Too old maybe?

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Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
All of us kids during WW II killed lots of Japs and Nazis with our BB guns, but I don't really remember killing "Axis". That was more of a politician's word than a common-usage word.

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
"Would that be Axis, or Axises, or Axis'?"


What was more important was my skill with a double-bitted ax. :D


New member
Most people working at Savage are probably way too young to have made the connection.

Hell, I haven't hit 30 yet and I still know the history behind it. Between college, high school, and grade school, I have had probably close to a couple dozen history courses. I know that it has popped up in at least a few of them.

While it probably wasn't the best idea, I don't take any offense from it. I highly doubt that is what they were going for when choosing the name.


New member
In past, past, past lives I did a lot of machining and mechanical drawing. (Which they don't even do anymore it is called "CAD" and "CAM")

So I immediately thought of center line, etc.

Brian aka Peetza
I suspect they were going for something close to the two bolded definitions. As if to say that the product line is the standard by which others are referenced.


It was a bunch of engineer / geeks sitting around "brainstorming" and picked a name that they liked but fell flat on the general purchasing public. These types of decisions are usually left to executives long since removed from their true customers...

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New member
It was a bunch of engineer / geeks sitting around "brainstorming" and picked a name that they liked but fell flat on the general purchasing public. These types of decisions are usually left to executives long since removed from their true customers...

The majority of the time names for products are picked by the marketing department.


New member
Again, I don't see an issue. Do you own any Mausers? Would you drive a BMW, Nissan, or Volkswagon?
One of the best dogs I have ever hunted with was named Rommel. Another was named Moscow.

Frankly, I think too many people are just looking for reasons to be offended.:confused:


New member
I am not so much offended as annoyed at Savages stupidity.

Seems a lot of heads are still in Rommels sandbox.

Didn't we get into a tiff a while back called Iraq and was that not supposedly over the Axis of Evil? Wasn't that kind of recent? Didn't it have consequences?

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it",

I think its damned important that things like the real underlying causes of the Civil War, WWI, Pearl Harbor, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq 1 and even more so Iraq II be taught to the succeeding generations and that obviously is not been done.

Recently there was a huge push to attack Iran. The logic was that as long as we told them it was not an attack they would not be offended and that is truly insane. Argus all you want, but to say that is the same as Japan saying Pearl Harbor was not an attack. Sorry about the 3000 dead and all those battleships but we really did not attack you.

So, easily offended is one thing but forgetting what the serious stuff is a whole different situation. Something truly are more serious than others


New member
Axis Rifle?

Think of it as a Deer Rifle. I harvest Deer with my Deer Rifle. Some people say kill instead of harvest and that is fine.

If you find an Axis Members still breathing our air, I give you permission to turn them in for proper punishment. If they refuse to go with you peacefully and resist you by force, they by force you must resist them. I only hope you have your Axis Rifle with you.

That would be a great story to tell your grandchildren.
I guess their first test market names -- Arisaka, Schutzstaffel, Tojo, and Banzai -- were taken... :rolleyes:

Savage obvious means the line around which a body rotates when they chose it, sort of a play on "this here is going to be the center of our company."

At least that's my guess.

Some words, terms, etc., have more than one meaning, and not all of them are bad to everyone.

But, my thought is... They might have co-opted the term Axis for their little party of evil, but we beat the ever loving **** out of them and took it back lock, stock, and barrel.

In other words, we get to use Axis again, free and clear, and they get to rot in hell.

Feel better Jim?


New member
Lord a mighty, I just bought a "SAVAGE" .22 pulled it out of the box with a sticker on the stock, of what could be my great great great great Grandpappy. (I'm a 1/4 Cherokee) Not only do I really like the rifle....I'm not offended in the least ;) :rolleyes:

axis Analytic Geometry . any line used as a fixed reference in conjunction with one or more other references for determining the position of a point or of a series of points forming a curve or a surface------:D
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Peter M. Eick

New member
I would say I am not "offended" just I took note of it. Offense is something much bigger then just a casual "hmmm, I would have chosen something else".

I think axis comes from my interest in history. I have read a lot of books on the fighting in North Africa when I worked over there and it sort of ingrained in my psyche. It was interesting to read about the Axis advances across Libya and into Egypt and then to stand out there and see the marks the Tanks left in the desert pavement.


New member
I laughed when I first saw the Savage Axis because of the historical context, only wondered fleetingly if they even thought about it when they named it, then I forgot about it. I'm not offended, and doubt my father or uncles would have been either (all WWII Vets). Now had they named it the Kamikaze, or Zero, it might not be quite as good a seller.


New member
me too

Yeah, it caught my attention too.

Here's one: a local phone company uses as their "symbol" a crescent moon.

And its a mom and pop USA outfit. I've commented....they don't care.
"Now had they named it the Kamikaze, or Zero, it might not be quite as good a seller."

Didn't you hear?

We're no longer allowed to call this -- 0 -- a zero. That's offensive.

We now have to call it the naught. :p


New member
I seriously doubt it even crossed their minds. Marketing folks love the "X" and the "Z." Just look at all of the brand names drug companies use.
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