What is within reach right now?


New member
Beretta 92FS is on the nightstand, S&W 442 is loaded there also, Kel-Tec P32 in pants pocket and the Benelli M1 90 is loaded around the corner.


New member
Glock 26, Smith Model 12, AR 15.

I live where I store my guns, so actually, all of my guns and ammo are just a few steps away.


New member
Walther PPK/s

I have a Walther PPK/s two feet away. Normally I keep two loaded guns in my home, the PPK/s in .380 and my SA GI Mil-spec 1911 in .45, except my brother in law is taking his brother in law to the range and asked to borrow the 1911. Before I used the PPK/s as my carry weapon, I carried a Taurus PT140. I am a college student, so I have a roommate who is here part of the time. He keeps a Kahr K40 on his dresser or on his hip. In addition to the guns, I also keep an extra PPK/s magazine, and 3 extra 1911 mags.

I was burglarized in this apartment several years ago, and lost about $2000 worth of stuff, in addition to the violation of personal space. Luckily, the burglars did not enter the bedrooms, and I did not wake up. Apparently either myself or the roommate left the front door unlocked. So now, in addition to being armed, I am very particular about checking locks. I do not plan on allowing it to happen again.


New member
A couple of dollars, a bowl (the smoking kind, and yes, its for tobacco), an ashtray, my coffee cup, and a steak knife I used to slice some cheese the other night.

five feet away, behind the door frame to my bedroom is the Mossy. I keep it there so that if I answer my door and its police, its not in plain sight.

I figure that if someone gets hit in the face with this little pipe of mine, or especially the heavy assed coffee cup, that will give me enough time to get the Mossy. Considering the fact that when I hear someone in the building's hallway I immediately look outside to see familiar cars, then stand in the doorway of my bedroom next to the shotgun until the noises pass, I think i'd be okay in a home invasion scenario.

To be honest, im mainly expecting The Man to come and get me some day, and thats why I act so paranoid hearing noises. Still, you never know when (and this happened to my brother last year) a drunk might wander by and try to take liberties with where he believes his place of residence is.


New member

I could put your eye out with that ya know.

I work in Chicago so my CCW expires at the Indiana border. I love working in a socialist empire.


New member
Is this at home or at work?

At work is a Kel-Tec PF9 in my front pocket.

At home is a Remington 870 within 30 feet of the living room. Next one door is a baseball bat and next to the other door is a 3-foot section of wrapped copper cable.

Upstairs my son has a 1911 clone and a Glock .40.


New member
Gee...guess I'm behind the curve. I've got the .45 I always wear on my hip, and nothing but a computer and a bunch of paper trash on the computer table. Oh wait, there's one of my teenager's dirty socks.


New member
The four "fondling" guns I mentioned in my original post have been rotated back to the safe. They have been replaced by my Ithaca Model 37, which has been torn down so I can replace a part. With any luck I'll get it back together after I eat.


New member
Righ now?

I have four stacks of paper at least 3 feet tall each. I'll just stick the BG at the bottom of one of them! Just as good as dead!