What is within reach right now?


New member
I am sitting here looking at all the stuff on my computer table and got curious about what guns you have within reach from your position at your computer right now.

On my computer table for fondling purposes I have:

Ruger GP-100 .357 Mag.
Walther PPKs .22 LR.
Armi Galesi vest-pocket semi .22 Short.
Third-series Colt Woodsman Sport .22 LR.

In my hip pocket:

Beretta Model 20 .25 ACP.


New member
My CCW a Smith and Wesson m642 in my pocket but I'm at work. At home it will stay the same unless I'm cleaning guns setting up a range visit or just fondling a gun they all stay in the safe with the exception of my CCW. I'm new to this forum but reading a lot of these posts it seems way to many people live in a constant state of fear or "ready for it to hit the fan". I've read about people carrying guns with them to the bathroom and a lot of what seems to make people call us "gun nuts". I'm all for being perpared and hedging my bets and I do live in a high crime area but life is too short to start building a bunker. I know I will get slammed with all sorts of it could happen to you replys and so forth, so to be up front I have been a victim of violent crime along with my family and still think life is to short to walk around scared all the time. Just a thought learn SD carry a CCW get good locks and a barky dog and then just let the chips fall where they may if you get complusive about it your quality of life will suffer.


New member
On me..
P229 and a Seecamp LWS32

to the right...
Colt Combat Commander

to the left.....
P220 Carry

in front.....
CZ 70

one of the above isnt loaded, you figure out which one. :)

I'm not even near my safe and there are other things on the way. :)

OH, and a 130 pound Rottie set to "stun". :D


New member
Within reach

My S&W 642 is in the computor desk drawer next to my left hand. It's my pocket carry CCW whenever I'm out and about.


New member
My CCW a Smith and Wesson m642 in my pocket but I'm at work. At home it will stay the same unless I'm cleaning guns setting up a range visit or just fondling a gun they all stay in the safe with the exception of my CCW. I'm new to this forum but reading a lot of these posts it seems way to many people live in a constant state of fear or "ready for it to hit the fan". I've read about people carrying guns with them to the bathroom and a lot of what seems to make people call us "gun nuts". I'm all for being perpared and hedging my bets and I do live in a high crime area but life is too short to start building a bunker. I know I will get slammed with all sorts of it could happen to you replys and so forth, so to be up front I have been a victim of violent crime along with my family and still think life is to short to walk around scared all the time. Just a thought learn SD carry a CCW get good locks and a barky dog and then just let the chips fall where they may if you get complusive about it your quality of life will suffer.

Harrigan, you're absolutely right, of course. There's such a thing as overdoing it.

Something to consider, though. You'll find these same types of threads on watch forums, light forums, knife forums, pen forums...basically any hobbyist forum.

I think sometimes it's less about paranoia and more about having your toys laying close about. The OP specifically mentions "for fondling purposes."

I occasionally carry a particular 1911 I'd absolutely HATE to have to give up to the authorities after a shooting, but I carry it anyway. Why? Well, for the same reason I sometimes carry a fine pen or watch. It gives me a personal sense of satisfaction. That's a hobbyist thing, not a self defense thing.
Taurus M605 2'' .357 loaded with 100 grain Cor-Bon Pow'R'Ball. It travels with me from room to room to outside to where ever. Well... not the bathroom or kitchen anyway. I like to think of it as my little 24 oz. security blanket.


New member
Right now I have 3 within 6 ft because I just got finished cleaning them after about 400 rds at the range today. They are now clean and the 2 carry guns are loaded. They are:

Kahr MK40 40 cal
Para Ordnance 12-45 45 ACP
Colt Series 70 Gold Cup 45 ACP

Took them apart and cleaned them one at a time to prevent dog from running through and mixing up parts where I could end up with:

Cara Ordnance

I am amazed at how much better I shoot the Colt. Para is 2nd and Kahr is 3rd.