What's the ugliest auto-pistol ever?


New member
Saab1911, Nah the VP 70Z was kinda sexy to some eyes. The Broomhandle Mausers were pretty clunky looking. Charter made a .22 auto (Challenger I think twas called) that was an awful plastic converted water pistol or something.


New member
I dare not weigh in for a couple of reasons 1. is i carry a kahr , and 2. is anytime i dream ( or remeber ) anything just fuglyer than that formfactor , well somone will search the bowells of firearms design hell and prove me wrong . suffice it to say that i consider about all the new plastic framed pistols as " ugly " . At least while you look at them , how some of them run is just spanky . I adore my 1911s my HP brownings , My pre war Walthers , However i carry day to day my " disposable " pistols which no matter the cost not will incite wars from my heirs. Its all good tho because they can fight over my carry guns ( from the early 80s thro the late 90s , and i have most of em ) when i am done with them . Tis fugly , but then so is the value of a pistol .


New member
Ditto on the FN Five Seven. There may be older pistols that were uglier, but the Five Seven is the ugliest handgun currently for sale in the U.S. The HiPoint comes a close second.


New member
I don't think the Five Seven FN looks that bad(w/out the funky rail) ..except for that fugly trigger guard :)
I have had about enough Five-Seven bashing. If that gun is good enough for Kara Thrace it is too good for you guys. :D

I think the Hi-Points are the ugliest guns I have ever seen. There have been some pretty funky looking guns throughout history but Hi-Points are willfully ugly.


New member
Nope, the Hi Point isn't the ugliest gun ever. That is it's predecessor, the Stallard. Gunbroker has one for sale if you care to look at one. Just gunbroker search for stallard 9mm.


New member
Someone said that the Sigma was ugly. I cannot understand that statement. I think that it looks better than any Glock that I have seen. As well as a lot of other pistols.



Seriously... at least the High Point, FN 57 and Broomhandle Mausers look vaguely like pistols.

I give you the MAC-10. Ugliest. Firearm. Ever.