Time for a Glock redesign?


New member
I hate to say it but I think Glock is way overdue for a redesign of their guns. I love Glocks as much as anyone but there are so many new ideas and features available in other new semiautos and Glock has remained almost the same as the day the first one fell out of the mold. In 20+ years on top of the market they have given us finger grooves and light rails, BFD. The new SF redesign of their large frame models are a bare minimum offering at best. They don't even bother to develope the obvious products that everyone wants like a longslide 10mm and .45 or a simple carbine or shotgun. Seems like the deepest pockets in the firearms industry can't do any more than trim a few mm off the .45ACP or slim down their two decade old design to a single stack. It's enough to make me wish for the new guns like the XDm and H&K 45to take a big enough chunk of Glocks market away to get them to offer something new for a change.


New member
I hate to say it but I think Glock is way overdue for a redesign of their guns.

Why?....they work great the way they are now. And no I'm not really into Glocks (although I do own 2 G19's). The only thing I wish they would do is redo the grip. One of my G19's is at BTC getting a grip reduction/stipple job right now and I won't see it for about 4 months. :(
I agree that they are fine the way they are and that other guns are available with the newer features.

I would not mind seeing Glock add some models to their line that incorporate new technologies, but not if it meant they would not still be available just the way they are now. :)

Moe Howard

New member
Glock can't possibly get much more than a polite yawn at the shot show every year. I have always wanted to like Glock and have been waiting for them to come up with something other than, same design different caliber or size. A new design with a different grip angle and iron sights and mill the slide with a little character would be at least be a start. Glock isn't going anywhere anytime soon but they need to make some more innovative designs if they want to stay on top. They are kind of a one trick pony,,,,,,lucky for them is was a pretty good trick:p.

Rich Miranda

New member
So long as they're selling, they won't change them dramatically.

Remember the junk Detroit was putting out through the 1980s? The K car? Give me a break. When Americans had no (or very few real) options other than the Big Three it didn't matter. Cars were selling.

Once Honda, Toyota, and others started eating into their sales, they changed. As a result of owning a 1988 Ford Taurus, I SWORE I'd never own another Ford. But guess what I own now?

Glock fills a niche and people buy them. Another thing I notice is that people who like Glocks tend to have several or many.

As for a carbine or rifle, you have to be careful what you wish for. What if they produced it and it sucked and/or failed to sell? The Glock 'Perfection' reputation and tagline would be soiled. Not a good thing.

When you make one thing and do it well, sometimes it's best just leave it alone.


It's enough to make me wish for the new guns like the XDm and H&K 45to take a big enough chunk of Glocks market away to get them to offer something new for a change.

Have you shot a S&W M&P? They impress me far more so than the Glock design, which is getting pretty long in the tooth now.

Besides, M&P's are made right here in the USA. It is better to have new sales go to a truly American company, don't you agree??

I put so much money into customizing my Glock, though, that I doubt I will ever stop relying on it for my home protection gun. But I cannot see myself buying another one.

Heck, my son just purchased a M&P full size 17 shot 9mm from Bud's Gun Shop for $440



New member
I don't think they could "redesign" it. It's a fantastic, proven design. The best they could do it what auto manufacturers do every few years - "rearrange the chrome" - cosmetic changes designed to merely put the previous model out of date.
If its not broken dont fix it.

And as for "long in the tooth", 20 years is hardly that when you look at how long the 1911 has been around. Other than introducing new models there is little need to make major changes to a design that works reliably and virtually dominates the polymer pistol world.

Moe Howard

New member
I don't think they could "redesign" it. It's a fantastic, proven design.

Your right they don't really need to "redesign" their current guns, but it would be nice to see something completely new.

vox rationis

New member
Actually there will be a Generation 4 coming out...it will be just like a Generation 3, but it will have an additional finger groove.
I would like to see Glock offer a model with a grip safety and manual thumb safety. I think they should continue to offer the Glock as is also.



It is not Gaston's fault he invented the almost perfect pistol design in his first attempt. He didn't have to experiment like some other companies to get it right. Therefore, there's nothing to change. Glockers stick with the product for a reason. It's like a toilet. No matter how many different designs of it there are, it serves one purpose; to get rid of waste. The Glock has one purpose; to fire bullets, and it does it at an extremely high level. Any problem with Glocks came from the UPS and Fedex drivers when they were delivering the individual parts. They just toss the boxes around and probably damaged one of the inner parts. A fully assembled Glock without an undamaged part does not malfunction. :D


New member
Well someone told me thats theres a new gen about every 10 years so based on that quota its time for some new stuff.

The biggest things I would like to see:

-compact 45ACP*
-compact 10mm Auto*
-guns in 7.62x25mm (tokarov) I think it would be very cool to see :D

*seriously come on if you can make a 45GAP compact with only 8 rounds or whatever bs it is you can make one with the 45ACP, same for the 40sw and 10auto!

Moe Howard

New member

It is not Gaston's fault he invented the almost perfect pistol design in his first attempt. He didn't have to experiment like some other companies to get it right. Therefore, there's nothing to change. Glockers stick with the product for a reason. It's like a toilet. No matter how many different designs of it there are, it serves one purpose; to get rid of waste. The Glock has one purpose; to fire bullets, and it does it at an extremely high level. Any problem with Glocks came from the UPS and Fedex drivers when they were delivering the individual parts. They just toss the boxes around and probably damaged one of the inner parts. A fully assembled Glock without an undamaged part does not malfunction.

Tisk Tisk.....Just about the time I think your becoming reasonable you once again leave the table of rational debate. :D

Dust Monkey

New member
I predict with the way the XD and the SW M&P are doing, within a year you will see Glocks with interchangeable backstraps. Just my opinion. I like glocks, own 2, but the grip feels like a 2x4. If S&W or XD came out with a 10mm, I would sell my glocks......


It is not Gaston's fault he invented the almost perfect pistol design in his first attempt.
So long as they're selling, they won't change them dramatically.
These two statements taken together form a complete answer to the question.

The company's perception is that their pistols, just as they are, are quite suitable for the intended use and quite attractive to consumers and their customers are reinforcing that perception by buying huge quantities of them.

There have been some little changes here and there, but until they see their market share starting to slip (or believe that there's a good chance it will) there's not a lot of incentive for them to fix what ain't broke, so to speak.