What is your "fear factor"?


New member
Whenever i get spooked by whatevers going bump in the night, i will start planning how bad i'm going to mess it up if it's dumb enough to try me. I'm no badarse but the war cry it'll hear before we tangle may be enough to send it packin. Always helps to know you've got a plan. *

*this would not include alligators:eek:


Staff In Memoriam
Reb, Them lizards are one of the less *spooky* critters to me. While I am not a gator wrestler, I know I can't out run them so a side step and pounce is my only planned defense...:eek: Yeah I hear ya'll now... "Hey H-dogs, lemme know how that pounce works for ya...":rolleyes:


New member
Well i guess you gotta do something...pouncing's a heckuvalot better than fainting. Maybe.

I'm not afraid of gators to see one from a boat or even eyeing each other from a bit of a distance.....it's the thought of the "jaws" effect. Your wading in some 3 ft deep water, in a florida canal, trying to slay some peacock bass. All of the sudden you feel a bump and a 10 footer grabs your leg and starts spinning. Pouncing at that point would be hard if not impossible so at that point either dig your kershaw out of your pocket and filet the sob or faint:D

Not that you'll ever find me wading around in florida freshwater...If i ever do a guided fishing trip in florida and the guide shows up with some of them belly boats...we ain't goin!!:eek:


Staff In Memoriam
Wading in a florida canal is a dicey situation... When hog hunting it is forced on us to stay with the dogs quite often... But I do not just decide all willy nilly to wade in one!:cool: That is kind of up there with a fluffy pomeranian entering one of my otherwise dog friendly bulldog's chain circle and yappin in her face while she has a t-bone in under her face:eek:... No sir I am high up on the ladder of predators and don't intentionally step down a rung or 3:rolleyes:


New member
Snakes totally freak me out....... Almost stepped on a rattler in Wyoming so that really cranked up the snake fear factor.

A close second is spiders. My buddy found a black widow spider while turkey hunting this spring..... Hate spiders but now that black widows are hiding in open fields, it's even worse.

T. O'Heir

New member
I don't like snakes, but I'm bigger than they are so I get over the scare quickly. The bush, up here, is decidedly gentle when compared to some places. Venomous snakes are extremely rare(Massasauga rattlers are endangered and their bite doesn't kill. You'll get really sick. Just seeing one is a thrill. I think I saw a wee one, once. He was asleep streched out on a rock.), no nasty spiders(you bunch of sissies. You weigh a billion times more than any spider. Geez!) nor big cats. Yogi is smart enough to stay away from people for the most part. Stupid people moving into Yogi's back yard and not taking measures with their garbage, etc are encountering him seemingly more, but left alone, Yogi will just go about his bear life and leave you alone too.
The night is your friend if you learn to deal with it.
What does he think an owl is going to do?

Capt. Charlie

Moderator Emeritus
I'm surprised nobody's mentioned skunks. They're absolutely fearless (with good reason ;) ) and rule the night.

I was sitting in a field under a full moon one night when I heard rustling in the grass and saw a white patch moving right beside me. I froze and it walked down to my feet and proceeded to chew on my shoestrings :eek:. I discovered a whole new meaning to "cold sweat" :D. It fooled around for eternity (a whole 10-15 seconds) before deciding the smell from my feet wasn't, in fact, coming from a relative and moved on.

If you've ever received a direct blast from one of these guys, you know it's a fate worse than death :D.


Staff In Memoriam
Capt.C, You know the one time I use mommas cherokee to hunt and one of the dogs got a full face shot... It is my general way to just load the dogs as I ain't ever done any good after a dog gets sprayed. Junior wanted to hog tie the dog to the roof rack:barf::eek:


New member
before deciding the smell from my feet wasn't, in fact, coming from a relative and moved on.

A very discerning skunk! :)

I had to wait 10 minutes for one to meander across the driveway one morning. Until then, I had not liked the cat that hung out under my truck. Now I'm happy to see him 'cause that means there's no skunk under there. :)


New member
As long as I don't see a snake I'm ok. Some of the guys keep talking about seeing a ape/man like creature they call "hootie" in the woods. Haven't seen him as of yet. Probably would rather see him than a snake :eek:


New member
About the skunks... Not at all scared of them and actually kind of like the smell... but only from a distance.

Was walking in to my stand the other week by moonlight and saw something glimmer in the trail ahead. Wisely i snapped my light on and am glad i did as a skunk was digging in the trail. He paid me no attention at all as i went around but if i'd booted him in the dark i'd have had one heck of a good cover scent for a week or two!!..J.R.


+1 skunks

I got that lesson form my grandpa at a young age. when your setting out box traps for rabbits. "If you open the door and see black and white, RUN LIKE HELL!"


New member
The only thing that gets me scared is a big ole hole on the side of the trail. I never know what made the hole, if its in there, or if it is going to come out and attack me, I surely hate hole digging creatures.


New member
'There's nothing in the dark that ain't there during the day.' My Dad.

Swimming the ACE canals with big gators can be be a little daunting. Actually I hate the boredom of sitting on the side for an hour to see what pops up. If a big one shows, you have to move a ways and wait for another hour.

I also learned that the human body is not designed to be soaked for 3 days.


New member


Covey of quail-early in the morning-bursting straight up.

+1 on Quail.....:eek:

I stepped right into a covey of them walking through an opening between wood lots while I was squirrel hunting. They held till I darn near stepped on them and I about soiled myself....LOL


New member
"The Feeling"

"The Feeling" freaks me out more than anything. You guys know what I mean. You are alone in the woods, it is dark and nice and quiet. Then you get "The Feeling". Like someone or something is watching you. When you get the chills and the hair on your neck stands up. We are grown men, armed and a bit tougher than your run of the mill man. But when you get the feeling you feel like a kid again and your mind wonders. Is it a deer, possum, Bigfoot, or maybe the ghost of someone.......Ever been there?