Smelly post what smells do you like?


New member
Some smells come to mind.

I love the smell of a freshly opened tin of surplus ammo or a surplus rifle's wood stock saturated in cosmoline.

I'm also fond of the combination of smells I get when I open the hood of my '62 Plymouth. There's the hot engine oil, the pure exhaust from the valve cover breather cap, the hot antifreeze that runs from the overflow tube right onto the ground, all of them mingled with a hint of fresh gasoline.

I won't even get into the smell of the interior; I'd need my own website to for space enough to fully describe that wonderful fragrance.

Great smells, all of them. It's what a car should smell like under the hood. Nowadays, all of those vented gases and liquids are in sealed systems, ever recycled internally, leaving us with that catalytic converter, silicone-caulk-smelling exhaust. Yes, it's good for the air but it's, oh, so horrible for the car. A golden era has passed. Sigh....

PS: Anyone remember Sunoco 260?


New member
-a light smell of skunk
I didn't know they made a " skunk light". ;) Besides all the cleaning supplies already listed, ( and all in MrClean's post), I remember my 1st dove hunt, was still so young I was learning firearms safety with a Red Ryder BB gun. Dad reloaded, so I picked up all empties from that Ithica 37 12ga...I loved the smell of those fresh fired hulls. Sure was glad when I got my .410...the smaller hulls are much easier to stick up your nose!:D


New member
Here are some aromas I like, not necessarily in order and not necessarily because I like the aroma itself but because of the associations.

Estee Lauder perfume
That peculiar smell of a surplus store (must be some preservative)
sherry, any kind, I'm not particular
freshly cut grass
tobacco, though I don't smoke or chew (I used to work on a tobacco farm)
that rotted leaf smell of the woods


New member
Burning Leaves.
I remember growing up We would Rake Them into the Gutter by the Street and light Them on Fire to get rid of Them.
I cant do that now but whenever I smell Them it really takes Me back.


New member
They say the smells will take a person back better than any other sensation. That does seem to be the case for me. There are certain smells that immediately invoke memories of childhood and it seems only those smells will do it. Jasmine always reminds me of being eight years old and going to school in Redwood City. Hay takes me right back to 4 years old on my Grandfather's farm in Maine. Two-stroke exhaust brings me to 11 years old, riding motorcycles. Ahhhh yes.... castor oil! That's one of my favorites. :)


New member
Fresh brewed Italian roast coffee. (Love my Keurig!)

Fresh baked bread

Bacon, green peppers and onions all frying in the same pan.

Organza by Givenchy



JDM squash, my favorite
I just received the case I ordered... finally

burning rubber and gasoline are also personal favorites.

Bud Helms

Senior Member
The waft of burnt gun powder and hot gun lube from a 20mm GE Vulcan set around 2400 rounds per minute after a 5-6 second burst.

A 10-12 round rapid fire burst from a 40mm Bofors Cannon is a close second.


New member
The smell of burning powder from the .357 GoldDots.
Fresh cut grass
Ashe Juniper after a hard rain
Diesel burning in my old Ford Tractor
Zippo fuel when lighting a Romeo y Julietta
The barn
She who must be obeyed when she hops outta the shower...


New member
dalegribble, You old dog you! You must have set a few motel smoke alarms off in your day:D. I wear Hoppe`s solvent as a cologne from time to time. Sexy Moma can`t keep her hands off me when I do;)


New member
A fresh alfalfa hay stack

A good pile of insilage. (for those that don't know what that is, it is any chopped green plant put in a pile to ferment to be used for cattle feed) Corn silage is the best, smells better than molasses, yum. I know, I am bent.

Diesel exhaust


New member
I love the smell of napalm in the morning (had to cuz no one else has said it yet)

The smell of a freshley expent shell caseing
the smell of a fireplace burning real logs
the smell of a heater the first time you turn in on in the winter
the smell of kruez's market in lockhart tx (best bbq in the world)
the smell of a feed store or a co op
freshly cut grass or hay
my wifes hair after she takes a shower
hopps #9
burgers on a hot bbq
Hmm... let's see...

Bourbon barns
Fresh Morel mushrooms
Just-fired .22 and shotgun shells.
Unburned nitrocellulose powder.
Fresh coffee
Honey locust blooms and honeysuckle
Freshly chainsaw-cut oak
Whittlin' cedar
Woods dirt
Homemade bread
Campfire smoke
Pipe tobacco
Plumeria blooming on Kauai
The air, just before a spring rain
...and lots more.