Tall Tale Time-Your Most incredible Shot...Ever


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Yesterday I took my first ever shot at 300 yds, with a .243. We had just sighted it and my buddies .270wsm in at 100 yds. The wind was blowing about 15 mph gusting to 20, quartering from behind us and it was kind of spitting snow, about 30 degrees. First shot put the bullet 1/2" up and right of bullseye. :D I was pretty proud of it. He was like......dude.....that's awesome!


New member
I nailed a magpie with my .270 Ruger M77 a couple years ago at about 200 yards. 130 grain Speer BTSP with a full house load of IMR 4831.

One shot on a coyote about 70 yards away in high gear bobbing and weaving like mad and i got it right in the keister from behind.

My worst shot on the other hand was trying to finish a buddies deer for him, I was trying to put one in the neck and the deer jerked and i ended up shooting the shoulders at about 15 yards after he had shot the arse out of it so there wasnt much meat on that one haha.


New member
I've posted this before but here goes. My best shot was with a bow, but since people are posting their pistol stories here............
I had just put a new bubble-sight pin on my Hoyt Pro-Vantage and was sighting it in. Let loose only a couple shots and on the third fired a perfect bullseye! Eureka, I was so proud and my brother was naturally pooh-poohing it with "Aah, beginner's luck" and I told him to pay attention as my next one was going right next to it. He responded in jeers, and I fired my next shot. The dull thwot sound I expected was replaced by a snap-thwoing sound and I couldn't see my arrow. We looked for a few minutes until I walked down the line so I could see it at an angle. It was my one an only arrow shot into another arrow. 2 bullseyes at the exact same location! The range was going to display it on their wall like they had for so many others, but I elected to keep it. The trophy cost me 2 XX75s, but it hangs above me as I type this.

phil mcwilliam

New member
Feral goat at 918 yards(840 meters measured with gps). 2 shots- first one a sighter, second one a chest shot. Had a mate that sighted for me & he wished he wasn't there as he has to witness every time I tell the story. I wouldn't have taken the shot at a deer, but we were culling feral goats. Rifle was a 308 Sako with 3-9 x 40 Leupold firing 150 grain projectiles sighted in 2 inches high at 100 yards. I had to aim about 1 & half telegraph poles high.
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New member
Alloy - like others here I think THAT request might have bothered me a little bit. I think I might have answered - making it TOTALLY CLEAR that my answer was DRIPPING with respect - "Certainly Officer, but may I ask WHY you want my DL number? And may I inquire about the legal grounds of your request?... At that point I would have given them ANY and ALL information they wanted, reiterating over & over again that I am a perfectly LEGAL and LAW ABIDING citizen just out for an afternoon of shooting fun. (sorry to be "second-guessing" you - that kind of stuff just rankles me a little bit I guess.)



New member
"...that kind of stuff just rankles me a little bit I guess.)"

It should rankle you. And having any kind of discourse with any law enforcement or peace officer should not require the honest citizen to bow and scrape so that he doesn't fail (what some of us in le dubbed) the "attitude test". The American citizen should have nothing to fear from le if the citizen has done nothing wrong. Unfortunately, should is the operative word in an imperfect society.

King Ghidora

Recently I went out shooting my Remington 870 with a friend. We were looking for stuff to shoot at and we found a pop can that someone had ran over with a car. It was as flat as a pancake. I told my buddy to toss it up in the air for me. The first time I hit it but not real well. That sorta rankled me because I knew I should be able to nail it. He tossed it up again and sure enough I gave it a ride about 34-40 yards out in a field. While it was flying I pumped the 870 and shot it again before it hit the ground when it was about 35 yards away and behind a small bush. We only knew for sure I hit it again because it was knocked farther out in the field by my second shot. My friend didn't even want to shoot after that. :)


New member
Not exactly a personal shooting tall tale but in the latest THAAD (Terminal High Altitude Area Defense) test a couple of weeks ago the missile defense agency hit a re-entry vehicle that was about 3 feet long x 1 foot in diameter and traveling at around mock 17 (about 12,000 mph) at a range of about 60 miles. And they managed to pick the real target out of the decoys.

According to the test data the impact was within 1/4" of where it was suppose to be.

Pretty darn good shooting in my book.

Dr. Strangelove

New member
Winder Ga isn't rural these days

Alloy - enjoyed your post

Winder GA was a place where i yes sirred the ol boys for my own good when i had interactions, cause thats how it was done. Im sure rural GA has changed alot and Winder most likely isnt rural these days

Nope, and most of the little towns within commuting range of Atlanta aren't anymore either. Just moved back to Athens, sure has changed since I was in college in the early 90's. Winder still looks the same, just more stores and restaurants, and a load more houses where I'm sure you used to ramble. Cochran, GA (went to high school there) is in the same situation, the town hasn't really changed that much, just more stores, restaurants and wayyy more houses.

Biggest thing I see other than more houses is the police attitude. They don't cut the kids any slack anymore. They used to just take our beer/whatever and send us home, now it's "cuff em' and stuff em". Good in some ways I suppose, but I sure would hate to be a kid now...


New member

Once I was young and foolish, wouldn't do this again. I was about 17 years old hunting with friends. We saw a Whitetail deer at several hundred yards in a field - maybe farther. Both doe and bucks were legal. The deer started trotting out of the field, not running, just trotting. I held several feet high and many feet forward and fired. The deer stumbled and fell quite a long time after the shot. It took that long for the bullet to arrive. The deer stumbled and fell. I struck him in the rear hindquarter severing the major artery. He died in just a few fee, never making it to the woods. Turned out to be a pretty nice 6 pointer. The rifle was a Remington 700 in 30-06 with 180 grain Corelocks. Never underestimate how far a 30-06 is deadly. With enough "hold over" it's amazing. No one with me could believe I killed him. No one was more surprised than I was. Like I said, I was a young kid and wouldn't think of attempting that shot today.


New member
Once I was at a rifle range on the hundred-yard range and decided I would try my colt 357 out at 100 yards.

Pulled it out on a new target and shot 6 times off hand standing behind the bench with the open sights.

My hand was steady that day as when I looked in the spotting scope I could see I just ripped off 6 shots into a very small group right in the bulls-eye of the target.

The guy a couple of benches down then wanted to go look at targets.

We walked on down there and he was there first looking at my target.

I thought he was commenting on how good I was shooting but he thought his rifle shot that group off the bench and he was sure surprised when I told him that he was looking at my target and his target was two stands down.

It was easy to tell the difference between the 357 holes and the 7mm holes he was shooting.

His next comment was something like, “HOLY COW!! That’s some good shooting with a pistol off hand like that” LOL

The group was about a 1 ½ inch group all around the 10 ring as if they all came out of the cylinder in a circle at once.

Now days the way my eye sight is I would need a scope on that pistol to ever do that again and not sure if I could even do it with a scope shooting off hand like that again.

Maybe at 25-50 yards but not 100 for sure.

At least the memory is still good anyway :D


New member
Actually in Texas there is a law that says you do have to have a legal drivers license to be in possession of a firearm and can be charged with a felony if found to be in possession of a firearm without a legal drivers license.

The range I shoot at requires all members to have a range card and to get one you do need a legal drivers license.

Every so often I will be in there and some kids will show up in what must be their daddies fancy car but then not have a drivers license to get a range card and they are turned away along with being informed of that fact by a range officer.

Kind of makes me wonder what they are doing driving without a license along with having firearms to begin with sometimes.

It’s a nice range and I loved it when some idiot argued with the range officer about going back to his bench to mess with his rifle during a cease fire and got his range card torn up and was banned from the range for a year.


Nice to know they enforce those rules very strictly too.


New member
Not a rifle shot, but...

I shot a turkey (jake) on the wing once. It was one of those instinctive shots where you don't have time to think about it. We've probably all made these kinds of shots dove hunting or upland bird hunting, but it was a different experience with the turkey. I head shot him. There was no doubt, and he dropped from the air like a rock.


New member
this last saturday my best bud and i were out shooting prairie dogs, and there werent any that were just real close. he had just ran out of ammo, and all i had left was my mini 14, and this brave one pops out of his hole at about 400 yards and i nailed him first shot. then i put my gun down and drove home.


New member
best shot hunting happen this year on the last day, took a 3x3 blacktail from 400 yds with my Leupold topped 760 30-06, funny part was I had a brand new rangefinder that I had bought to use up where I hunt because of the large open hillsides, didn't pull it out and use it till after I shot the deer.


New member
I must have been only around ten years old. My dad dropped me off at a travling fair/carnival. On the midway was a booth that required the shooter (22 rifle) to shoot out all the red on a target about 15 feet away. I did it!
The ol' carny took the target off the backboard, flipped it around looking for any indication of red. None!, I actually did good. Lucky for sure. Anyway, while I was gazing at the prizes I was going to pick from, he leaned over the counter, grabbed me by the shirt, looked me dead in the eyes and said, "beat it you little punk". I did.


New member
My best was shooting Silhouette with my S&W box stock Model 29 in nickle with 8-3/8" barrel and stock, open sights.

I was doing fine overall, and when I got to the rams at 200 yards, I hit 3 out of 5 on the first rack of five, but then I hit 5 out of 5 on the second rack.

When the fifth ram toppled, I didn't realize that anyone was behind me, but the applause, as they say, was deafening.
I still have the little plaque marking the accomplishment.


Staff In Memoriam
Steiner, My butt woulda been sneaking under carny boys wagon and it wouldn't have made 5 miles from town but when dad found out he didn't follow thru on a deal with me he woulda had a sore face:eek: See dad made sure I was a "man" of my word at all costs and expected others to do the same.
BTW I was pretty fair at that hgame using the bb's with an air line powered rifle.


New member
2 stories...

At the age of 13 or 14 my best friend and I were out in the woods plinking BB gun pistols. Goofing around my buddy said "see that bug over there on that twig. I'm going to shoot it off" From about 10 ft I'd say he shot that sucker exactly in half. We laughed our asses off. That lucky Sum bitch.

Around the same age I guess 13 or so when in the 8th grade @ our public middle school our Phys Ed instructor arranged for a guest demonstration of some guy shooting a bow and arrow. I don't know a thing about Archery but the guy obviously had some top of the line equiptment. A competative Compound bow of sorts. Well in front of a crowd of students and school staff of about 150 of us he placed an arrow into the bulls eye from a distance of about 25 yards as I recall. He then followed with his very next shot placing it into the notched end of his previous arrow. I imagine that guy tells that story to this day.



New member
Back in the 70s my friends and i were being typical early teen boys, sitting atop a neighbor's garage shooting our cheap BB guns at anything that moved.
A pigeon flew above us at about 60-70ft. I took a shot at it and the timing was perfect. The pigeon acted as though it had hit an invisible wall, but it had only lost a few feathers and flew on.
My friends thought i was the best shooter ever. I was king for a day.