Thoughts on a new semiauto shotgun


New member
Finally decided on the Browning Maxus. I was going to go to my "local shop" to buy it. I say local as it is the shop I have been going to for years up in PA where I grew up. French Creek Outfitters in Pheonixville, PA. Anyway I was looking at prices and figured as long as they were close, with in $100 I would just support them instead of the big box stores. Turns out they are $140 cheaper than Bass Pro Shops on it. Called and had them hold it for me. Headed to get it in 2 weeks. Thanks again for all the info.


New member
I'd take a look at the Winchester X2 and X3's. FN owns the firearms division of Winchester and the X series is a really good automatic shotgun. I have an FN SLP (same action as the Winchester) and it spits everything from 1 ounce loads to buckshot and slugs. I've even tried mixing the loads from light to heavy through slugs and it never even hiccups.


New member

Thanks. I already put $100 down on the Maxus. I like the feature they have, flip a little lever and you can eject the shell in the chamber without chambering another one from the tube. Alows you to drop in something bigger for when that goose flies over the duck spread. I really like the feel and wight of it too. Breaks down real quick also.


New member
Your decision has been quite an adventure. Please give us a report on the Maxus after you've had a chance to get well acquainted.


New member
Zippy.....yeah it has. The GF got a nice ring. I decided on the shotgun instead of a nice watch. What good would a watch do me. Then she would expect me to know what time it is and be home from hunting on time.