Tall Tale Time-Your Most incredible Shot...Ever


New member
My buddy and I were hunting woodchucks and one poked his head out at 200 yards, but I couldn't see him from any position except offhand. I raised the Rem 700, .22-250 with Balvar 2-8x and tried to get the crosshairs to settle, and finally they were in perfect alignment when the shot went off. That was one of my more memorable shots, nailing the critter squarely in the head.



New member
Best shot - But at a tin can

We went dove hunting with a friend from work. He was an excellent shot w/his Citori and competed at skeet. He was not a pistol shooter though. I had brought my newly aquired Colt Series 70 Gold Cup 45 and he wanted to try it. I handed him a full 7 shot magazine and the open gun. 7 shots later the tin can he was trying to hit remained, unmolested. He didn't understand the correct sight picture and fired all 7 rounds over the top of the can. The can was no more then 15' in front of him. Frustrated, he handed the now open pistol back to me. I had a magazine with the last 2 rounds I had avaiable at the moment. In one swift movement, I inserted the magazine, released the slide, pointed and pulled the trigger twice. The can jumped up on the first shot and was pushed down with the second shot. All in about a second. "That's how it is done" is all I said and packed the gun away.

The truth is that I had never practiced point shooting, never pulled off 2 shot in that short of a time before (or after), did not expect to hit the can even once, and could try a thousand time to repeat it without success. To this day Mark thinks I am a combat shooting expert. That was more then 20 years ago and I have never seen the need to tell him different.

EDIT: Remembered that this is in the Rifle section....DOH. Still the best shot I ever pulled off.
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