What is your favorite Rifle that you own?


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I have better quality rifles, I have more expensive rifles, but my bar-none favorite is my Remington Nylon 66 in Apache Black with chrome barrel. It eats everything, is a tack driver of sorts, and is basically indestructible unless you leave it in the trunk on a brutally hot summer day so that the stock melts.

When I was an assistant rifle camp counselor back in the Pleistocene (we used to keep some other Remingtons in case of velociraptors) the head rifle counselor had one of these. I always drooled when he took it out for his own plinking. Then one day in the 80s I was driving by a gun store that was having a sale to get rid of its stock (later found out it was a going out of business thing) and saw this pristine one sitting there being ignored in favor of the new tacticools of the day. I picked it up for $60. My son will inherit it.


New member
Can I have two favorites? I know that “two favorites” is a self-contradictory phrase but I’m torn….

My old Glenfield 60 is just pure fun to shoot. The little thing is more accurate than I am and just keeps on ticking.

My other is a Norinco SKS Paratrooper model, without a hint of a bayonet right from the box. It’s light, short, reliable, accurate and very handy. It’s almost feels like I’m handling a .22 rifle and it’s never jammed on me once in thousands of rounds. I added a $30 rear peep sight, the only modification. I have a few other rifles that cost way more but this one is the most fun and user friendly.

Consistently hitting clay pigeons on the berm behind the 100 meter targets (about 106 actual meters) is no problem at all. Everyone who’s shot it has loved it.
