What is the last gun you'd keep?


New member
My Savage Stevens Favorite .22LR. I'd keep it because it was my great grandfathers. I hear he was a great man to know. Unfortunatley he was getting a haircut one day in Nebraska and the roof of the shop caved in. This occured several years before I was born.


New member
I suppose I have to ask "What world am I walking into?"

A flintlock might be best if there is no ammo

Or did my Government tell me I could only have one gun?

It might be my Super Blackhawk witha 5 in bbl.Thats if I just had to walk away.
Or it might be my AR carbine,if scrapping was likely.

But then,if I was likely to be eating "local" my anchutz would put something on my plate (meow?)


New member
Thank you all for participating in this thread. I think the answers boil down to a few trends. Some folks think first of self defense, some think of hunting and some think of a family heirloom. I should have thought to ask people how big is their community/town/city and I think those results would have been equally revealing.:)


New member
Boy this is a tough one. Presently I choose the Marlin 336XLR. Easier to use a rifle for self defense (Just ask Quigley) than a polymer pistol for hunting. Also, a rifle allows one to defend themselves at a much farther distance as well :p


New member
Thank you all for participating in this thread. I think the answers boil down to a few trends. Some folks think first of self defense, some think of hunting and some think of a family heirloom. I should have thought to ask people how big is their community/town/city and I think those results would have been equally revealing.
now that's a thought.


New member
Hmmmm. now that's a thought.
Well yes. I would have probably thought 'pistol' if I still lived in the big city but here near a little town of just a few dozen families I think of self defense as being able to pick off a coyote in the cow pasture 200 yards across the road.


New member
Wow this really hits close to home as i just moved to texas and i had to sell most of my guns for moving money. Out of the 14 firearms i owned i ended up keeping just 2. My still almost new remmy 700 milspec and my XD45. My daughter lives here in texas and i wanted to be close to her so i moved. I miss those guns so much, but when im with my kid i dont seem to think about it


New member
That must have been hard selling those guns accordingtome, but having lived in both California and Texas, you made the right decision to relocate to the Lone Star State. You'll miss the weather on the coast no doubt, but you'll love the Texans and the gun laws in Texas more :D Enjoy your family. Sounds like you have your priorities right!


New member
I have been thinking about this post for a LONG time now..and I FINALLY came to a decission.:( I would just sell the wife, keep the guns and stay home.;) She is worth more anyway.:D


New member
Not a rifle guy; I'd probably keep my 4-inch 686+ ... I love it, shoot it very well and it would cover a lot of requirements ... excellent for self-defense, at least at home (don't plan on lugging it around concealed) ... with hot .357 rounds, it could be used to hunt in an emergency ... with .38s, cheap practice; with .38 +ps, 7 rounds to keep the bogeys away ...


New member
My choice defaults to survival and defense is secondary. I'll make do if necessary. My choice was a Remington 541-S (22 rifle). I've never had to defend myself with a firearm and I don't expect it to be necessary in my lifetime (however short it might be based on my choice). This 22 is my favorite firearm which is why I selected it. The choice stands barring a break down of society and I probably could find a suitable firearm using the 22.

When you factor in where you actually live (namely urban), then a handgun may well be the better choice since in a worst case situation, you are likely going to be carrying all the time and the handgun lends itself to that utility. I prefer revolvers, but in a "war", I'd go with my Glock 23 for durability, concealability accuracy, and power.

So, this thread boils down to a favorite firearm or disguised SHTF thread from my perspective. If you think the worst, you probably think defense rather than food or frequency of use.