Red Ryder For Deer?

Big Bill

New member
Go with the single shot RR; otherwize you'll be wasting too much ammo and you know that ammo is expensive these days. You know, if you were a real sportsman, you'd use the black powder RR.


New member
Well great! Here I have been sweatin over which slugs to buy for my shotgun, what range to shoot for my gun! All this time here this post sat holding all the answers! A RR BB gun! Gah! (Takes ammo back to store)

Yankee Doodle

New member
You're all a bunch of Sissies. My 93 year old grandmother used to be an avid Wild Boar Hunter. Her method was to taunt the Boar into charging, and then beat it to death with her walker. She then rammed her entire arm down its throat, grabed it by the anus and pulled back sharply. This turned the animal inside out, and eliminated the need to skin it. It also made for an easy gutting job.
Never mess with old folks, they know more than you do.
The old lady passed last month while working out at the gym. She had a heart attack while benching 400 lbs. I guess that 6 sets of ten reps was too much for her dear old heart to handle.
She will be missed.