What's the ugliest auto-pistol ever?


New member
Grendel is an appropriate name for that gun!

I've always thought old Tokarevs were pretty ugly:


The FP-45 Liberator is probably one of the ugliest, though... however, it's not exactly an "auto-pistol" since it only carries one round!


Citizen Carrier

New member
Just to revisit the Colt American Model 2000 and Colt Double Eagle for a second.

Imagine if the investment capital, research and development, and tooling for those two AWFUL projects had instead been put towards a production run of
Colt 1903 Pocket Models?

Or a production run of Colt New Services in .45 ACP or .44 Special? Or if they'd brought back the M1911s with carbonia blue finish a decade and a half sooner?

Guns with a high polish blue finish so good you could shave in their reflection? Delivered in neat period packaging with original style disassembly tools and accessories?

Weep for what might have been...


New member
I agree with Auto426. It's hard to beat a tricked out 1911 when it comes to ugly. Why would anyone do somthing like that to such a beautiful design?


Moderator Emeritus
What's the ugliest auto-pistol ever?

From reading internet gun boards, I have learned that The Other Guy's Pistol is always the ugliest gun evar, while Your Very Own Favorite Pistol is unfailingly drop-dead sexy.


New member
i don't have an auto pistol yet. but i will within the next month. and it's gonna be the prettiest thing ever. :D


New member
The Colt 2000 looks like the offspring of an FN five seven mating with a BHP. No offense to the BHP. And I probably would've bought a Double Eagle all those years ago if it weren't for that hideous trigger guard. Para's LDA is what the 2XE should have been.


Lorcin's are bad.

The Colt 2000 looks so much like a Llama Omni that I think Colt stole it from them.

I think Webley revolvers look grand, in that whole Victorian way.

The Type 94 was a lousy pistol that looked three leagues beyond funky, but it actually has a comfortable grip (as long as you don't press that sear with your thumb).

The FN looks funky, but not too bad (though I have nothing but disdain for them).

Astra 400/600's are pretty odd.

Anything out of Austria in the last decades of the 19th century and the first of the 20th are odd (Roth's etc). They make the later 20th century Austrian wonder toys look positively pedestrian.

The Jo Lo Ar was probably the ugliest in my book.
