Red Ryder For Deer?


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stoked with #105 magnum bands


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I personally don't believe in hurting Bambi. But as an individual I do support your right to do a testosterone dump on a helpless deer via the Daisy RR. I on the other hand, being a much more evolved person choose to let the deer live in peace but still know that I am the "Boss". I typically do this during the rut when the male species seem to be their most aggressive. I place horns on my head and right before we start fighting in "his" traditional manner, I jump into a leaping arm bar and make him tap out. It is somewhat humiliating for the buck but that is the point.

I hope you will reciprocate the acceptance that I have shown you.



New member
Roy I think I need to share with you what I tell my employees.
I don't care what you have in the pipe just put it down two hours before your shift. I'm not saying stop it, just asking for a two hour window.:D
Aim high is all I say.

Old Grump

Member in memoriam
Not a problem and you won't need a scope or a back up weapon. Get some Shotgun shells with HEVI-shot in them and use them instead of BB's. Your effective range will be 600 yards and the fine sights on your Red Ryder should be more than adequate for the task. Just be sure to make it a head shot or a heart shot because a shoulder shot will be so devastating that most of the meat on that side of the animal will be ruined along with a good percentage of the meat on the offside. I would suggest switching to moose or elk size game because a normal doe or a small buck would be completely devastated by such a powerful projectile.


New member
My ex girl freind was so ugly that she just looked at the deer and it killed them.

But, it tore up too much meat.


New member
I don't know about you guys but I like to caked myself in mud and pounce on the deer and take it out with my trusted wooden toothpick sharpend to a razor point, No need for that RR its def. an overkill, on the weapon part. :D:cool:


Staff In Memoriam
When you are as good as me ya'll can 'neek up on 'em and... Tap him on the butt, grab his tail, pull down and strike him with an open finger blow and reach in and remove his heart in one piece ready to cook as he looks on in fear!


New member
Allot of people think you need a .300 win mag for dear but it is all shot placement. IMO if you can't hit what you're aiming at the caliber is pointless. Just keep you shots under 150 yards with some privi soft point ammo and the red rider will do just fine.

Edit: You may also want to invest in a good hunting knife like the Ka-bar just in case you have to finish it off.

wild willy

New member
After some glass bedding and trigger work you should be able to shoot 1/8 inch groups all day long at 200yds I know this is barely accurate enough but if you limit your shots to less than 40yds I think you will be OK you might want to check into some bonded BBs


New member
You mention a 650 round magazine. First off, some states might frown on that, after all, 650 is more then 10. Second, all those BB's make one heck of a rattling noise. You will need to practice your calling skills. A tree stand might be to your benefit.

If not, try one of the air-soft guns. The ammo is much quieter. Make sure to get the camo-colored pellets though. The bright colored ones might spook the deer before they are in range.


New member
Just remember. It's a RED Ryder you want.

Not the Pink one. People will think you're weird if you carry a pink one. ;)


New member
I put down the weapons for deer some time ago. Now, I lure the deer to within 5 feet from my treestand, then jump out and spinning roundhouse kick to the jejunum. While they are vomiting from the initial blow, I heel strike them in the spine.

But hey, a Red Rider is a fine weapon too. Should work out real well.


New member
Careful your deer are not wise to the fact that(for some reason un-known to man) the BB shot from a Red Ryder will not penetrate Levi material at point blank range. When we were kids,my brother proved this by catching me bent over reloading. Stuck his barrel on my butt check and shot me. The result was a nice welp on my butt, a bent barrel on my BB gun and a trip to the hospital to get stitchs in brothers head. Warning: Although they are an effective club, Barrels on a Red Ryder`s bend easy:eek:. Some 40 years later we still joke each other about it. How did mom and dad survive us 5 kids?:confused: Moral of the story: Make sure your deer aren`t wearing Levi`s or your in for a big fight!