Too old maybe?

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"But to argue that one should not be bothered by the use of words is not logical."

Oh for...

I don't believe anyone is saying that, Jim.

What we are saying, at least what I'm saying, is that it is somewhat (if not a lot) illogical to be offended by proxy, having first to go through the process of translating the word from its original German to English in order to generate that offense.

Seems to be a rather tortured process.


New member
Savage history

I didn't know about the history of the Savage name. I probably should have looked it up. That does make a big difference. I do think that it is important to do some extra research into a product name so that people aren't unintentionally offended. WWII is an important time in our history that should be remembered and the feelings about it respected. I am a little embarrassed that I never even gave the names a second thought. I might be too young, but Japanese and German companies don't bother me. The US spend a lot on rebuilding both nations. I almost said reconstruction, but that is a naughty word still in some parts from what I hear. Was that offensive? It can also be hard not to be offensive, and it makes a big difference to me if it is unintentional. In person it seems best just not to say anything if in doubt, but here its no holds barred. Most are not along the same lines, but some are interesting.
some of these are kindof funny.

This is totally off topic, but how did the rebuilding in Germany and Japan differ from what is going on in Iraq and Afganistan?
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