Red Ryder For Deer?

Lawyer Daggit

New member
Are you planning on shooting a Whitetail or are you just going to hang out for a fawn at short range?

Seriously, air guns are limited in their power, a high powered spring gun may give a .177 slug 100 foot per second of velocity which equates to 12 foot pounds of energy- enough for a carefully brain shot rabbit at low range. Your Red Ryder would have a velocity well below this, being a short child size rifle, rather than a large man size one with man size springs.

Don't even try it. You will wound an animal in a way that will see you anointed a cruel idiot by the media and probably be prosecuted for cruelty and bring shooters further into disrepute.


It has enough power for whitetail,or Buffalo,or any game in north america for that matter.But don't dismiss it's power for home defense either.It's fast follow up shots means you can stop 3-4 bad guys at the same time.Be careful where you shoot though,because it will penetrate armor and the bb will travel at least 5 miles.


New member
I actually had a serious discussion with a young man in Portland. At one of the parks, they had archery targets set up and a friend and I were shooting our hunting bows.

He had to come show us his knife and how well he could throw it. Honestly and emphatically believed he could kill a deer with it...:rolleyes:


If you can't afford a quality deer rifle as good a Red Ryder,then go for the Daisy Buck rifle.It is pretty much the same thing,but less expensive.You should spend a little money on a good scope for it too,at least a 25X 50 mm or better,you will need it for those 300+ yard kill shots.And for wrist rockets as a backup,I reccommend one with a sight and high velocity band,and at least 50 caliber round balls.50 caliber should down your bigger game such as brown bear,buffalo and elk,but for blackbear and whitetail deer,stick with the Red Ryder or Buck.


New member
Not being a deer hunter myself, but having had considerable experience with BB guns in my wayward youth, I'd suggest the greatest threat posed to a deer (that being any deer) when confronted by a Red Ryder BB gun toting deer hunter, at any range, lead or gold coated steel loads notwithstanding, would be death by asphyxiation - from laughing.

Without some people, wouldn't the world be a boring place!!


New member
I prefer to jump onto their back from an over hanging branch, once you re on grab hold of the throat and squeeze! You wont get any damaged meat, and best of all you dont have to track 'em either. Wear gloves and work on your grip though, my hand got cramped up on me one time and I got thrown, had to walk all the way to the gate on the enclosure with everyone laughing.


New member
Strap a bayonet to it, and fire it out of a longbow.
While this is a highly regarded traditional method, some less experienced hunters are put off by the "rainbow like" tragectory of the projectile and general range limitations of 5 to 10 feet. Not to mention in the hands of an unskilled bowman wear and tear to the bow can be substantial. In rare cases serious injuries have occured.


While this is a highly regarded traditional method, some less experienced hunters are put off by the "rainbow like" tragectory of the projectile and general range limitations of 5 to 10 feet. Not to mention in the hands of an unskilled bowman wear and tear to the bow can be substantial. In rare cases serious injuries have occured.

Not if it's a hickory bow B****!


New member
Well said good sir. If used in combination with a bow made from true hickory smoked sausage the red rider bb gun if fitted with the proper bayonet serves as a truly devistating hunting weapon capable of the most obscene stopping power on thick skinned and dangerous game.


you really must make sure to take a screw out of the butt plate and install a nock,then you should use only turkey feathers for the fletching,since they are the only ones big enough(note:the red ryder should be used first to harvest the turkey)Now,you can attach the bayonette to the muzzle with duct tape,or electrical,and you are ready to go.Since it is such a big projectile,it is possible to shoot it up to 500 yards and still see it in flight,great on long range shots!The energy produced is somewhere along the lines of a .700 nitro express,but don't worry,use hickory,hickory will withstand the forces.


New member
Now you really should install a heavy duty bipod , have a BOSS system
adjustable recoil reducer & get a rangefinding,tactical nightscope, then you will be able to take those real long shots, no matter what distance,light conditions and also be able to dial in back pressure in order to optimize differnt BB types. I would also put some black duct tape over that stock medallion- so as not to spook your game due to glaring off of it.
Maybe in a few years, you won't even need the Red Ryder or the wrist rocket. I hear obama has plans to sit down with the deer and talk them into giving themselves up!


New member
Red Ryders are as outdated and unsuitable for deer as all Lever action 30-30s.

What you need is a select fire weapon like one of these.


Be sure to check out the video


New member
I have used my red ryder for 37 years on whitetail deer and I have never lost one. It creates EXPLOSIVE hits on broadside shots and will cleanly take deer up to 700 yards. Remember, its not the gun, IT'S THE MAN!!!! (or woman:eek:)

If you do your part, the red ryder will come thru

This just in:

Now You've done it! Just got word the administration is moving to outlaw red ryders.
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Now You've done it! Just got word the administration is moving to outlaw red ryders.

I heard that they were limiting the number of bbs the gun can hold.It's no longer 200 bbs,it is a 10 round bb clip.


I had a smoothbore co2 bb pistol that I used to put 5-6 bbs down the barrel and fire all at once.That by definition is an illegal shotgun.I no longer have it and good thing,the ATF would probably be here by now to kill me.