Why? Why am I thinking about this?


New member
Mike, calm down a little...take a deep breath ....:D

Like you, I have a lot of model 18's, 19's, 27's, 28's and 29's ....

but I keep looking at those Colts too ...not really sure why / just because..so its a new Year....so I've decided to look at Single Action Army's instead...because I don't have any Single Action revolvers...and while you can buy a new Colt SAA ...and I think they're pretty good guns...I'm lusting after a nice Freedom Arms ..probably a model 83(their lg frame) ..in 4 3/4" or maybe 5 1/2" in .357 mag or maybe .45 Colt ...not sure yet...but even if you look at some of the new Colt offerings ( around
$ 1,500 ) ...but a nice Freedom Arms revolver, specd with trigger pull around 3 lbs ...might be fun to have ...(lead time right now is about 10 wks they're telling me ...and around $ 2,500 ) ...

but I must admit ....I'm playing in the mud a little ....on the dark side, in the SAA world a little bit ...haven't made the order yet, but I'm getting close ...maybe ( and I can still pet a model 27 -- when I get home ! ) ....:D


New member
The ONLY thing that Colt did better than S&W was the polish and blue. No one could do a polish and blue like Colt.

There is the trigger. Some of those Colts have real sweet ones.

I feel the same way about Colts. Haven't found one to fall in love with and I still kinda want one.
The 1898 New Service looks interesting. Haven't had a chance to look at one close though. A big double action in .45 Colt would make me happy.


New member
I'm with BigJim, if I was going to buy a colt it'd have to be a SAA. My father is to blame for that, he had one when I was a kid and I loved shooting that gun. The only other Colt I would give house room is an old Pocket Positive that I left with my stepmother after my father died. That little gun is supposed to come back to me in her will. I have never particularly cared for Colt's DA revolvers other than that one. I prefer the S&W revolvers over the Colts.

"Or was it … but Horace Smith and Daniel Wesson made them equal?"

Colt may have made men equal.

Smith & Wesson made them BETTER. :p

If I end up getting myself a single action, and it's not an authentic New Model No. 3, it's going to be one of the reproduction Schofields.


New member
I have a big problem with stainless steel revolvers too. They just don't have any soul. But I do own two (Ruger SRH and 5" S&W M63). I have the M63 tucked into a leather holster at home which I would never do with a blued gun. Actually trying to stretch the holster a bit.

There is a as-new blue M15 (38spl) at one of the local gun shops and I am doing my best not to buy it.

357 Python

New member
Mike don't feel so bad and get yourself bent out of shape. I essentailly started out with a Colt revolver, a 6" Python. Later I started carrying S&W revolvers. Now over the years I have 2 Pythons and roughly 6 S&W revolvers. Don't get me wrong I love my Colts and wish I had others but as the saying goes it is what it is; I have more S&W's than Colts. There is nothing wrong with wanting the gun of another manuacturer. Should you get a Colt? Should you even consider haing a Colt? All of this is up to you, if you want one then get one. Don't let anyone belittle you for getting a Colt. Collt vs. S&W has been the greatest firearms rivalry since S&W was formed. I'm glad we have had two such fine companies to choose from.


New member
The Python? Who in the holy hell would ever think to put something as ugly as a ventilated rib on top of a frigging revolver?

Ain't that the truth! That vented rib takes first prize for ugliness. Never understood why so many folks go gaga over the Python. Now a Dick Special's a pretty nice little revolver. That's what I'd go for...


New member
I have had the privilige of shooting a number of Colt Police positive revolvers owned by former LEO who were active in the 30 and 40s.

These pistols were outstanding examples of early gunsmithing. In my mind the smith who had tuned them was a genius. Each of them had single action and double action trigger pulls as smooth as the best Pythons and Smiths.

If you can find one get it and enjoy.


New member
Don't do it! I have a DS, a Cobra and a Trooper Mk III in .22lr and none of them do anything for me. I thought I wanted a Python but resisted and am glad I did. I'm going to send off my DS to Grant Cunningham when my name comes up on the list and maybe then I'll like it.

I think either you are a S&W guy or a Colt guy and I am definitely a Smith guy. Nothing inherently better with one over the other, but I just like Smiths better. They speak to me.

Now, to solve the beautiful Colt bluing issue, I bought a 1974 Colt Series 70 1911. That seemed to satisfy me.
"When did Colt start making revolvers again?"

As far as I know, they didn't.

That's why I'm talking about buying revolvers that have been out of production for years.

And, the ones I'm most interested in?

Made in the 1930s or prior.
Aren't they still making Pythons?

Or did they finally drop those, too?

And I don't look at custom shop items as being "in production."


New member
I'm not positive Mike ...and like you, I haven't paid much attention to Colt over the years...but I think they quit making the Python - and all double actions - a few yrs ago.

Off topic ....but I'm looking seriously now at Freedom Arms ...single action revolers..they're making some really nice guns.. out of Wyoming / because I don't have any single action revolvers...


Here are some photos ...# 5 ...in this lineup( is in a .44 mag) ...but in a .357 Mag ..and the octagon barrel ...and fully tuned...for about $ 3,200 is an awful nice looking gun ( model 83 - their large frame - 5 shot ) ...etc ...about 54 oz in a 4 3/4" barrel...tempting...very tempting...( and they are saying 10 wks thru my local dealer) ...

Not sure I'm helping ....but guys like you and I ...have most everything we want .../ until something unique comes along ...and we get tempted...:D


New member
Colt is not making any double action revolvers any more. But there have been murmurings that a small double action may be in the works. The shot show should tell the tale for this year. And if Colt is true to form, they'll announce something and you can't even buy one for 6 months.

357 Python

New member
The Python was dropped around 2006. It was given a 50 year run from what I understand. The ventilated rib was to give the barrel more surface area so as the air passed through the vents it would cool down easier and faster. Did it work? I don't really know or care. The rib looks good to me.


New member
Colts are good lookin. Just like my MK III


New member
Just to show you there are no hard feelings I bought this Model 19-5 to put with my Colts. In the same safe no less!:D
