XDs Recall


New member
Negligent discharges while loading and possible double fires.

Should have heard everyone saying "guess you should have waited for the XDs!" When the Shield issue popped up.


New member
Mine's in the serial # range for sure. Looks like I will give Springfield a call, their Customer Service has always been excellent in the past, I expect nothing less this time too, though there might be a bit of lead time I bet.
Look, folks, let's not get our neckties in a knot.

The likelihood an unsafe incident is almost nil. Springfield is taking extra precaution just like Ruger and S&W has done with their firearms. And they're voluntarily doing this as a preemptive measure.

Inconvenient? Yes. Something to consider when in the market for one? Sure. But let's not blow this out of some ungodly proportion...


New member
My XDs .45 is packed up and ready to ship out. I just submitted the online form with required info, printed the shipping label, and boxed it up. It was very easy to do. I will let you know what my turnaround time is.


New member
So they say not to ship mags or accessories, do you still box it up in the case minus those pieces and mail it off?


New member
That's what I did. The box is very padded and will protect the gun. I just removed all of the accessories from the box, put the red empty chamber flag in the gun, and put it all in a cardboard box with the shipping label attached.


New member
Well, I suppose that's what I get for buying a new model handgun that hasn't gotten the kinks worked out. My first Springfield that I bought back in June. Also the first recall I've ever had to deal with. I'll send mine in, and hope it gets back to me soon.

For you experienced Springfield owners - is this an anomaly or do they often use customers for product testing? :rolleyes:


New member
I have been considering the purchase of an XDs .45. I have been waiting for my dealer to get them in to make the final decision.
The light strike and failure to return to battery issues have influenced my thinking negatively.
SA has now helped me with that decision...I'll wait a few months before buying any XDs if at all.
Good for SA for stepping up and issuing the recall.


New member
For you experienced Springfield owners - is this an anomaly or do they often use customers for product testing?

This is the first recall that I'm aware of that has affected XD pistols.

Reading some of the comments here, I find it funny that a company does the right thing, and issues a safety recall, and all of a sudden they are in the wrong and their products are junk.....:confused: I saw these same types of comments posted when Ruger issued recalls on some of their firearms as well.


New member
It's a bad week I guess. Send it in, get it fixed. I've never had an issue with a SA product. In my experience every manufacturer can and will have problems, it's how they remedy them that sets them apart.


New member
Wow, Had mine for nearly 8 months no issues at all, Will send it in better safe than sorry. Just have to shake my head at all the negative comments, wonder what car these guys drive since every manufacturer of cars has had massive recalls in the last few years. Guess they all ride bicycles now. :rolleyes:


New member
I mailed mine out today with the prepaid FedEx label. It will arrive Tuesday to Springfield due to Labor Day holiday.
I didn't have any problems with the gun, but the chance of a ND when loading the pistol is scary. A double fire on a CCW would be kind of cool. It would make double taps very easy to perform haha:D


New member
I haven't been able to find any info yet, but I'm curious to see what parts will be replaced.
I'm trying to think of what could cause the problems they describe in the recall. Maybe the sear and/or the striker assembly? Maybe how they engage each other?


New member
Springfield is still ignoring their xds elephant in the living room. Many xds are failing to go into battery and have light off center primer strikes 5% of the time. Mine went back, they didn't fix it, I had to take a bath on that deal. Never again will I buy anything Springfield Armory because I know they won't stand behind their products.


New member
Sent mine via a FedEx small box and bubble wrap. Should be there Tues. Heard 2 week turn around time. Ships right back to me. Perhaps they will throw in a free mag for my (our) trouble.

And I didn't clean it first - oops.