Time to boycott Stallone

Ben Towe

New member
So which popular actor is Pro-Gun?

Bruce Willis? Will Smith? how about Tom Cruise?

I believe Bruce Willis is. I've heard both ways on Kevin Costner. Robert Duvall is, I believe. Tom Selleck is. Robert Downey Jr. has indicated he leans to the right, but I've never seen him comment on guns in particular. Ice T has indicated he is pro gun. Of course, Chuck Norris is. Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie both are. Whoopi Goldberg has indicated in the past that she was, but is reported to now be supporting a new AWB. Johnny Depp is. Christian Slater is. Kurt Russell is.


New member
Jerry Mathers is very Pro-gun. Nice to know the ultimate American son (The Beaver) is truly American!
SPEMack618 said:
And Joe does good work for military families that have special needs kids. He's a good guy.

He's also the only guy on "Criminal Minds" that carries a real gun now.
I haven't watched Criminal Minds for two or three seasons, at least. If the other Fibbies don't carry real guns now, what do they carry -- phasers?


New member
I haven't watched Criminal Minds for two or three seasons, at least. If the other Fibbies don't carry real guns now, what do they carry -- phasers?

That was an attempt at a joke. Joe's character carries a Government Model, and ever since the genius traded in his Smith revovler, the rest of the team carries a Glock.


New member
Carrey mocks Heston

I just read in an article that super-tool Jim Carrey has released a new video mocking the late Charlton Heston and gun-owners. Just another reason for me not to like him.


New member
Yeah, Segal likes his guns, but doesn't like others to have them.

I'll bet there is a lot of that going on! I remember Jack Lord of Hawaii 5-0 fame. He hated guns! Nobody needs guns! On and on and on. Then he gets caught with his Browning Renaissance. OOOOPS! Smack him, Danno. :mad:


New member
^ That is basically an oxymoron for actors.

Its like saying you like driving but are against people owning cars. Owning firearms is a right, driving is just a priveledge (only stated driving for example purposes).

Or that you like food but are against people having food...


New member
If anyone thinks William Shatner is a good actor, they should see The White Cheyanne. He couldn't act back then either.

Gary Cooper was a avid gun collector.

BTW, boycott Stallone because he can't act anyway.

But Shatner is funny as hell in Boston Legal as a 2A supporting senior partner in a big Boston law firm.

Google the youtube clip of Denny Crane attempted mugging in a parking lot

Holy Fecal Matter!

"Gimme your watch & wallet sucker"

Right knee. BANG.
Left knee. BANG."

Another episode he took out a bad guy in a hostage situation with an AR-7 he kept in his office.
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New member
Hypocrisy? YES! Anyone who makes their money and fame off guns in movies, then use that notoriety and $$$ to speak out anti-2A is a hypocrite in my book.

Stallone wouldn't be in a position to make his anti-gun statements to the masses if it weren't for movies like Rambo & such. Well, he could make the statements, but nobody would know who he was or care what he said.

If Stallone is has such strong anti-2A sentiments, he should start making movies that don't involve guns. Where he's sensitive, romantic, and maybe sings. Oh wait, he did that already with Dolly Parton in "Rhinestone". And we know how great THAT movie was. :eek:


His last movie was called "Bullet to the Head" The hypocrisy exhibited is beyond ridiculous but is quite typical of Hollywood lately.


New member
I'm surprised nobody's mentioned Joe Mantegna yet.
Joe's the reason I watch Criminal Minds. He's great on MidwayUSA's Gun Stories, on Outdoor channel.
Rumor has it that when "Bluebloods" is done Sellecks running for Pres. of the NRA.
'Bout time. Been suggesting that for years.