Time to boycott Stallone


New member

I don't think Spielberg feels the hunters from Mossad were the moral equivalent of the hijackers; I think his point was that for the hunters, themselves, some part of their humanity had to be sacrificed to the mission.

Hunting and killing people, even for a righteous cause, should lead to some introspection - except for fanatics, or those lacking a conscience.


New member
According to the weekend box office it looks like almost everyone ignored Stallone's latest movie, "Bullet to the head", which may be a good prescription for his acting career. Stop already.

What is irritating about actors such as Stallone mouthing off about making guns illegal is that they made a fine bunch of money using guns as a primary prop in their movies and the majority of their movie ticket customers were likely gun owners or sons of gun owners.

So it is not just an actor that has disagreeable politics, it is actors thumbing their noses at the people who made them wealthy. Like a NASCAR racer who would pontificate that gas guzzlers ought to be banned. Yeah, should not expect that to go over well with the fan base.


New member
Don't disagree w boycotting Stallone, but if you are going to boycott every actor/actress who is either Anti gun or a hypocrite, you wont be watching much of anything new. Stick to Tom selleck, chuck Norris, Steven seagal, charleston Heston, brad Pitt, eastwood, willis and James garner movies. Only a couple of these still making movies.

Actually, 1stmar, that isn't a bad choice. Now movies lean heavily on CGI and shock value and not so much on good writing acting and cinematography. This is especially true of the classic age of hollywood.

Actors back then had flaws and scandals but not like now. Today's 'stars' are so pathetically dysfunctional I wouldn't let any of them in the house.

Simply put, I refuse to undergo the annoyance of trying to derive entertainment from the filmed ego trips of elitists who don't think we peasants deserve rights.


New member
Buddy HAcket was a gun person of the highest kind. I still love the movies he was in.

Stallone is a weinie boy, pumped up steroid abuser, not anything like a true hero type like John Wayne was. These pumped up "heros" make me want to puke, give me a Hoss Cartwright, now he was a man to watch. (My physical similarities to Hoss were not in any way judgemental in this posting) :)


New member
John Wayne had admirable traits, but he was 4F in real life, and would have been the first to say he was a hero only because the writers made him one. (In fact, he did say that on at least one occasion.)

Lee Marvin, wounded as a Marine in the island campaigns, was arguably more heroic, but I doubt he was terribly pro-gun. His view on movie violence was that it should be ugly, not sugar-coated, so as to make people think it was something to be avoided.

I don't know that Michael Caine is pro-gun, but he is a Korean War veteran.

Heroic types may not be pro-gun, and pro-gun types are not necessarily heroic.
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LOL, John Wayne was no more of a hero anymore than William Shatner. So for real hero accomplishments, John Wayne, Sylvester Stallone, and William Shatner are pretty equal, LOL, right up there with Mighty Mouse and Inspecter Gadget.

None were real life heroes, just fake ones.
John Wayne was no more of a hero anymore than William Shatner.
You take that back right now! William Shatner is an American (well, Canadian) icon, and a musical genius to boot.


I'm surprised nobody's mentioned Joe Mantegna yet. He's not a Hollywood action hero type, but plenty of folks see him on the TV dramas, and he's one of us.
If anyone thinks William Shatner is a good actor, they should see The White Cheyanne. He couldn't act back then either.

Gary Cooper was a avid gun collector.

BTW, boycott Stallone because he can't act anyway.


New member
So any other politically correct strictures? Are there pro and anti margarines?

Well you don't have to look far because the NRA has an enemies list. A one stop shop for your boycott needs.


I for one plan to boycott Mary Lou Retton, who's with me?

That list is huge.... they should put a hypocrite flag on those who do differently then what they preach. While they are at it... maybe make a friends list.

Mary Lou will not get another penny from me.... can't very well boycott Sarah Lee, too darn delicious....


It's a terrible world for someone like me. I found out Jamie Foxx is anti-gun a week after watching Collateral.


New member
Gunnut17, I wouldn't call Foxx hypocritical based on Collateral. The Tom Cruise character, Vincent, is the professional gunman in that movie - but he's a hit man. The Foxx character only picks up a gun as an absolute last result, after several tries to run away.

In other words, it isn't what I would necessarily call a pro-gun movie, nor a pro-gun role, even though Michael Mann's movies in general feature pretty impressive gun handling.

Edit: On the other hand, I'd say it would be fair to call Foxx a hypocrite based on Django Unchained.
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New member
Tom Servo said:
I'm surprised nobody's mentioned Joe Mantegna yet. He's not a Hollywood action hero type, but plenty of folks see him on the TV dramas, and he's one of us.

And Joe does good work for military families that have special needs kids. He's a good guy.

He's also the only guy on "Criminal Minds" that carries a real gun now.