Whats your favorite 9mm handgun?

Search some threads and see how many people hated their Glock 19. Not people who don't like Glocks, but actual owners who were displeased and got rid of it. Compare that to the number of posts you'll find saying it's the best 9mm handgun on the market.

And, No, this isn't a cool-aid post. I really mean for him to take a look at the percentages. They make an argument on their own, regardless of what pistol I like. If Glock isn't for you (shoot anything you can get your hands on first), then get what you like.

Fat Boy

New member
Sig P226 Stainless Elite w/ 20 round mag and Rohrbaugh R9s Special Forces. My third choice would be my H&K USP compact. My glock 17 just doesnt make it for me.


New member
for me its a tie between a sig p226 and glock 17...........but if i have to choose only then it would have to be sig........:)


New member
A steel frame for me. I own:
1. Browning High Power
2. S&W M-639
3. S&W M-659
4. Star Model B ex-German police
5. Walther P-38 1943 Wather.
I would would feel secure with any of them.


New member
I have a few that I favor. The HK USP 9mm, HK P7M8, or P7PSP and the Walther P5. The HK is my favorite in 9mm as well as .45ACP.


New member
Sig P226 or Springfield XD.. while I think the Sig is a better made gun the XD has always fit my hand better and felt better..


New member
If you don't care about having a hammer... go with the XDm...
If you do want a hammer... go with either the SP2022 or the FNP9...



New member
I also have to say the Browning Hi-Power. With Hogue wraparound grips no pistol feels as good in my hand. Sure, a little work needs to be done to make it 100% reliable and improve the trigger but that's normal for a milspec sidearm. I love many others but nothing is as close to perfect as the BHP.

Old Timer

New member
VinnyT said,

For what he is willing to spend he should opt for the M&P over the Sigma. Even though I believe the Sigma to be a fine entry level handgun, the M&P is, quite possibly, the finest mid priced semi-auto handgun in the world. :)


New member
My favorite is the Sig...

But I have carried just about everything except the glock & the XD.

The 229R, 226, 225, or even the 239 or 2022... Some hardcore Old School Sig fans shun the newer "plastic" of the sigpro series... But I kinda like it.

Basically... anything you will practice with, is a better gun than the one that sits in the safe or bedside table.

Then you also need to afford it too. Taurus makes some good pistols now days. Used to they were crap... but they have come a long way.


New member
Old Timer,

The M&P is the one with the hinged trigger. I don't like that. No experience with them... just on principle. Simple is best. Less parts to break, means less visits from good ol' Murphy & his stupid law.


New member
The CZ's and Browining Hi Power's seem to fit my hand best with their grip swell on the backstrap. For carry, I really like my CZ RAMI. There are lighter 9's, but it is more accurate than most. For plinking and accuracy, I'll take the old Browning.


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