What is your "fear factor"?


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What an Illusion

Hot Dogs what A trick. Find A big spider on the Window,place your hand behind it and have junior take the picture. Just Kidding of course. ss


Staff In Memoriam
Arachnaphobic... Lemme tell you about...

Anyone from my neck of the woods may know "Hollywood" I won't post his real name but first letter is the same as nickname... This guy got his nickname cuz even as redneck as he is, he is suave... a real man's man and a lady charmin fella to boot! But his weakness is spiders... I don't mean he gets the creeps... I mean ANY SPIDER is a "AWWW HELL NO" moment... to pick on "HOLLYWOOD" you find a spider and trap it under an upside down cup on his work surface at lunch time and when he returns he moves the cup and nearly craps his pants... EVERYONE who knows "Hollywood" knows this...
A little girl of 15 daughter of the "bossman" knew not only this but that he would want his visor down leaving work... She placed a black plastic 2 inch halloween spider ring with the ring cut off on his visor... Lucky for "Hollywood" and his Z-71, he had a bestest bud with him when they left ye' ol' sugar mine... He got her wound up to above 70 (OH YEAH I FORGOT... "Hollywood" only drives wide open throttle EVERYWHERE:eek:) and pulled down the visor... This monster lethal plastic spider lands on his lap ... As he said it "I told that spider YOU CAN HAVE THE (expletive deleted) TRUCK..." He let go of the wheel so as to use BOTH hands to open the driver's door to leap out... LUCKY for them both his buddy only had to think a few seconds... "Do I bail out too, grab "hollywood" with one hand and the wheel with the other or let "SISSYBOY" go and use 2 hands on the wheel... He chose one hand on "Hollywood" and one on the wheel and all 3 lived to share the tale and confront the little 15 year old "BOSSMAN'S" daughter about not playing deadly jokes on certain folks!:D
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An owl decided to light upon the metal railings of an elevated stand that I was in one dark, moonless November morning. I though my heart was going to pop. It stayed for a couple minutes. That's the coolest and most frighting hunting experience I've ever had.


Staff In Memoriam
My Scariest moment EVER with a "critter"

It was not out in the woods... In my back yard of a rent house was an 8X10 metal shed... It held some real nice OLD (means high quality) thin plywood the land lord told me to use or toss... well one day I go out there scheming a project and my house dog is going nuts wanting behind the upright stack. I peek down and see an old lint rat's nest... I decide I am gonna reach back behind the 4 foot high stack (no small feat for my 5'8" self) and jerk it out for "Tickie" to root in to leave me alone. Mind you this is an un lit shed with a full mid day sun behind me so i can't see real good... I pull on the lint nest and first thought was "it is stuck on the wood, DRAT, ruined sheet!" But I lift it on out and I am holding at face level, a HUGE sow possum by the fur on her back and she is right mad at me right then for waking her from her siesta! :eek: About the time she went to bite I realized I was holding a Marsupial hornets nest in one hand, I let go and she falls back behind the stack I still held off the back wall with my other hand... A few boot flavored treats for "Tickie" and I got her out of there and in the house to return with a high power air rifle to finish what I started... This possum easily weighed 15 or more pounds... I mean HUGEST I AM YET TO EVER SEE!!!!:D No soiled drawers but only cuz I was clenched up tighter than a 12 gauge shell in a 20 gauge gun...:cool:


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living in CA, Im ALWAYS afraid of Mtn Lions. NO ONE hunts them so they have almost NO reason to FEAR me and all my guns strung across my body.

It makes me nuts thinking about having at least 2 guns and a big field knife, STILL isnt enough if I get jumped. IM DEAD.

Also I surf and spearfish, and Im TERRIFIED of sharks.

Who wants to be on the bottom of the food chain? Talk about feeling like weaksauce.

On land, we are the slowest creature out there. In the ocean, we're the slowest moving creature out there. No wonder humans invented things like knives, spears, and guns!!!


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Well, I was hunting one very dry fall and sleeping on a riverbank in a very small tent. I had a bunch of coyotes chase a deer until it ran INTO the side of my tent and kicked me in the head! THAT spooked me pretty badly for a while. I haven't been right since the kick in the head-but maybe I never was.


New member
Can't really think of anything...growing up in the Bronx with the constant threat of getting jumped by two legged animals, you sort of develop a fear of nothing after a while...


New member
Still in the Bronx, but the good part. lol

Have to go thru the bad part to get to the city, tho, and the subway can be a real experience sometimes in art of survival. Buses too...you'd be amazed at the numbers of wild animals in the concrete jungle :D


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We had those Bannana Spiders in SC too. The webs are insane. I got to watch the mating ritual from a treestand. That was pretty cool.

The scaredest I've ever been was on th ground, bow hunting up on the mountain, when a bobcat lets out a scream. Couldn't tell if it was in my hollar or 3-4 over the way the echo is up there.

But I guess my opinion is when I'm in the woods with a gun, I'm the baddest creature there. Nothing to really fear.
centipedes and millipede. Just so many legs!!!!! move like a snake. The ones in the southwest are like 6 inches long and as big around as my thumb. SCARY!!!


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I don't know, but it mumbled like an old grumpy man as it circled the tent, in the woods, 12 miles from a dirt road.

Pretty much anything I can identify is fine by me. Snakes I try to ID, if I can't then I avoid them. Hoot owls are kind of interesting, I seem to be able to call them to me without trying, just by imitating the sounds.

Mystery critters, mumbling to themselves at a 10~12 foot distance, in a circle Hmmmmm. I came very close to "explaining myself" to a game warden that night.


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In my younger days, as a complete newbie to the woods, I ended up at elk camp a day before everyone else - so I am all alone in the "wild". I used to just crawl under my jeep and sleep. It was one of those windy nights with lots of unidentified noises around.

Finally had to crawl out, "mark my territory" around my jeep, and then was able to get some sleep. Not sure it protected me from anything except my over active imagination...

It made sense at the time, but now is just flat funny to remember.


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Well, i can only remeber two time i have ever been scared in the woods... These are gonna be long winded!!!:D

1) I was out shootin squirells with my girl friend (her first time out hunting) and i gave her my old mans single shot .410, well we were just walking along she was behind me and then without warning she let loose one of them shells into the brush right in front of me:eek:...needless to say i almost crapped myself. When i turned aroun to ask WHAT THE F**K!!! she just pointed and when i looked she had taken down a bobcat...A BOBCAT... that was just sittin there i didn't even see it. i just sat there like why didn't i see that. she still hasn't let me live that down...

2) A couple of friends and me went out into the Sweetgrass Hills near my home for a day out shed hunting, well after a good day of picking up horns we were walking the 2+ miles back to the truck when we decided to split up and take a couple of coulees just for kicks.. It wsa getting close to dark and i was still about half a mile out when i walked by this bush when a frickin coyote, done started to bark and yip from right behind that bush it could swear i almost grabbeb one of them stars in the sky, after that i pulled out my walther .22 lr semi auto and just unloaded into the bush.. don't know if i got him but he stopped yippin and i high tailed it out of there.

Well i guess there was one more..

I was out bear hunting north of hungry horse in the great bear wilderness and as we were hiking (it had rained that night) we finally saw sign of bear but as we looked closer it wasn't the targeted kind of bear sign it was grizzly tracks!!!:eek: and they didn't have water in them like the deer and other tracks did... I didn't have a bear tag so i had brought my AR-15 and was just acting as hunting party guard. I wanted to turn around and go up a different one and the tracks just kept going. Never did see the bear(thank god) but i never did feel safe in that area it was just one of those gut feelings.

but those three are the only time i can ever remember being scared in the woods.


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Bigfoot. I can't believe no one else has said that. One gets behind me ever time I walk out of the woods. :D

Seriously though. We had some yahoo turn some ostriches loose several years ago in our neck of the woods. One of my buddies had a close encounter with one of them alone in the woods after dark. The thing meant him no harm I'm sure but he dang near killed himself getting out of the woods.


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Even though i live at the edge of a populated city, we have our share of wildlife. On a rare snow day i was "still" hunting about 10 acres behind the house. As i finished my loop i saw something black, big and out of place at the base of a clump of bushes beside the path i was taking. I checked it out through the scope and it was a wolf.

After us watching each other for a moment the fella reversed out of the brush and began loping away from me. As i watched it move across the leafless opposing valley, it took the same path i had taken originally. It went in front of 2 of my deer cameras. I Got 35mm 5 by 7's of him to prove he was there. Black, yellow eyed, skinny and longlegged. Don't know how he got there but i think of him every now and then when walking back in from an evening stand hunt.

What really scares me more than anything is a treestand more than about 15 feet high. Heights never used to scare me but now for some reason they bother me a bit. Those 2 person ladder stands are right up my alley:)


Staff In Memoriam
Those ladder stands are the only way I will go up a tree to hunt. I am not confident with my self. I am fidgety, hyper, and most of all I could goof up and make a life changing mistake in a regular tree stand. But I do well enough on the ground...


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I will take a nap in a heartbeat and am scared i'll roll right out of that rascal if it doesnt have arms.

I admire whomever buys those tiny loc-on's and actually sits on them all day. First pi...urination of the day i'd fall.

Got invited to hunt an incredible area 2 thanksgivings ago. Wasn't expecting a hunt and was out of town. These wonderful folks soon had me fully equipped with coveralls/orange/gloves and a 94, 30-30 open sighted, that of course i'd never shot. Uh-oh....turns out it didnt matter.

I was dropped off at a trail that they said led to a clearing off a power line and i would see the oak tree stand. As stated, i found the nails in the oaks base and saw the loc-on WAY up in the tree. It looked bad. No rope to pull my gun up with. Stand 50 feet up...

I made sure the gun was unloaded(bad i know) slung it diagnal over my shoulder and started up. Sometimes it was nails, sometimes tree steps and sometimes limbs. I felt sicker the higher i went. Got to the top and there was a beautiful view of the surrounding clearing and power line. The loc on was just a sling seat and a small platform, held to the tree with a small gauge dog chain multiwrapped around it and the tree and nailed off. There was nothing to even grab to swing into the stand. I retreated.

I knew i had made a ton of noise and i gave up on the hunt. I sat at the bottom of the tree and contemplated the next two hours till dark.

I went back up. I got in the darned thing and sat. Out of breath and scared. Stayed dead centered and felt unsteady with just the wind blowing. Realized that if a 10 point came and did the chacha all the way around me, all i could do was try to hit him on my way down. I would never be able to twist to shoot. I gave up and with 100% pucker...climbed down.

Sat at the base, smoking cigarettes and feeling stupid. Saw something move across the right of way and was trying to stand up when i saw that it was the group of does that i was told crossed there every evening. I raised the gun but never even contemplated pulling the trigger or ever going up in a high stand again...J.R.