What is your "fear factor"?


New member
Reflective eyes freak me out, deer or yote eyes when you get them in a flashlight/headlight. Like demon/devil eyes or worse cougar. Seems we are seeing more cats in the Midwest (IL<WI<IO) . Not a month goes by when some hunter sees one on his trail-camera. Makes you think twice when dragging a deer in the dark!!:eek:


New member
Big kitties would worry me about as much as a Griz. We still have a few cats down here, my only FTF with one was over 40 yrs. ago.


New member
Yeah, And with you guys afraid of spiders - I'm with you 100%. A friend of mine had a real harrowing experience. Seems he was hanging tree-stands at his lease in So. Illinois. Weather was warm, he had nothing but a tee-shirt on his upper body. Felt a slight sting on his back, thought nothing of it. He started stuttering a half hour later, drinking everything in sight. Had his wife check him - small blasck dot on his lower back. First doctor thought it was an infection ,gave him antibiotics. 24 hours go by, spot is now baseball size with a black streak going across his chest. Shivering uncontrollably he's admitted to hospital. doctors run tests and tell him he has been bitten by a brown recluse spider. Tell him that if venom has spread to his organs (liver , kidneys) he will need an organ transplant!!! Turns out venom is only in his nerves,skin but they have to cut out the venomous area. General anaesthesia cannot be given due to weakened state - so only local anaesthesia (lidocaine). They excised this area out of him - he says it smelled like 3 dozen rotten eggs - I guess the venom turns flesh gangrenous. He spent 3 weeks in hospital and another 3 months recuperating at home! These spiders are found throughout the south - especially in gas-station restrooms!!:eek::eek::eek:


New member
The Feeling

thats the damned freakiest thing too, its worse when your at a river run type car show and its liek 3 in the mornign and everyones passed out and you get that feeling!

i had a friend get bit on his hand by a brown recluse and lost 3 fingers


New member
Turkeys! While turkey hunting with a friend near Troy, AL we called in several turkeys. My friend finally shot one at 20 yards. What happened next scared the #&*?%$# out of us. Two big toms had crept up to with 10 feet of us undetected (from behind). At the shot they took off, making a hellacious commotion!!! We both jumped a couple of feet in the air:eek::p:eek:


New member
Serious fear

Bad hunters!

The hunting buddy of a friend killed by a hunter with a muzzleloader - 'mistook it for a deer'. Guy who joined our hunting camp shot a moose in a clear meadow, broad daylight, less than 100yrs - thought it was an elk. Loaned an 'experienced hunter/shooter' a single shot H&R 16ga while duck hunting. We were sneaking up on some ducks on a pond in south Texas when all of a sudden the gun went off - 6 inches from my right foot. He was carrying it cocked! More that you read about every season, more hunters killed by other hunters than bears, cougars, snakes combined. More careful who I hunt with now than in my youth.
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New member
I have never seen a human being that looked like a deer, especially with his orange on. Now, I have seen some that could be mistaken for hogs.


New member
Many years ago. My parents take the family camping for a week. I met two other kids while hiking around the location my dad decided to set up camp.
My older sister, younger brother, these two other kids, a big black german shepard and myself go hiking. No particular destination, just following narrow trails.
We came up on a pond. The pond was about 100' in diameter and surrounded by trees. The dog ran over to what turned out to be a dead horse. What we saw was a horse that was partially eaten and had been dragged up to the edge of the pond. Sort of creeping us all out.

The shepard gets our attention... growling while standing at the edge of the pond and looking across it.

Suddenly this huge hairy head starts emerging from the center of the pond.
As this thing rises to waist level, the dog gets cold feet and starts back peddling and whinning. We all freaked out. Took off running down the trail we came from. If I remember correctly, I was screaming like a little girl in unison with my sister.
We are all hysterical and explain to my Dad what we saw.
He says he will go check it out later and does. Dead horse, yes....
great big hairy human-like, water drenched monster with piercing eyes... no.
I kid my sister (lives 1000 miles away) whenever we get together. She saw it,
I saw it and we have never tried to convince anyone what we believe we saw.

Flat Tire

New member
this was a hunded yards from the house-

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
I dunno as I'm afraid of anything. Sure, I'll jump away from a rattlesnake's buzz, or snatch my hand back from a scorpion, but that's just natural caution--after which I'll probably become the one who should be feared. :)

Just seeing a snake, a cougar or a pack of feral dogs doesn't make me afraid. I'll take appropriate action, as the situation demands or as my mood decides...

Aw, okay, I'll recant a little: Fear is induced by a Yankee with a U-Haul. :D:D:D


New member
Snakes, pure, plain, and simple. I understand their purpose in nature, and fine by that. But will go out of my way to leave them alone.


New member
Spiders are evil and creep me out every time. Also, jumping a pheasant or partrige in the dark is good for staining my undies every time. I was tracking a bow-shot deer in the dark this fall and jumped a partridge. I almost stepped on it. It flew straight up and hit me in the face. Got my heart going pretty good.


New member
CHIGGERS!! and ticks, had two buddy's that got the Rocky Mt spotted fever this year and I got into chiggers so bad early season I almost had a wire scraper out!!


New member
I have no phobias of anything in the natural world. My creepy crawlies are all of the social type: being seated next to strangers at a dinner party, that sort of thing. Yeah, I'm neurotic.

In the natural world? Nothing. Heights? Water? Spiders? Snakes? Open spaces? Closed spaces? Nothing. No problemo.

But there are a few that certainly make me cautious: bears and mountain lions. Carnivores that are large enough to eat me have my utmost respect. More than that? Other humans. I feel that I stand a worse chance against some idiot with a gun than against anything that Mother Nature can send.

But you know what will make me jump out of my boots every [sic] time? A ruffed or blue grouse exploding out from beneath my feet. Those little bastards should be exterminated. (And then eaten in a tasty stew, or roasted in a crust of garlic and rosemary!)
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New member
and standing outside in the fall outside yer camp at three in the morning and standing there enjoying nature and washing the tree that desperatlley needed it and about 3 million wolves start to howl around yah!that definatley creeped me out ,only took 3 days for the hair on my neck to lay down again!:eek: