Top Shot


New member
Sort of like NASCAR, the smart drivers sit in the back of the pack and let a few crashes thin out the competition.

Last year the finalists never really emerged until halfway through the series....only doing enough to keep from being eliminated and irritating other team members into a challenge that might send them home.

Great theater needs a "hero" and a "villain"......someone the viewer can cheer for and hate. Jay has emerged as the "villain". When he gets eliminated there will probably be two pages added to this thread smiling at his departure.

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I wouldn't be surprised if Jay asks to use his own bow in the next challenge. I do think his ego is going to cost him dearly at some point.

It has already cost him dearly. It clearly says that the way some (perhaps all) of the team members feel that there is the team, and there is Jay. That was obvious by Jay being chosen for the elimination round. Consider, the whole team decided to let Jermaine make the deciding shot. Then it only took one shot, and it could have been anyone's shot to put Jay in the elimination round, taking him totally off guard.

Also, consider Jay didn't beat Jermaine, Jay won under the rules. We are dealing with a small number of shots, and a target set up where the was only a small area that was "safe" to hit. One shot, just enough off to break a hostage plate was the deciding factor, under the rules. It was quite a surprise.

Jay is incredibly annoying. He is the self imposed leader of the blue team. No one else chose him for that role, and most do not like his egotistical "butt in with his opinion" nature.

I agree he is annoying (and the editing might be emphasising that), but I think he choose himself as team captain by virtue of the best shot in the very first competition. He was the only shooter to actually hit the bullseye. And the host did say two closest to the bull get to pick their teams. I do fully agree with the last part. Several of the comment interviews have pointed that out. I was irked about how Jay wanted to adjust the sights of the M1A for himself, expecting, I guess for all the other team members to remember to adjust it back. Not a good team idea. Rather arrogant, I felt.

For the kind of shoot they were going to be doing, each shooter using the same rifle, what they should have done was simply to have each shooter learn the needed kentucky windage for themselves during the practice.

But I guess its all about tactics. SO far, the teams have used the basic idea that it's better to work as a team, beat the other team, then compete individually. Doesn't look like a particular team captain is playing that way very often. But is it by design, or ignorance?
Tune in next week....:D


New member
Just caught the latest installment. I think Kyle's better than his teammates give him credit for, much like the young guy in last year's competition. Any thoughts on who has an advantage next week? Looks like a high-volume plate-breaking contest with a race gun.

Zins is still my pick, no reason to change horses at this point.
I wouldn't put Kyle in the same class as Kelly last year... but don't think he's necessarily weak either... but I would have probably voted for the two that got selected for elimination... err... might have saved the gal, & put the rebel rouser sheriffs dude ( sorry, don't remember eithers name ) in the elimination with Kyle... him having the problem with Jay in the 1st place really caused them to have "team" issues


SO far, the teams have used the basic idea that it's better to work as a team, beat the other team, then compete individually.

And the Blue team tried to whack their "captain" .... that was made pretty plain in the opening of this week's show. The Angry Man even apologized for it.


New member
I really wanted to see Jermaine win but no, they are still stuck with that Jay idiot.

If you are going to use the term "idiot" I would expect it to be aimed towards the guy that repeatedly failed to follow directions in a competition.

That said, Jay does rub me the wrong way, but it looks like he is changing his demeanor a bit.

If he would just shut up a bit, I think he would be a much more valuable team member.


New member
Yeah, I think maggie had something to offer the team,a diverse skill set, she isnt specialized in just one area, I believe theyll have brian sit out next week.


New member
I was suprised they used the bow in both challenges. I don't understand the logic in that, they haven't done that before that I remember seeing. It was clear after her performance with it in the team challenge (not knocking her shooting) that she was going to be at a disadvantage.

Next week looks like it will be interesting.


New member
worst shooters i have ever seen
Travis, Is that you?

Although I have disliked Jay's group dynamic, the "Pot Licker" can preform.
When he stalled on "The Shot" and hit his mark was quite impressive, and sent a formidable shooter home in the challenge, and scored the only Bulls Eye with the sharpe's.
Well I am not going to jump to any conclusions, but he is a shooter I am very interested in watching.

I do like the way the show has been making a more even playing field by not letting the next shooter watch the 1st and the head to head is perfect. Nothing brings out a best shot more than standing side by side in competition.
Thumbs up to the producer on that:)


New member
Other interesting thing on the show...

... or so I'm told...

... is that, at least on the episodes aired to date, none of the shooters get to fire the weapons prior to the event. IE they don't know how each weapon is sighted, so the first time they shoot it, they have to figure out Kentucky windage for their subsequent shots.

That would be pretty daunting for me.


New member
I DVR it so I can fast forward through all the bleeding heart jaw sessions. FF through those plus all the commercials and each episode lasts about a half hour. :)


New member
So far from what I've seen the golf instructor with no lessons and 1 year of experience is kicking every ones ---.

Seems like the more they brag, the worse they are. How about the shooting instructor from Homeland Security with over 20 years experience?
For some " World Champions " ......... well, I can't find the words.


New member
So far my favorite guy has been Chris. Not a professional anything, just a guy who hunts and shoots a lot. Unlike Jay, he didn't let the initial success of shooting the Sharps and picking the team go to his head. And he has been rock solid on everything they shot so far.


New member
Quite honestly, I am surprised at some of the "champion" shooters. They don't seem to be performing very well. I know there is a certain amount of stress and they are trying for speed quite frequently, but that occurs in every IPSC/IDPA/3-gun match!


New member

... I watched episode 1 with one of the competitors.

He can't talk about un-aired episodes, due to a non-disclosure agreement.

With regard to the billiard ball shooting event in episode 1, he said they DID NOT GET TO ZERO first; the first time they shot the weapon was in the event itself.

The elimination challenges have practices. The team events apparently do not.
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