Red Ryder For Deer?

roy reali

New member
What is the maximum range that I can drop a deer with my Red Ryder BB Gun? I realize that there are guns with more power, but how many of them hold 650 rounds of ammo? Should I go for a heart or head shot? The gun has factory open sights on it. I am thinking of installing a "Nikon" class scope on it so I can put the shot in the exact spot.

I will have a back up weapon. It is a wrist-rocket. Unlike the BB gun, it ony has a one round capacity. But it can fire a larger projectile. I am am thinking of leaving the sights on it the way they are. A scope on a wrist-rocket wouldn't look right any how.

Any feedback would be appreciated.


New member

I believe this thread is in response of the 30 Carbine for deer thread. I don't believe that it is enough for medium game due mostly because of the bullet design or lack thereof. But I do believe that if you were to keep shots to under 100 yds and in the neck it would work just fine. Especially considering the deer there are about the same size as they are where I am at (80-120 lbs). When I first moved here from Colorado I thought they were long legged greyhounds! I truely understand your vehement towards people taking pee shooters to hunt real game with. I don't care for the fact it's legal to use any centerfire 22. If all I had was a 222 Rem, and couldn't borrow anything else I would still go hunting, but keep my shots to maybe 150 yds and in the neck only. I feel you must respect the game you are killing. I wouldn't want to be gut shot with a 25 ACP and left for dead far far away from help. But I feel that you maybe took it out on him a little too hard. Just my humble opinion, and don't mean nor want to argue about this.
In fact it really chaps my *ss when I hear how people have hit deer 3-5 times with 22 calibers. They had no right taking the first shot obviously!
Ooops...I meant Roy:


New member
No, no. You must have a Super Sniper class scope on that Red Ryder if you hope to hit the deer where you want. And paint the gun black so it will be more tacticool and deadly. If the RR gun fails to do the job, you can always upgrade to a 20mm war surplus cannon. ;)


New member
I think some form of howitzer pulled behind your truck would be ideal really.

Something versatile that you could fire high explosive rounds from for deer and maybe switch to flack rounds for a goose gun.
There are natives in Alaska who routinely harvest polar bears with their Red Ryders.

When the bear lifts his tail, there's a natural target-like aiming point.

Those solid copper/mild steel BBs (depending on manufacturer) have AMAZING penetration.


New member
I would never hunt with a Red Ryder, I would choose the Buck Rogers ray gun. Sure, it's a close range weapon, but have you ever seen the penetrating ability of gamma rays? But you have to be careful with either one. My mommy told me I could put my eye out if I wasn't careful.


New member
Way overkill. I don't want to waste any meat, so I prefer throwing rocks. I get the most accuracy from the smooth, disc shaped ones at about 750 gr. ;)


New member
When did hunting become so full of gadgets? A torch and a cliff is all you need...helps if you raise your arms up high to look as big as possible, too...


New member
I believe this thread is in response of the 30 Carbine for deer thread.
Yes, and then some. Hey, I'll bite !!!
I hope it's and older Red Ryder as they were made much better than the newer ones which have more plastic and made cheaper. Be sure and use the plated projectiles and not the standard ones .... :eek:

Be Safe !!!


New member
I'd definately go with an eye shot, I pull them off at a few hundred yards (give or take 295 yards) all the time. I was considering going out with just my loin clothe and spoon next season.


New member
HA, you wimp Eddie, I can't believe you're not man enough to leave the spoon at home and just LOOK the deer to death like I do. :D

I gotta be careful while driving through state parks, if I look at a deer the wrong way it's a goner! ;)


New member
Our laws in CA are restricive on use of lead that I have been driven to Red Ryder to get away from lead bullets. Good deal, because I can still find the ammo!!

Go for eye shots, then attack with Cub Scout knife (unless your teacher confiscted it!).
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