what would Dirty Harry pull

Bill Akins

New member
Lost Sheep wrote:
p.s. Don't leave out Charles Bronson. A friend of mine has always wanted to see Chuck, Charles and Clint in a movie together.

I'd love to include Charles Bronson in the script, but unfortunately he died in 2003.

Interestingly famous spaghetti western director Sergio Leone first offered Bronson the lead role in 1964's "A Fistful of Dollars", but Bronson turned down that role that launched Clint Eastwood as a star.

Speaking of director Sergio Leone, I had a part as an extra in the Sergio Leone movie "Once upon a time in America". I'm on screen for only seconds as a Charleston dancing extra behind the old Don Cesar hotel in St Petersburg Fl. I'm in a white suit and fedora. Most of the time a palm tree hides my face and you can only see my face for an instant and only if you pause and still frame to it, and at that, you can't really make out my features it's so far off Lol. But it was exciting to see and be within several feet of James Woods, Tuesday Weld and Robert Deniro. I got to speak with Deniro and an extra had me take her picture with him, but I didn't get a pic of me with him. When they were filming the scene where James Woods throws the drink in Deniro's face on the beach, I was standing watching right behind the cameraman when that was being filmed. They had a big sun screen set up right on the beach for that drink throwing scene and I've got a picture of me standing in front of that in my costume and fedora. Got several pics of me on the set in that film. That and a dollar will get me a cup of coffee! Lol.

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New member
Clint's "real" gun

Actually his gun in most of those movies was a 41 mag. The 44 was tough to find in time and they knew no one would know the difference.
No all of you go out and buy one :p


.41 vs .44magnum...

There is a common rumor & misunderstanding about the use of the .41magnum in the "Dirty Harry" series.
Smith and Wesson official historian; Roy Jinks researched this popular myth and found out that a .41magnum 57 revolver was used by the production for a few media & PR photos but a .44magnum/29 was in fact used on the sets.
As a teen, I always thought Eastwood used different barrel lengths(8 3/8", 6", 5" barrel) depending on the scenes. Close-ups, concealed, sitting-driving in vehicles, stunts, etc.
In a DVD doc or on set interview, Clint Eastwood stated the set armorers & crew used the same size 29 .44magnum all the time.
I still think THAT's a bit of Hollywood legend. ;)



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Coolbreezy, those are mighty nice grips on the shortyfour.

Who made them?
What kind of wood is it?

Tennessee Jed

New member
Here's a link to John Milius explaining a little bit of the rationale behind choosing the 44 mag with 6 inch barrel for Harry.


Interesting part is, he says they originally wanted a 4 inch barrel, but couldn't get their hands on one. Said the idea was, Harry would fire one well placed, very heavy shot, instead of multiple shots.

I think Harry would still pull an S&W 44 mag. If they re-did the movie, then maybe a 500 S&W or 460 S&W.


New member
Thanks kcub, the grips on my 629 are stock original combat grips that came on the lew horton combat magnums which mine is. I am unsure of the wood type but I believe it is walnut.


New member
Well coolbreezy, let me know if you ever want to part with that bear belly gun.
I likes it even though I'm sure it kicks like a cranky mule.


New member
It's a great gun, I have a literal blast shooting it! It does kick like hell and it has a muzzle that'll leave you blind 3 ways till Sunday, but its definitely worth it. The only gun I'd ever get rid of it for is a colt anaconda.


New member
I have a 4" Anaconda and love it. Someday I may get a 6" or even an 8" to go with it.

I could see ol' Harry whipping out an Anaconda.
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