New Hog Doggin' Video...

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I dont feel my "loosely masked profanity" is any worse than the video that shows an animal being brutally killed by Pitt bulls. It worsens a bad rap for the dogs, And makes legitimate hunters look like drunken hillbillies that kill everything that moves. I just dont agree with the video being posted. That been said, Ill watch my potty mouth;)

NOTE from Tuttle8: Hunting videos, when closely monitored is allowed; Skirting the language filter is NOT allowed. So, yes, it is worse.
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New member
Everyone has their own way to hunt, I see nothing wrong with this one. If you don't like it, don't do it. Some people think baiting is as low as you can get, I don't, but no matter what it is someone isn't going to like it. You can't win 'em all. As far as the anti's go, fight for your rights, fight hard and fight honorably, apathy will kill hunting long before an opinion on someone's hunting method.


That was incredible vid! Jump on a pig with a knife with the dogs on it? Whoa, my hats off to those guys!

You naysayer sissies see all the food on that platter?! I guess you'd let the fam go hungry instead of hunt like that? Dam. Foods food and huntins huntin. Some use guns, some bows and some knives & dogs!



Can you tell the difference between the two by lookin? Pitts look a little shorter. But the dogs in your vid are short.


New member
Up close and personal

That is some no-kiddin in your face hunting! Looks like a much bigger rush of adrenaline than sitting up in a tree stand. I can't help but wonder though if posting a vid of doggin does more harm than good. I personally have no problem with using trained dogs with the protective collars/suits. The concern is not so much the anti's who would want to get rid of the sport after watching the vid (they'd want to get rid of hunting in any form), it's the folks on the fence who would look at it and see it as a bunch of guys laughing and joking as another one sticks the pig in the chest/neck while it's surrounded by some mean looking dogs. They prolly wouldn't see it as any better than dogfighting or cockfighting. They wouldn't know all the training, planning and preparation that go into making a hunt work. The folks who were once without an opinion could be whipped up by the PETA crowd and pass a law/referendum/etc banning the use of dogs in hunting or banning forms of hunting that do not use firearms or archery equippment. That would probably include trappers as well.

I guess the point I'm trying to make is that we need to be very careful with the image of hunting. People don't seem to go by facts, reason or sense as much as by what they see and percieve. While I may not feel comfortable taking a pig like that now, I would hope that the option would still be there in the future to give it a shot. That may not happen if there are a lot of vids out there that the anti's can use as scenes of "cruelty to animals" Doesn't matter that these pigs are a menace and degrade the environment that the PETA folks claim to want to save. Doesn't matter that a well placed slash or stab will bleed out a pig quickly. It will be the image Wilbur from Charlotte's Web or Babe lying in a pool of blood surrounded by a pack of dogs and chuckling men that they will see as they go to vote a part of hunters rights away.

Don't take this as a criticism of what y'all are doing, but it would probably be better for the sport to not have the bloody last moments on film in wide distribution. Let people learn about the sport on the hunters terms and not what PETA spins to them. Just my $.02.


Staff In Memoriam
We often have debated keeping our sport hidden from the public. That is a tuff decision. If we hide it, then when anyone a n t i sees us in action it is "in their face." They think it is some illegal redneck hillbilly fringe sport.

The second problem is I have to got before Home owners associations to convince homeowners that this is the most effective way to approach the hog issue that is tearing up their neighborhood. Most have never heard or seen of this and those that have, have usually seen "hog catch competitions" vids shown by the a n t i folks.

We do hunt like this for several reasons with fun not being the bottom reason. But with live catch and tie we can feed them good feed and fatten 'em up for a better result in the freezer.

As for pits, we use them among other bulldog breeds for catch dog. We need the absolute determination they provide so we can safely get in to handle a wild hog. If we know we have a little "squealer" bayed up, we won't even turn the bulldog loose. Just go in there and grab the little bugger our self.
I did re-watch the vid and yes some of the dogs are pit or pit/bulldog cross catch dogs. No dogs have the high likelihood of being a resolute catchdog like the bully breeds. Pits have the highest success rate out of all of them.

It is a rush on so many levels, I just can't explain it well enuff.
As for the bloody last moments... It is no different than a world wide TV show depicting the last moments of a 10 point buck on camera under a deer stand getting shot in the chest to run off frame and die. Hunters show jubilation as they sit on or behind the deer waving his head in every direction for the camera.

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New member
Brent probably grew up learning to hunt like this. Don't knock his way because it isn't yours. It doesn't really seem that inhumane. 'Cause unless you perfected an infallible method for getting only headshots while hunting, all game animals end up suffering. I've seen very few animals drop stone dead after a shot. Hogs are a complete nuisance, but they make up for it by being delicious. That's actually the only reason I miss Georgia! Send me some pig!


New member
I'm not knocking the sport itself at all. I thought that I had mentioned a couple times in my last post that I'm not against it. I see it as much more humane than all those times animals get gutshot with a high power rifle because some guy doesn't go out and spend the time for basic marksmanship practice before hunting season.

The only difference between the vid and hunting shows is the zoom. On most of the shows I've seen the camera is shot from mid to long range and generally not too much blood is seen. Animal gets shot and either crumples or runs out of the picture. The vid you posted, all the action was real close and bloody. But from that you can tell that the guys went in and finished the pig off quickly with some well placed pokes. There's absolutely nothing wrong with celebrating or having fun in the hunt. All I'm concerned about really is the public perception and possible backlash against hunting as a whole. The way I see it doggin' is to hunting what noodlin' (something I definitely want to try) is to fishing. Different ways to get the same thing accomplished. The only thing holding me back from hunting like that I would worry about not getting the knife in right the first time and causing excess suffering. Other than that, it looks like a blast.


New member
Man has been hunting with dogs and knives for thousands of years. While there does appear to be a recreational element here, these guys are putting meat on the table and protecting private property. Also, I am reasonably sure that there are licenses and permits that have to be submitted for and paid, pricey I would imagine (if Florida's hunting fees are anything like the outrageous cost of tags here), from the state government. If anything, I think this is fairer to the hog as it gives it a chance to escape on its wits and it's speed, and the man harvesting it has to get in there and get dirty with a knife, risking injury should a dog lose hold or the hog break free.

Keep HogDoggin' Florida!


Staff In Memoriam
Actually, No license is required to hunt feral livestock (hogs) on private property given you have permission from the owner. But the expense is considerable. Unlike a gun (costs similar to dogs ranging from $150 to $5,000), when not in use they still gotta be fed, wormed, shots etc. We then carry a $600 tracking system with collars costing $125 each. The cut collar is $40-60 and the vest is $60-140 depending on number of layers and kevlar or not.
Leads are 20 bucks each... so yes the whole concept is not free.

What sets us apart is unless you can spend all day, everyday on the place armed, you are hard pressed to put the same size dent in the big breeder population that dogs do. You can hunt hog ridden swamps everyday and never see a single hog, let alone get a shot off.

It is funny how fast some bunny huggers will concede when their yard suffers thousands in damages in one night.:eek: Being cheered on by dozens of residents as you drag a sure nuff HAWG out of the water hazard on the 7th hole of a golf course makes a man proud of his dogs and what he is doing! My rattlin ol' diesel pick up parked at the gates to a "gated community" of homes starting at 1.5 million at 3am as I enter to run the dogs in their yards unannounced makes me proud to be the ol' local redneck:D

Cope's Dist

New member
Awesome Video!

Thanks for posting that video. I really enjoyed it. I have been hunting quite a few years and I have never seen a hog (I live in Northern Ohio and we don't have them up here) I think it looks like a great time. Looks like it would rank right up there with Coon Hunting for those of us who enjoy that. :D


Staff In Memoriam
Cope's, There is a growing population somewhere from the middle to southward area of Ohio...:D Got a buddy with dogs in Indy that goes to Ohio to hunt:eek:


New member
Cope`s, come on down here around McArther,Ohio. There`s a few pigs here. Hogdogs is right. Although hogs aren`t near as abundant here as down south, they`ve been spotted from Licking,Ross and Fairfield counties to West Virginia, Kentucky lines.


"Man has been hunting with dogs and knives for thousands of years. While there does appear to be a recreational element here, these guys are putting meat on the table and protecting private property. Also, I am reasonably sure that there are licenses and permits that have to be submitted for and paid, pricey I would imagine (if Florida's hunting fees are anything like the outrageous cost of tags here), from the state government. If anything, I think this is fairer to the hog as it gives it a chance to escape on its wits and it's speed, and the man harvesting it has to get in there and get dirty with a knife, risking injury should a dog lose hold or the hog break free.

Keep HogDoggin' Florida! "


Man has been doing alot of things for thousands of years.

I really dont understand how yall, You guys up north, Can possibly think that video wouldnt harm the sport of hunters. Its brutal, And should be kept on the down low. Not everyone hunts. Not everyone shoots. Hell, Some people wont even defend themselves. These people are called many names by us, But one name you have to remember that they also are called by is voter. These people have the same say in hunting and shooting sports as we do. And posting vids to showoff is El Stupido. Dont hate the player.......
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New member
That video shows MEN hunting with aid of the only animal to choose man over their own kind.What is on that video IS hunting in its purest form no hiding,no sitting in a tree,no secret scent just plain old in your face man vs beast Hunting.If and when the time comes that we again have to forage for our food I hope that there are a few guys around like that to share the bounty of Gods good earth with the rest of us that are either to old to feeble or to afraid to feed our selves.Thanks Hogdog for the vid ELMOUSMC

Hogdog you sent me some pictures of the Dogo Argentinas a few months back and a couple of weeks ago I got to meet 1 up in Minn. the guy uses it for bear frendly as a pup but all business on the job
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New member
Good hunt, but your dogs need more training. Seriously though it is amazing how well the dawgs run, impessive to say the least.
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Staff In Memoriam
Its brutal, And should be kept on the down low.
All forms of hunting are brutal by design! Heck so is self defense!:mad: At least we never miss. And I hope the hogs never quit being brutal it wouldn't be as much of a rush if we didn't have to worry about our quarry fighting back!:D
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