what would Dirty Harry pull


New member
I think today, Dirty Harry would be packin' some type of autoloader in .357 Sig caliber based on his comments about the .357 Magnum in Magnum Force ;)


New member
500 S&W, Great Grand son of the M29, did you know some scenes were shot with a M25 8-3/8" for visual impact!:cool:


New member
In that movie, you can tell Clint Eastwood has really slowed down.
I really hate to see that and wonder who will take over...
Yea, tough to see him get older isn't it. He still looks great but you can see the years have added up in the later films. Clint Eastwood has got to be my number 1 all time actor. I think there is no one to replace him. I look at the size of my Clint Eastwood collection downstairs, his movies take an entire shelf! Man he's made a lot of them.

On the other hand, Clint may get older but IMO, Dirty Harry is timeless. So I think I agree with 44AMP, today Dirty harry would carry a .44 Automag. Could be something like a 500 S&W but ... "A good man knows his limitations". ;)


New member
I think an 18th century colonial era Dirty Harry would be more interesting-

"I know what you're thinking. Did he fire one shot, or did he fire it at all?"


New member

Re: gran torino, he was only carrying the .45 and the garand because of the script. He used those guns in the service to kill asians, it gave some irony to the whole story that he was once again having to use them against young asian punks. If he had been a gulf war vet, he'd have been using the 29. because he wouldn't be caught dead hauling around a foreign made 9mm.

I don't see anything that he could be taking now. nobody without a shooting background would know anything about the .454, .500, or new wonder magnums, and that would ruin the mystique of carrying the gun that can blow heads clean off. Was it John Millius who did harry? whoever it was, he was a gun enthusiast himself, IIRC.

It's a possibility that he would be carrying stainless, and a little bigger, maybe a vent rib and ported barrels for coolness. I'm just not seeing any need, or a reason for a change, unless the makers of any new sequel just can't stand the idea of an old cop carrying an old weapon.

Think about him and david soul. Old man and old gun won the day. in the new ones, old man with old gun will spray punk intestines all over the SF mint building and said punk will have a wonder9.


New member
I would bet he will just be released in 3D....why make a new movie when you can do some computer tricks with software you already have and make millions.


New member
In all seriousness,,,

Or at least as serious as I can get.

Harry Callahan would be long retired by now,,,
I doubt he would be carrying anything resembling a duty weapon.

If they were to make another real Dirty Harry movie,,,
They must have Harry's age be appropriate to the actual year and times,,,
I would bet a small amount that they would have him carry a Taurus Judge or a S&W Governor.

Certainly not the biggest or baddest gun of this era,,,
But for the masses the script writers could play up the "Shotgun" thing.

As far as the cinematography goes,,,
It's hard to deny that they look very imposing,,,
No matter the reality of them being an effective weapon or not.

I could see Harry Callahan carrying a Governor,,,
After all, it is a Smith & Wesson firearm,,,
It's still Him, Smith, and Wesson.

Imagine the scene,,,
Some young hoodie-thug tries to mug Harry with a knife,,,
Harry acquiesces like a frightened senior citizen while sticking the Governor into the muggers ribs.

This thing fires a two and a half inch shotgun shell,,,
It will blow your liver plumb into the next county.

So how about it punk,,,
Still feelin' froggy?


(sometimes I even scare myself) :D

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New member
At his age now, I think he'll pull a little to the right and probably low:eek::eek: Can't hold it up as well at his age:eek:;);)Coogs


New member
Well, that at least isn't a completely ridiculous idea, is it? I can see them working the governor into the script, if they can build one that looks like the 29.

That 3" cylinder may be imposing enough.

I can almost see him using one of the smith .500 magnums in a D/A revolver, and explaining to some punk how he once blew an alaskan grizzly bear's kidneys out its butthole when it broke into his cabin.

"so You're harry calahan, huh? What's up with the silly looking silver gun? Where's that famous .44 you always had?"

"If you're going to be my new partner, punk, you need to know. This is a .500 S&W magnum, and it's powerful enough to blow godzilla's head clean off. I was on a case in alaska 8 years ago, and a big angry mamma polar bear tried to turn my car over. My partner ran, but I shot the bear in the face with this. the bullet popped out of the bears butt and hit my partner in the leg."

"Wow, how's his leg now?"

"it fell off, so I fed it to the cubs. I couldn't stand to see them go hungry."


New member
Why not just make it the son or nephew of Harry Callahan who is bequeathed the model 29? Everybody laughs at it but he just keeps on kicking ass with it and he's proud of it.


New member
These days, product placement drives the movies and I'm sure that Smith & Wesson would try to place one of their newer products into this movie.

Being an old geezer, Callahan might be forced to come out of retirement to defend himself or a family member against a criminal who is seeking retribution because Callahan sent him to prison years earlier.

Callahan would probably carry a 9mm S&W Shield or a .40 M&P as his EDC. But Callahan would still have the Model 29 as his night stand gun and he would use it when he caught one of the bad guys snooping around his house in the middle of the night.

That's when we would get the flashback and some of the famous Callahan one-liners: "Make my day." or "Do you feel lucky, punk?". Those who are old enough to remember the older Callahan movies would enjoy this but they would have to explain it to their kids who weren't around back then.


Serbu Super-Shorty 12ga, Chuck Norris; LoneWolf McQuade, A-5 cutdown...

I'd laugh at a man Clint Eastwood's size(a reported 6'04") pulling out a tricked out Serbu Super Shorty 12ga; www.Serbufirearms.com .
That would really fight crime! :)
BTW: As a teen, I always thought actor/martial arts expert; Chuck Norris packed a cut-down Remington 870 12ga in the action film; LoneWolf McQuade.
Texas Ranger JJ McQuade actually used a Browning A-5 semi auto shotgun.
See; www.imfdb.org . ;)

That's some major firepower too.



New member
The gun, well that's a no-brainer, a S&W Model 500 snubbie, custom shop special with lightweight super-scandium X-frame.

"Now being this is most powerful handgun in the world and will blow your head clean off, you gotta ask yourself a question...."

ah the long awaited 500PD 17oz scandium frame
that is a good question, whose head is gonna get blown off in this case ;)

Lost Sheep

New member
The same

Were a new Harry Callahan (Dirty Harry) movie to be made again, I opine that he would be cast a retired detective working as a private detective or maybe a something completely incongruous like the character Eastwood played in the opening scenes of "Thunderbolt and Lightfoot" (a preacher) in which he finally wound up using a Oerlikon 20mm Cannon later in the movie.

But to answer the original question, for Harry to show up with anything but his Model 29 would be completely out of character. If nothing else, Harry was consistent... and loyal. The only thing that would trump that would be the exigencies of necessity.

So, Harry would begin with his trusty Model 29, but when the s*** hit the fan, Harry would use whatever power level was appropriate...plus one.

Note that the 44 Special has plenty of power for social shooting. Hard targets are one thing, but thin-skinned game like humans respond very well to heavy bullets at moderate velocities. I observed that the recoil of Harry's M29 indicated that he kept a light hold on the gun (OK, this was probably at the Director's discretion, but we are pretending that Harry Callahan was a real person, right?), so I conclude he was a target shooter at heart. But that's good because he could hit what he aimed at. A good thing, when he takes shots like he did at Andy Robinson's (title) character in "The Scorpio Killer" in the rock quarry.

Yeah, a hastily drafted (or abducted) Harry Callahan would use, if given a choice, a Model 29, then switch to 458 Winchester, 10 Gauge, Rocket Launcher or whatever was necessary (or maybe a Freedom Arms 22 short belt-buckle gun just for the contrast).

Lost Sheep


New member
I'd like to see Detective Callahan make a couple of 50 yard head or neck shots with the 29 to stop a North Hollywood bank robbery scenario cold where the thieves have body armor and seem all but bullet proof.

Then he calmly reloads as he walks through and over a sea of ineffectual 9mm brass to get a closer look at the smoking stumps.


New member
I like the idea of a next generation of calahan working as a sf homicide detective, and clint as mentor and eventual partner in the ugly stuff. That could work.

have we got a 30 something, 6 feet +, rangy and raw boned actor who could do the clint eastwood style at least well enough to play a nephew?

We gotta cast the film once we write the script and pick the most important parts of movie, as in the guns...