New Hog Doggin' Video...

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Cope's Dist

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shortwave, and hogdogs
Wow, McArthur...My dad used to go there deer hunting. I drive down to Ripley every other weekend (SW OHIO) and ride my quad and camp and shoot the AK's (and Others) and then when all the serious stuff is over... we have a cookout and a cold one or two :rolleyes: Looks like McArthur is actually a closer drive than Ripley. I hear there is a possibility of hogs on the property where I camp but luckily, I haven't ran into one yet. :eek: My friend always recommends I carry my 9mm in case I run into one though. Thanks for the input, I may have to find out more on this. I Love hunting and this looks a whole lotta fun!


New member
I started quoting the "Oh dear you shouldn't post that!" and "That's so bruuutal" posts to make a counterpoint but there were too many to bother with; shamefull...
To all of you who can't stomach the thought of a little critter getting hurt; join PETA and vote with them, we don't need crybabies and turncoats amongst our ranks. I mean really, ever visit a slaughterhouse? If you think hogdoggin is brutal you should see killing on a commercial level. Until you turn vegetarian and join the animalnazi crowd you are no more than a silly hypocrite.

Hogdogs, Did I mentioned that my wife is from Florida and her family still lives there? There is a real chance that I may hit you up to participate in some of that brutality, someday, until then keep them cool videos comin.
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Staff In Memoriam
Sho nuff, Wyo...
To be clear, I am not involved in vids and you won't likely see pics of my hunts "in the woods" as I have developed a superstition/OCD regarding cameras. Nuttin' to do with the "brutality"... Just seemed when me and junior carried a camera in our back pack... NO CAUGHTHOG! But if we forgot it at home or in the truck cab, we got on swine. so now we don't even grab the digi...
I got time for pics in the yard. And with that I present my all time single most favorite hoggin' pic... AGAIN!!!

Junior and another 18 year old we can call "C"... Both are sober and could have driven off to do meth, coke or drink booze yet they grabbed dogs and went out for a run. 2 kids, 2 dogs and many hours later you see the result... GRINS, HAPPY DOGS and a very much alive, very unhappy tied hog with flash bulb glare in their eyes in the whee morning hours!:D


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Like Elmo said, when the chips are down and the supermarkets are unable to put meat on the table, us 'barbarians' will be in short supply and high demand. I will acknowledge that I am but a novice hunter (at present my ambition far exceeds my ability:D) but I plan to learn the skills necessary to feed my family should I have to. Considering that my folks live in Florida and my little lady is from Florida, hog may be on the menu before too long... but I'd want to take it alive like Brent, I do loves me good wrassle!
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I know this type of stuff happens. Should it be videoed (sp) for ALL to see? Do you think its only the dozen or so people that have posted in this thread that are reading this? Do you, Or anyone condoning this video even care? Do you think that maybe, Just maybe, a person that might be thinking of taking up the sport of hunting for the first time, Would be turned off and disgusted by the vid? I heard somewhere, I think here in Louisiana, That the number of hunting licenses has been decreasing. We sure dont need that now do we? Not here, Not in Florida, And not where you live either.
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Staff In Memoriam
number of hunting licenses has been decreasing
First off... They been decreasing steadily for more years than you tube existed!
Secondly... maybe they are decreasing in florida cuz folks watch these vids, want to try it and find out no permitting is required?
They are decreasing because more and more folks are giving up the guns and a large number are buckling to the wiminz in their life that think steaks grow on the protein tree behing the stores.
Many are just too lazy to put forth the effort from scouting to freezer to have a prime quality piece of meat.
Most of the hog doggers also hunt for deer, turkey etc. so we cover the loss of license sales by bringing more hunters aboard the hog doggin' wagon!


Staff In Memoriam
Us barbarians??????
I think he refers to all of us hunters of game for sport or food. All forms of hunting are barbaric pure and simple. You are killing an animal without concern for their suffering when you shoot a bullet or rifle at them. You have no guarantee that they will die a fast death... NONE WHATSOEVER! At least we intentionally and with absolute guarantee, provide the fastest death possible short of a CNS bullet or knife strike (to pith) when we stick a hog with a knife...
So you haven't watched many outdoor hunting shows? Tred Barta stabbed a hog with a knife on worldwide tv! Ted nugent has shown gallons of blood over his carreer!


New member

Why don't you quit being a thread hijacker? If you know what the words "hogdoggin" and "video" mean you will now know what to steer clear of if hunting videos disturb you.

I can't speak for all but I just betcha that most of us don't care about what you define as a "moral" way to hunt. Don't bore them with pointless ramblings.
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PNS: Maybe you should review the Terms of Service for membership on this board... I can see you are new here so maybe you don't know, personal attacks are not acceptable. Feel free to speak your mind; but leave the name calling off the table, okay buddy?


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pns112500, gotta ask you something. Being from Louisianna, do you fish?? When referring to cruelty of animals I don`t think there`s a more violent sport than fishing. Yet we show it on t.v. everyday. Its accepted cause its been done for years. Would it be less barbaric if hogdoggers were to put hooks in bait and catch hogs as in fishing? I`m an avid hunter/fisherman so I don`t throw rocks at someones technique`s just cause I don`t/do agree with them. Dynamiting for fish is a more humane way of fishing but its illegal. Seems as though if hogdogging was so bad it would be illegal today. What does bother me is the fact that there`s not more show`s showing the processing of the animals harvested to let people know the work starts when you harvest the animal. Why! IMO, cause we`ve become a society that does`nt want to accept reality, rather than to hide it. The 'Northerner' comment was un-called for as was the comment about the fireman that hung his dogs and shot them. Florida`s south last I checked and I know the psychopath fireman that hung his dogs and used them for target practice. He should have gotten at least a jail sentence equal to the sentence given to the pro football player convicted of fighting dogs. I think your thoughts are sincere and hope your just as passionate/active in your state when it comes to illegal hunting methods such as poaching. Hogdogging is legal.


Staff In Memoriam
I also want you to know that I support your rights to do what it is we do here.
And that is all I can ask I reckon!
BTW, I have had and will continue to offer a free of charge invitation to try this with us! I don't expect everyone to get hooked... In fact I had a fellow Mormon guy, SF sodier, multiple sand box deployments guy that went (after a hurricane, creeks still swollen) That loved it but conceded the swamps, spiders and snakes were a deterrent from trying it to often. I have taken many and a few more than once. The kids are invited but on night hunts I prefer over 12 for fear of losing a kid behind us... I have a New Zealand buddy who has had his kids in the woods in far more severe terrain since young. His dogs do not eat bag dog food and as a matter of fact, the dry goods like flour and sugar are his main purchases from the grocer. I bet his family NEVER buys meat from a store. He gets his sheep and beef from his rancher boss and pork is either yard raised or predominately the wild caught.


New member
I would very much take my kids (as soon as I have some, which shouldn't be too long) the hog hunt in the video... I feel that this breed of hunting is critically important to the preservation of sport, in both substance and spirit. I feel it is very important for us as men to be connected to the visceral roots of our existence. Just because we happen to live in 2009 doesn't mean we shouldn't embrace the will and determination that defines our species as the top of the chain. Fishing, hunting, wrassling, and fighting are at least some of the factors that have led to humanity being a definitive force in earth history; if not the defining forces thereof.


Staff In Memoriam
Ian, You would like our local method... I don't own a 4 wheeler cuz it would be a rare trip i could use it...
We walk the dogs through barbed wire (bobbed war in some locales) fences and turn them loose. I rarely will see open land until back tot he pasture where the trucks are parked. If we do hit open land, it is not until crossing a neighboring owner's fence and we are after our dogs and hog if bayed up.
Wheez reel rustech hear!:D:eek::eek:


New member
Hogdogs thats how we do it here too mate.. Stick them on site and leave the dirty things to rot. That first pig was a thumper too. nice tusks as well.

Good vid..

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
Sorta off-topic rant, but germane: What's with all this reality-avoidance? Sure, the video isn't for showing during dinnertime when gathered around the table, but it's part of the real world of hunting.

Used to be, we had undertakers*. Then they got called funeral directors--and now, grief management counsellors. People don't die; they now pass away. We don't have grave diggers; we have grounds maintenance employees. We don't have garbage-men; we have sanitary engineers. And on and on. Euphemisms to avoid reality.

How do people ever learn about the real world, if "BTDT folks" don't show reality from time to time? And if people can't handle reality, what sort of society do you expect to have? (Rhetorical question; IMO too many folks DON'T cope with reality.)

Here, seems to me, since it's about the realities of our various forms of hunting, all that's needed for graphic pictures or videos is the simple alert: "Graphic".

Rant mode off. Continue.


* A character on the old radio show, "FIbber McGee and Molly" was the unctuous-voiced "Digby O'Dell, the friendly undertaker". They joked about death and funerals. His exit line was always, "Well, I must be shovelling off."


Staff In Memoriam
Art, Thanks for that off topic (really on point considering some posts) "rant".
Glad to see the thread hadn't gotten locked when i seen you had posted.

Butta, I try to utilize the pigs if for no more than the dog food...


New member
pns112500, only one person from Loiusianna I don`t care for. Thats my ex and I sent her packin back to Shreveport some years ago. You don`t want me to sick her on ya:eek::D:D. Hey hogdogs, you ran into any of those pythons yet? I`ve had a few experiences with the cotton mouths but those pythons would be another story.


Staff In Memoriam
Not much chance of the pythons up here... I rather a 17 foot python than a broke tail 5 foot rattle snake!:eek:


New member
If Art says its cool, its cool with me. I see there is a LOT of lee way in the hunting forum when it comes to the "must pertain to firearms" rule. Personally, I don't care how you kill the pigs. Dogs hunt, its natural. Pit Bulls are like jacked up 4x4s though. Guys don't have them because they need them, but because they think it makes them look COOL. At least your getting a little use out of yours. It still seems a little cruel though. A swift bullet to the noggin seems a little more humane. To each his own.


New member
Neither I suppose would be very fun. Don`t know if your familiar with Brahma Island(aka Diamondback capital of the South) on Lake Kissimmee but there`s some big D`backs on that island. Had a huge C`mouth try to get in my boat while I was netting at my shiner hole. Think the C`mouth has more of an attitude than the D`back. Also, before daylight one morning had the bow of my bass boat beached in the canal at Grape Hammock camp ground. Was checking boat out and heard a noise. Shined my flashlight towards bow of boat and there stood a nasty looking hog. He stared at me for a minute then started grazing down the canal. Glad he didn`t step out onto boat cause since I was next to the fish cleaning house and the gators usually fed on the fish carcasses, me and that hog would had done some hogdoggin without the dogs:eek::eek::eek:. From that time on I carried a pistol with me. PS. Thanks Art for not closing this down.
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