New Hog Doggin' Video...

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Staff In Memoriam
Pit Bulls are like jacked up 4x4s though. Guys don't have them because they need them, but because they think it makes them look COOL.
This is partially true... Starting about 1982 +/- the thug mentality young folks thought it would make up for their short comings. But the pitbull has always been a working dog breed. Yes a great part of their initial intent was the fighting pit. As with all working brreds, they often can handle cross training and the pit fit well with herding, catching, and stopping the free ranged cattle and swine of the pre barbed wire ranching days. Thus they made their way into modern capturing of feral live stock (wild hogs)... I personally own only one pure "pit" and she really isn't even a real pit as she is from 2 "blue pit" slate color parents and thus she is has some staffy.
My main 2 catch dogs are American Bulldog Pit cross sisters. far easier to handle on lead and less likelihood of battling dog aggression issues.
It still seems a little cruel though.
Do you agree that a vital zone gun shot or arrow shot is humane?
If not why? If so... a miss is possible and the wound channel of a perfect hit has a finite maximum depending on caliber and bullet type or arrow head type. Granted a straight in stab is minimal but we swirl or at least make a wide lateral motion. In my method, I go in the armpit so no ribs or other bones hinder my blade's motion. I make a 7 inch wound channel that wipes out the heart, arteries and lungs as well as often the trach. It is far more positive than a rifle shot from 200 yards.
Is it "in yer face"? Heck yes but it is more... IN MY FACE!!! I hve done the stick and let go of the hog instantly and never has one made it 15 feet...
I hear far too often of blood trails described as drips.. picture mine as a gallon can of red paint with no lid poured over 10 feet trail. Now which is suffering more?
I do not mind your opinion nor intend to force you to change it. I do invite you to try it with us and after that you can have more info to base your opinion or change it... CAUTION... Many have been hooked in one hunt!:D
A swift bullet to the noggin seems a little more humane. To each his own.
I agree.. so let's get everyone to only shoot game in the head no matter the distance, specie or firearm chosen....
Also, we carry no guns, not even in the truck. we do not nor will not intentionally trespass but if our dogs follow a hog onto property we are not fully entitled to enter, a gun raises the offense, if owner chooses to complain, from simple trespass to felonious armed trespass. Also, the real reason we do not carry the guns is we simply do not see the need.
I see there is a LOT of lee way in the hunting forum when it comes to the "must pertain to firearms" rule.
Yes, in this section the content simply has to be hunting related.


New member
I've neck shot deer and they were still alive but paralyzed when I got to them. That's why I always carry my K-Bar, easy to reach the arteries/heart from the base of the throat. They sure do gush and I tell ya what, best meat ever when they are completely drained like that. I don't intentionally go for the neck if I have a vitals shot but, I wish I could get a neck shot every time.


New member
Take a breath Brent, its ok. I wasn't attacking you. I just said it "SEEMS' a little cruel. Thats is a gut feeling, not a statement of what it is. Your taking my statements a LOT further than they were meant. If you look at them again, you failed to quote me when I said,

Personally, I don't care how you kill the pigs. Dogs hunt, its natural
At least your getting a little use out of yours
in reference to the Pits/dogs.
To each his own

Put them in context man, not everyone is bashing you.
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