Time to boycott Stallone


New member
Might be old news to everyone but it's new to me.
Stallone has announced that he supports a new weapons ban. I was unaware, but apparently he supported the '94 ban as well. Rambo, say it ain't so.

Since Stallone has obviously turned his back on the rights of Americans, I feel it's only right we turn our backs on him.

How hypocritical is it that he made his money from using firearms in his movies but doesn't think people should be allowed to own firearms?

Anyone hear of other celebrities pulling this stunt?

At least we still have Chuck Norris on our side. With Chuck, all things are possible.


New member
Tom Selleck is also a pro-gunner. From what I have heard from people that have met him ,he's very nice and a heck of a shot!

sent from my S III using TapaTalk


New member
He means that Tom Selleck is outspokenly pro-gun. (Edit: search for his debate with Rosie O'Donnell; he did a great job keeping his cool.)


New member
Sly is against guns in general..... Well, he is against you and i having guns. He applied, and i would guess, was granted his CCW license in Los Angles.

He is just another Hollywood hypocrite in a town full of them.


New member
Stallone has stated many times that his ideal gun laws include banning EVERYTHING - starting with handguns and "assault weapons".


New member
Don't disagree w boycotting Stallone, but if you are going to boycott every actor/actress who is either Anti gun or a hypocrite, you wont be watching much of anything new. Stick to Tom selleck, chuck Norris, Steven seagal, charleston Heston, brad Pitt, eastwood, willis and James garner movies. Only a couple of these still making movies.
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New member
Rick Schroeder is also very pro gun AFAIK.

If he isn't, please don't tell me...

I just watched The Lost Battalion - OMG what a fabulous movie...


New member
People are surprised that some Hollywood nitwit is a lefty? Seriously? Just because he used guns in some movie? Do you not realize that they are ACTORS, and their screen persona has nothing to do with the way they are in real life? Do you really think Rambo is an actual person, and he's out there in the world, looking out for your interests? I'm mystified by the whole celebrity worship thing.

Although I must admit that when an actor is more obnoxiously over-the-top left wing than his colleagues, it does seem to decrease my enjoyment of seeing them in a movie.

Crap... I just took the family to see his new flick this weekend.

Don't feel too bad. Stallone wasn't the only anti in that movie. In fact, a lot of the actors appearing with Norris, Selleck, etc. are also anti-gunners. Chances are that you can't see one without seeing the other. If you boycott movies starring anti-gun people, then you boycott movies in which pro-gun people are also making a living. If you see a movie to support progun folks, know that you are supporting anti-gun folks as well.


New member
Unless an actor, or director or whatever is actively against the 2ns Amendment I don't take it into account when choosing to go to a movie. After all, I am enjoying their work, which has nothing to do with their attitude toward firearms. When they cross the line, i.e., using their celebrity status to push an anti-gun agenda or an un-American agenda (in my viewpoint) then I take this into account before plunking down my cash to see them acting. Jane Fonda comes to mind, and Steven Speilberg (watch E.T., not the original, but the revised film that came out on the 25th anniversary of the original. The government agents pursuing E.T. through the woods no longer are carrying guns, but have been digitally changed to be carrying radios). Speaking of Spielberg; although he is a great movie maker, his politics offend me so much I cannot go to see his movies. For example, his highly acclaimed film "Munich" implies that the Muslin terrorists who murdered the Israeli athletes at the Olympics in 1972 and the Israeli agents who tracked them down and killed them were really no different from a moral point of view. Anyone who can't see the difference between terrorists and those who fight back against them is not someone that I want to spend my money supporting.


New member
I cant name the last movie i went and saw much less the one tom selleck was in. Have to say im real dissapointed in stallone i grew up on rambo and cobra as well as kickboxer and such. I just wish these wealthy actors living in exclusive enclaves with their big houses and lavish amenities could have the sight to know the reality that people less fortunate than them often live in. Is he really so blind that he cannot see the gun violence that happens right in LA. Though they have the most restrictive laws gang members drive around with full auto uzis and AKs how does he not see this? I dont know exactly where stallone lives nor do i care but it seems to me that his environment has pickled his brain somehow.


New member
Wow! Really?

Your comment is in no way helpful of constructive.

Last time I checked, this was an open, gun related, forum. Which means I am allowed to discuss, with in reason, anything I want to, provided it is related to firearms.

You don't like my topic, then read a different thread.

For everyone else, I too am aware that the characters that actors portray in no way has to be a reflection of their true beliefs. However, it does send a certain message that I find to be hypoctical. It also annoys me when people use celebrities to push their message. Why does anyone care what a celebrity has to say? If you think about it, they are paid to pretend to be something they are not. Which means they are paid liars,(very similar to politicians).

Anyways, I never really cared about what actors thought or had to say but did find this interesting because of how much he used firearms in his movies. I just thought it was dirty for an actor to make millions off of firearms for decades, only to find out he doesn't think anyone should be allowed to have them.

I will admit I am niave to all this but that's because I don't follow celebrities or celebrity news. I just happened to see this article when I was searching for info on the proposed 2013 AWB. I started to wonder how many other celebrities were doing the same thing.