Tall Tale Time-Your Most incredible Shot...Ever


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We had taken a friend of my Wifes with us to shoot pistols, she seen my 375 H&H and said "I want to shoot the big gun" I just had a new scope mounted and it had only been bore sighted. We were about 100 yards away, I explained to her it was going to kick, and told her to aim at the target, she aimed, shot, and started yelling "I hit it!!!!" thats when i realized that she shot at my spinning pistol target and not the paper target, I knew that she hit it because it was spinning faster than i had ever seen it spin before and it now had a hole right in the dead center of it.


New member
He'd found an exact duplicate at a local gunshop for the unbelievable price of $325. After Christmas dinner we were out in the garage plotting on how to get away from the women folk for an afternoon of shooting, when I made another attempt at that long lost .44. In reply, he pulled out the new one, and said, "Merry Christmas Dad". I thanked him and offered to ttake the older one, in not quite as good condition and he said, "nope, you take that one, I'll just hold on to the original."

Merry Christmas to all, Rodfac

That made my day - great story!!!!

Tim R

New member
Back in the 80's a friend of mine and reloading mentor had built a Silhouette rifle out of a Rem 600 action and put on a rather large fluted barrel with a home made fiberglass stock. With a scope mounted it looked like some sorta space gun.

Rick and I were newbie High Power shooters and we got the B.S.'ing with my mentor friend about shooting off hand.

We ended up out at the range and set up a couple of Rams at 500 meters. Rick went first and fired off 3 or 4 rounds at a ram off hand not hittting a single Ram. It was then my turn. I mounted the rifle and found it was very hard to hold still. The ram was huge in the scope! I pulled the trigger as just before the cross hairs went past the ram and somehow knocked it down first shot.

I was challenged to do it again and I said NOPE. I still can't shoot off hand all that great but I am better at it with open sights at 200 yards.

I shot pistol silhouette for awhile and had great fun at it but this was only because my mentor loned me at first a 7 TCU and then later and my favorite a 45 Win Mag. TC.


New member
These stories are fun.

One poster said he nailed his very first clay pigeon at 7 and his dad was gassed. I know the feeling except my son was 9.

I hit two clays with one shot. Total fluke but I will take it. I was tickled.

I managed to put holes in both metal hangers with a 7.62x39 at a range. Not shooting skill but impressed the round had no problem going through probably 1/8 inch steel brackets.


New member
50 yards, Remington Matchmaster with Unertl scope.

Fly landed on corner of paper target up at the Pax shooting range in West Virginia.

Dumb thing is that with the gun, I knew I'd get him. Hole in paper, half the fly left on the target.

Runner up would be with the Parker compound bow. First shot, 3D target at 85 yards (just for fun, never would take a live shot past 30 yards).


New member
Friends were shooting all their pistols at a can floating in the pond

about 100ft out... splashes everywhere (yes, I know about water...but nothing within a mile of the other side and I've yet to see a bullet bounce back at you off water)... they never hit it. I was just watching.... they finally gave up and a buddy asked if I'd give it a try. Pulled my colt trooper out and didn't even aim...just fired. Hit the damn thing, dead. I was more shocked than they were.

News Shooter

New member
Ten years or so ago I was doing Cowboy Action shooting down in Austin. One of the stages offered a bonus for a hip shot at a steel target at fifty yards with a .45 Ruger

I was the only one who hit it. Pure accident of course as I was unable to hit most of the ten yard targets


New member
about 100ft out... splashes everywhere (yes, I know about water...but nothing within a mile of the other side and I've yet to see a bullet bounce back at you off water)... they never hit it. I was just watching.... they finally gave up and a buddy asked if I'd give it a try. Pulled my colt trooper out and didn't even aim...just fired. Hit the damn thing, dead. I was more shocked than they were.

What did you hit? The water?:D

chris in va

New member
Probably the first time I hit Tannerite. Set a bottle out at 75 yards because...well, wasn't sure what it would do exactly. Took aim with the SKS and :eek:.:D

Not that it was a particularly accurate shot, just wasn't expecting to hit it the first time.

Or maybe it was the time I visited my uncle in Arkansas at the age of 10. He handed me a scoped 44 magnum lever action, and of course I didn't know about it kicking. He threw a large stick in his pond about 50 yards out, I hit it dead center first shot, crap was raining down for a few seconds and I nearly put my eye out...
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New member
I made a snap shot on a tree rat at about 40 yards once while it was scrambling up and around the trunk of a large oak tree - with an iron sighted Marlin 60. That's a shot I'll never make again.


New member
I don't have the pic to prove it but I do have a few witnesses. Last year while bird hunting at a preserve here in Pa I had a chance to shoot a Chukar(I think thats how to spell it?). The dogs were on point and when they jumped the bird he flew directly away from me, pretty easy shot right? Well I missed!! But we did see the bird fly to the edge of the field. My two buddies and I agreed that I needed to redeem myself so we took the dogs up to where we thought the bird was. When we got in the general vicinity one of the dogs locked up on point. The dogs jumped the bird and I took my redeeming shot at about 30 yards. I saw what I thought was the wad fly past the bird when my buddy shouted out, "What choke do you have in that gun? You just shot that bird's head clean off!!" The dogs found the body and I recovered the head. I did have a pic on my cell phone but I've since lost it. Thats my best shot.

UPDATE: I found a photo. Beware, photo is of beheaded bird and my cheesy smile. No comments on the ugly guy(me) in the photo.


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Shawn Dodson

When I was about 14, on a bet, I shot a clay pidgeon out of the air with a Ruger Single Six, 5-inch bbl, .22 revolver at the city shooting range. One shot, one solid hit.

I can still hear shooters on the line muttering to themselves, "I don't believe it," as they shook their heads in disbelief.

I was challenged to do it again. I declined, knowing it was more a matter of luck than skill.


New member
Three I can think of. Field endeavors.

Toting a 10/22 one day my dog jumped a rabbit--and didn't know it. As the rabbit sped across in front of me, I haphazardly threw the rifle up and popped a cap with no actual expectation of hitting the bunny at full gallop...to my amazement the bunny flopped stone dead as the round caught him square in the noggin. Who needs a scatter blaster?

Visiting a buddy one day we noticed he had a water jug on a post up the hill 'bout 300 yards out. He had been shooting at it. He said see if you can hit it. I said "hell, I'm not walking up there to put up another jug" and he said "You HIT it and I'll go up there!". So I plopped down and held on the top and tickled the trigger and pop goes the bottle. No biggie with my gun and ammo. Then he comes back down the hill and says "See if my rifle will hit it." And hands me his 742 (I earned my disdain for them, thank you) with questionable scope and mounts and unknown ammo. So while I really had zero confidence in the rig, I took the challenge. From prone in the driveway, probably taking three breaths to work my way through the creep of that wonder-if-it'll-ever-break-creepy trigger and marginal optics--finally BOOM-splash! WHOOT!

Then, at fish camp one year, was plinking cross the river at rocks and turtles and such. Fishing partner says don't you shoot my lines. There were a few limblines dangling on the far side. So naturally that became the challenge. And a couple of shots later we were short one limb line. I was shooting a Ruger Single Six with 4-5/8 bbl in .22LR. Once again-I surprised me.:D


New member
Lots of good stories about the "one in a million" shot. I have a few myself:

* I was out hunting jackrabbits with a friend when a flock of crows flew over. I pulled up in front of one bird and fired and knocked whatever it was carrying out of its beak. My friend was amazed.

* Out pig hunting one day with a friend, when I hear him yell that the pigs are running up the hill opposite. I ran to the end of the finger ridge I was on, saw the pigs, flopped down prone, found a pig in the scope and fired. Hit it right through the shoulders.

* Out with my dad hunting squirrels (I didn't have a gun), and we chased a squirrel up a little sapling about as big around as my thumb. So there he is waving around in the breeze about 50 ft overhead, bouncing about 2-3 ft back and forth. My dad hands me his rifle and says to take a shot. I fired once and missed. Second shot I nailed him.

The list goes on and on. Most of us will have several of those OMG shots in our lifetimes. Just make sure you have witnesses to the ones you're bragging about in case you need them.


New member
A few years back I bought a new RWS Diana mod 52 air rifle and was in my neighbor's back yard showing it off. I was bragging about the power and accuracy and pointed it at a Mockingbird sitting on a wire 150yrds away and fired. POP.......the bird fell dead. This was with open sights and the first time I ever fired it. I felt bad about killing a Mockingbird but I didn't think I'd actually hit it.


New member
OK, I'll play.

About 2 years ago, I went shooting with a friend at his range. The outdoor rimfire range was 25 yards, and lined with 1/4"-thick steel "L"s set up along a long rail. After we shot them off, I noticed one still stood, but had been hit so it presented only it's 1/4" face to us. I suggested we try to pop it as well. He just kinda rolled his eyes and snorted, not wanting to waste his time. So, with his pistol, I took a single shot, standing 2-handed, open sights, and PING - off it went.


New member
This wasn't me but instead was my father. He was a B24 bomber pilot during WWII and was stationed up in Goosebay, Labrador. He and a couple of other pilot buddies decided to build a boat so they could go fishing out on a lake. They were out on the lake drinking beer and fishing and one of the guys downed his last swallow and heaved the can as far as he could. This was in the days when cans were still made out of steel and had some heft to them. My father, seeing this, threw down his rod, unsnapped his Colt .45 holster, drew and racked the slide and fired one-handed at the can, which by this time was just a couple feet off the water. The round popped that can and sent it flying farther down the lake, and my father calmly removed the mag, cleared the Colt, reholstered it and picked up his rod and never, ever fired that pistol in front of them again.



Staff In Memoriam
My 16 year old daughter had recently finally begun shooting the .22 rifle. She quickly tired of shooting paper and had gotten permission to shoot rabbits for the bulldogs and ringneck doves for the snake to eat. One day she sees what I refer to as TEE-TEE birds in a little water oak tree. Now these birds are much smaller than a sparrow and make a sound similar to TEEE TEEE... Well she asked if she could shoot one. I said I don't know CAN YOU? That is a mighty small target for 30 yards... I told her she had better head shoot it :rolleyes: yeah right that head is about 1/2X5/8ths inch... or she would waste all usable snake food.
She levels the scope on it and waits for it to sit still...
POP... down it fell WITH NO HEAD!!! I jokingly tell her she has to find the head too... I thought this was a vapor head but she walks back and in her little palm is a perfectly clean NO BLOOD birdy head. She had put the pill right thru the neck!:eek: Nothin' like a ruthless little girl fixin' to fly the coop! Them naughty boyz better behave!:D


New member
Me and a couple buddies decided one day to spend the day blasting bunnies out on the desert. Now keep in mind the night before involved a lot of alcohol and someone urinating in my fridge :rolleyes: (not me if you were wondering) So we were not in the best of shape when we set out about 1 in the afternoon. Me and one of my buds had Semiauto .22's and my other friend carried a 12ga

We were all tied up with 4 apiece when another rabbit tore out of the brush about 25 yards in font of us. We all opened up on it and never touched it when it reached about 150 yards it stoped to watch us. So jokingly I say to my friend with the other .22 bet you can't hit it so he pulls up and fires after some careful aim and missed. This caused a laugh from me so he kinda pissy says to me to try. By this time the Rabbit had decided He better move along Cuz these crazy hooligans were still takin pot shots at him. We spotted him again though running from some bushes So I shouldered my rifle and fired off a quick controlled pair of shots. One shot missed but the other nailed the rabbit hard and by the time he stopped rolling he didn't even so much as twitch.

Now I must also say that Me and my other friend with the .22 are both Army and My other bud is a Marine Infantryman. So we all know are pace count and paced off from were we were standing to the rabbit and all got 200yards (+/- 3yards)

Pretty darn good for free standing with a .22 at 200 I thought:cool: