Smelly post what smells do you like?

Ahh yes, good old hoppes #9.
I like the smell of Eezox, too.

Rubber worms baking in your tackle box smells pretty good, too. :D

As far as coffee and skunk smelling the same, I don't know about that. I love coffee. Skunks, not so much...


Staff In Memoriam
While I love many aforementioned scents including gunpowder, hoppes, 2 stroke oil and diesel fuel and smoke... I love the smell of racing fuels as well as the freshly opened coffee container.
But nothin gets my blood pumping like the rank smell of boar hog in the swamp!!! Coincidentally it also gets my bulldog excited too!:D
Too bad that smell is not a guarantee we are gonna nail the guy that laid the scent down...


New member
The musty smell of the ol' hunting shack we grew up staying in on those weekends of hunting.

The smell of Ol' Jack - the 1966 Ford F150 we went to the shack in.

The smell of burning feathers from my Dad fletching his own arrows and making the actual vanes.... on the kitchen table. :D

The smell of the rain approaching your deer stand, as you feel it pushing away the "old" air and replacing it with the smooth clean air you are now breathing.

The smell of a bream bed as you slowly paddle across a still lake early in the morning crisp air.


New member
-a light smell of skunk

I would NEVER have been the 1st to listed this, but I also agree, tho a very light touch. It is hard to believe the difference between a blast and a whiff.
Could never figure out why so many will gasp at a slight whiff???

There is something special about the dank smell of the Autumn forest, and my favorite, Black Powder.

The smell's of an early morning decoy setup wading through the shallow wild rice marsh. Oh Boy!
AeroKroil (older recipe)
Hoppe's (duh!)
WeaponShield-nice slight cinnamon scent
Jet fuel...before being burned
Spent AvGas
Any food made by the better half
Cows in the pasture....Aaaaahhhh, the smell of nature! Reminds me of growing up on the ranch in Texas.

There's more, but it would fill up quite the space. My list of what I can't stand is much shorter and more distinct...


New member
Just a few, too many to list. (I know I'm not the only one)

Hoppes #9 of course (everyone else in the house HATES it but what do they know?:rolleyes: They don't seem to complain when I take them to the range:D)
Exhaust from a large V8 engine running a little rich
Burnt rubber
Jack Daniels (other whiskey won't do)
Fresh dirt
Warm steaming blacktop after a summer drizzle (weird, I know)
I have to second the cooking bacon in the morning:D
Cigarettes (I am trying to quit :()
The ocean
Fresh venison (when removing the meat from the carcass)
Hot steel (red-orange)
Burning powder (duh:))
My old rabbit dog/mutt Sara (i miss her)


New member
Tut..... too much AvGas there bud!

Me? I like the smell of glue.

.... and hay and the smell of steaks grilling. Catching whiffs of these while riding a motorcycle is awesome!

Course I like the smell of gunpowder a lot too. Red Dot is nice!

MEK was good smelling stuff. Hard to come by now. I still like acetone.
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Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
Leaded race gas fumes. I love the smell of burned race gas. Makes my hands shake just at the anticipation.

How do you type that "Ar Ar Ar" thing Tim Allen does?:D:eek::D


New member
I use Break Free CLP for all my firearms and fishing reels etc.There is something about the smell of it that I like,Kinda strong smell but not to strong and sweet smelling but not to sweet, So I decided to use in my morning coffee, what could I say I am weird.Just kidding of course on the coffee part but I am still weird.


New member
homemade beeswax + crisco bullet lube (50/50)
skunk at a distance
sweet grass
timothy and alfalfa hay
fire-roasted woolly mammoth (in my dreams)

B. Lahey

New member
Break Free CLP

Doesn't taste half bad either.:)

I had a crusty old subgun that liked to be run sloppy and it would splatter a bit. I eventually learned to keep my mouth closed while shooting.
NO WAY, Grymster. Some say there's too much of a good thing. Not in this case.:D I'm so addicted to aviation...

I've been told that the best way to apply Militec-1 on your firearm is after putting it on, you set it in the hot sun. Anybody know if this gives out a good smell? It usually doesn't fail that lubricants are a bit more odiferous when heated...