simple.

kcub said:
Springfield is still ignoring their xds elephant in the living room.

So, I guess going public voluntarily by posting online the recall, contacting all their distributors, and coughing up shipping BOTH ways isn't enough? I won't ask what is enough. I think we all know the answer.

kcub said:
Many xds are failing to go into battery and have light off center primer strikes 5% of the time.

Really? Cite your sources for your assertion, then.

kcub said:
Mine went back, they didn't fix it, I had to take a bath on that deal. Never again will I buy anything Springfield Armory because I know they won't stand behind their products.

Granted, you returned yours for them to fix for which you claim they didn't. That's all you're going to post before trashing a business? What do you mean, "they won't stand behind their products"? Should you mean, you won't return it a second time to get it fixed? Or, I'm sure you have proof they refuse to try to make their product right.
The first two links are of the same video. The gal had problems with it, her boyfriend didn't. You can tell she also had to keep adjusting her grip from time to time. Just like the video's title, it isn't the gun, it's the person.

The third link appears to be several months old, before the recall. The recoil spring plate is as common as any other firearm. All of my XDs and 1911s have some sort of "scratches" as he claims to have on his. His paranoia of his spring popping out and injuring him is a load of crap to say the least.

The fourth link is over a year old. He also explained why in his opinion why the light primer strikes were happening. Another case of operator error.

The fifth vid is part one of the first two links. The husband concluded that his wife can't handle guns in a .45ACP cartridge. Again, this vid is before having the gun sent in. If you read the comments, they speak for themselves.

The sixth video is a guy constantly griping his gun has lube all over it. There's nothing here, AT ALL, about testing the gun for light primer strikes.

You know, I see a pattern here. You googled XD(S) problems and just pasted away without even analyzing the results. And this is how I believe you dreamed up the "5%" assertion.

It's pretty easy to do this with any gun and stake claim of problems. Glocks are one of the most reliable firearms made. But it doesn't take two minutes to find "malfunctions" with them...only to find out people are limpwristing them or using garbage ammo such as Tula.


New member
date stamps aside I have to agree with shane... you have pretty much manufactured a serious problem where none exists and thrown out a bogus number. on top of that THERE IS STILL NO PROOF OF 5% FAILURE RATE!


New member
I've had a 5% failure with my xds, when I first started reloading 45. Fixed the reloading issue and now no issue. Never had an issue with a factory round.

My only disapointment in all this is having to conceal a 4.5 xd9 now. Still love my Springfield xd's, and will buy an xds9 one day to go with my xd9 and xd45.
Painless recall procedure.

I have had mine for a couple of months, probably 200 rounds through it and not one single problem. This has not destroyed my faith in Springfield Armory as my Loaded 1911A1 has been 100% trouble free.


New member
I'm really glad I noticed this.

I for one am not upset with SA. I've carried and shot my xds on a regular basis since I got it without issue, and I'll carry it confidently as soon as it gets back. I just hope whatever was causing the problem wasn't the same thing that made the trigger so nice.
The timing's not bad either. My fall wardrobe is bulky enough that I'll be able to carry one of my bigger guns pretty easily.

A free mag - or even a sticker - would be pretty sweet though.

On a humorous note, I couldn't find the original box, so I briefly thought about shipping it back in a glock box. But, I found a little xd gear box from something or other that I'm going to use instead.


New member
I just looked at their website, and the anticipated turn around time is one month. I mailed mine out on August 29th. That sucks.:mad:


New member
Well it does cover Total over 200,000 pistols, but a month. I was hopen for more like 2 weeks. Well that will give me time to get in some bullets and have plenty loaded up for its return. :cool:


New member
This is the 4th recall of a gun I've experienced. I'd have to say that this one has involved the most participation on my part. For both the Ruger & Colt recalls, they sent me a box, the box was then picked up at my house, and then they delivered it back. Almost no involvement on my part, which is how it should be. And Ruger sent me a free hat.


New member
Just traded away my 9mm bitone

I just traded mine away. I liked the firearm the way it was to be sure and it didn't want anything changed. I could not get a clear answer from springfield as to what would be done to the gun and specifically what effect it would have if any with the trigger pull.

Regards, Vermonter


New member
I called yesterday about mine and was told that mine was one of the first ones in so it shouldn't be much longer but that they are estimating a 30-day turn-around. I wish they had a system that you could login into with your RMA# and get real-time updates! I hate not knowing anything about it.


New member
Thirty days, that's ridiculous. They just got mine on Monday. I dragged my feet to get mine in, so guess it's my fault. Was hoping two weeks at the most.


New member
Mine arrived at SA two weeks ago yesterday. When I get it back, I'll be sure to post here. This is my first experience with a firearm recall. Don't know what to expect.

For both the Ruger & Colt recalls, they sent me a box, the box was then picked up at my house, and then they delivered it back. Almost no involvement on my part, which is how it should be.

Very interesting...

For my 2 cents, packing this thing up, carting it to FedEx, etc was a PITA. Seems SA could spruce up their procedure a little bit.


New member
Mine arrived at SA two weeks ago yesterday. When I get it back, I'll be sure to post here. This is my first experience with a firearm recall. Don't know what to expect.

Very interesting...

For my 2 cents, packing this thing up, carting it to FedEx, etc was a PITA. Seems SA could spruce up their procedure a little bit.

That's what tool me so long to get mine out, finding an appropriate box to ship this thing out in.


New member
You can now see the progress of your pistol on Springfield's site. Just visit the page where you started your RMA and enter your serial. It will tell you where you gun is on the "system". It kind of seems generic but at least it's something.

I also found out from their rep that they will return your pistol in a "repair" case if you didn't send your pistol to them in your factory case. Apparently their repair case is a smaller version of the original hard black case your gun came in. Since I sent mine in to them via cardboard box, I'll get a snazzy "mini-case" from them.


New member
You can now see the progress of your pistol on Springfield's site. Just visit the page where you started your RMA and enter your serial. It will tell you where you gun is on the "system". It kind of seems generic but at least it's something.

I also found out from their rep that they will return your pistol in a "repair" case if you didn't send your pistol to them in your factory case. Apparently their repair case is a smaller version of the original hard black case your gun came in. Since I sent mine in to them via cardboard box, I'll get a snazzy "mini-case" from them.

Wish I'd have known that, getting a free case would have helped the inconvenience alittle.


New member
LOL looks like a lot of people will have the neat little case now.. I sent them my XDm slide to get the front sight removed (which they did for free, I just paid shipping there and back), and it came back in one, it's a generic but nice little case with the SA emblem on it.

Now that I think about it, has anyone asked if they can remove the sights while the pistol is at SA for the recall? I would assume the XD-S sights are hard to move like the other XD series pistols..