What is within reach right now?


Sitting in bed, within arms reach in nightstand is my SA 1911 milspec w/ 230 grain Hornady Tap.

Mossberg pump shotgun is about 6 feet farther away, w/ 00 buck 3 inch mag shells.


New member
I am at home and the two house guns I currently use are a Glock 27 with night sights and a Glock 19. My guess is I should switch to my Glock 23 but I am not sure the 40 S&W is that much better than a 9mm. In the end, I just might be too lazy to change the gun and ammo:) Regards, Richard:D


New member
At this very moment I am sitting in a Coffee shop on a college campus with a cup of coffee on the table and a Kahr PM9 in one pocket and a spare magazine in the other.