Rude Awakening--WWB ammunition prices.


Earlier this week I picked up a box of 9mm WWB (100 count) for $15.72--which is not too bad but not too good either. A few months ago I could have bought that box for under $12.00

But that's not the bad news. Today I went into the Wal-Mart down the street and noticed that the same product is now marked $21.88! :eek: I inquired to insure that there was no mistake and was informed by the clerk that she had just raised the price and that nearly every box of ammunition in their inventory had gone up by "a couple of bucks".



New member
Yup. And it's going to keep going up for the foreseeable future too. My worry is that the prices will put a damper on the firearms industry, just after a record sales year too. This is definately the time for folks to get into reloading. Reloading doesn't have to be expensive nor elaborate and it pays for itself in just a few hundred rounds.


New member
I've been noticing that myself. Getting more expensive to play these days.

However... my problem is not an ammo price problem, it's a personal production problem. Bill Gates has no problem with where ammo prices have gone!:D

Guy B. Meredith

New member
Handloading is not the end all cure, either. Component prices are going up fast and/or unavailable.

I had nearly lost my lunch from anxiety seeing my favorite bullets going from $60/1000 to $80/1000 and now $90/1000, but then when I decided to go the $90 it turns out the bullets aren't even available for at least two weeks--and they are the manufacturers!



New member
For pistol shooting, handloading can save you quite a bit, but the costliest component is the bullet. If you really are fed up with the new prices,


9mm ammo for $30-$35 per thousand. .45 ammo for $40-$50 per thousand.
And you don't need a Hornady XTP to kill a tin can!

And you can set up a really FANCY well equipped casting bench, with everything you need for less than the price of a low end 1911.:D


New member
War'll do that to ya!!

During WW-II, there were no new guns being produced for civilians neither was ammo!!

Everything was turned toward the war effort.
Such is the case today.
We are in a protracted war effort and government contracts take precedence over domestic needs!! This means that it's not just 9mm and .223, but materials are needed to provide ammo to our troops. That means your favorite round ain't being made!!
Components too!! You think that they are gonna set aside bullets and brass just for you??
Think again!!
The longer this war goes on, the worse it's gonna get!!
Ammo prices may never drop!!
All the brass is gonna be laying all over the ground in Iraq!!

chris in va

New member
I was in Gander Mountain today and the guy said $20/50 for the cheapest 45 they had. Two days ago I paid $10.99 at WM, looks like they raised it overnight.


New member
I had heard of the raise several days ago, and was told it won't be the last.

Casting your own bullets is a cheap way to go if you can find a cheap supply of materials. I've always used wheel weights and they are very hard to come by around here, they fetch a very high price on the scrap metal market right now.

I predict a lot of wobbly tires in the future.


New member
Yow! I guess I better check hard at the next gun show for some sellers that have not heard about the price increases and buy up some cheaper old stock stuff from them. Might be too late for that. Maybe it will get so bad that it will be like the bad old depression days-every shot will have to count for something, no blazing away with cheap ammo anymore. Or go back to muzzle loaders!

juliet charley

New member
We had a gunshow here a little over a month ago, and I took in some ammo I didn't need anymore (cleaning out the closet), and the first dealer I went to offered me twice what as I willing to take for it (and darn near what it cost me).


New member
Nearly a 40% increase in prices at Walmart based on the first posting. Seems a bit extreme.
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Walmart is no longer the lowest price's much higher, in fact.

A box of WWB .38 Special is over $12 there, while it's $9.97 for a box of S&B at my local gun store.

Guess where I'm buying ammo, now?


New member
It seems that WWB has had a bigger price increase than others.
The CCI Blazer/Brass that I've been using have only gone up about $1/50.


New member
I live in a apartment so I dont really have the room to reload.I have been thinking about talking my dad into letting me set up something at his place but It might be a tough sell.I dont mind a increase in ammo due to the war as long as they get theirs but I dont think it should get to crazy either.I understand that during ww2 there was a huge lack of everything and it all had to go to the war effort but the current war is not even close be a long shot so its hard for me swallow some of this.Its not like we are struggling to get more bombers out that are getting shot down left and right while bombing germany or we have a shortage of ships to fight Iraqi insurgents vast navy:D


New member
The dealer I was talking to said it would be about a 35% increase for both Rem and Win ammo and they were going up again in a couple of months.

In WWII all the materials were going into the war effort because there wasn't enough of anything to keep up with the demand. I don't really buy that with Iraq because the ammo makers are still making all the non-military stuff too. It sounds like price gouging and they are blaming it on the war. Why should the oil companies be the only ones?


Sellier & Bellot is also good stuff, and their price hasn't gone up nearly as much. It's from the Czech Republic. market. Quit buying WWB if they keep raising the prices. Make them be competitive.


New member
This morning at Academy Sports here in town I purchased 200 rounds of Blazer 9x19 ammo for about 30 bucks with tax included. I won't buy WWB at the inflated prices being quoted in this thread.