New Hog Doggin' Video...

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Staff In Memoriam
A fella that runs hog dogs took part in making a pretty good vid. If you don't agree with using dogs for legal hunting methods... don't watch the vid.
This was filmed end of winter so the water is cold and the action is hot.
The first hog in the video killed one of them white Dogo Argentina dogs. they run 90-130 pounds. The guy I am familiar with is the owner of them and is the ladogos mentioned in the opening credits.


Staff In Memoriam
The first hog was well over 250...
what I meant was them white dogs run 90-130. Them white dogs ain't pits but a 50 pound pit might look like a furry ear ring but rarely get slung off...
A good smart catch dog of any size can stop the hog from leaving or slow him down to a slow walk so we can get the hog by the back legs.


New member
I now have a new appreciation for big Hogs, big Dogs and big knives not to mention the big guys behind them. Have to say that I use to be critical of folks driving deer with dogs till I hunted Alabama and watched it all come together. Nice work !!! :)

Be Safe !!!


New member
Brent I really envy you hogdoggers, we don't have any hogs around here. I want the hogs, just not the damage they cause to crops. That looks like an absolute riot. Wish my brother was still at Eglin, so I could go for a hog hunt, I mean visit.


Staff In Memoriam
well if you could swing it, yer welcome to come hunt with us... To make it more viable, Maybe you could buy a short term non-res hunting license and bag a few deer 'tween hog hunts. Make you a 10 day trip... Winter weather ain't cold everyday so the family (if you got one) could enjoy the white sandy beaches...:D


Staff In Memoriam
Tel, Them guys are barbarians... We prefer to tie them up and drag 'em out alive in my neck of the woods:eek::D


Staff In Memoriam
THE HUNT If it flies, lopes or charges, you'll find it here. Feel free to post your hunting related topics and questions.
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Sorry Jon (not really) but you are wrong about that... Notice a difference?
Archery ain't firearms but you will see arrow flingers posting dead deer in a few months. This is the hunt section and hog doggin is hunting as much or more as sittin' in a tree wearing $1,500 worth of clothes and stink pee waiting for a deer to walk under your stand.
This ain't my first hog hunting thread.


New member
hunting is hunting...dont matter how you KILL the animal so long as the kill is quick i say use your prefered weapon.


New member
Looks fun... but around here we ain't got no hogs! Gotta stick to still hunting I guess, minus the $1500 super-camo and the pee-in-a-bottle... I knows how to stink for free!


New member
Ok. Smart guy. Since you like quotes.

From the forum rules:

1) All Topics and Posts must be related to firearms, accessories or civil liberties issues.

But I'm sure those big words are hard for you to wrap your mind around. So I'll forgive you.


Staff In Memoriam
Where in the "Hunt" section did you scarf that quote?
I was comparing two sections? That pluck doesn't seem related to the "hunt" section.


Did I count 9 guys, 3 Pit Bulls, A couple of some kind of tracking dogs, 3 or 4 4 wheelers. Not alot of sport in that is there? Im in Louisiana, I know we've got a hog problem, But youre not doing hunters any favors posting that [sic] (BTW, I dont consider that or you a hunter). The first hog you let those [sic] pitts chew on the hog. Ive got 5 bird dogs (Pointers) so Im not a stranger to the outdoors, Hunting, Dogs and the rest of the good stuff. This is the kind of [sic] the antis love to get a hold of to try to screw the good guys out of doing something they love.
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Loved the video and honestly can't believe the crap you're getting here about it. Folks, the antis don't like that you shoot deer at 400 yards with a .300 Win Mag the teeniest bit more than they like what hogdogs and friends are doing in that video. They don't care if you're killing a cartoonized Bambi or an invasive species that's threatening the very critters they claim to want to protect. In short, they're friggin' nuts and the best ammo they're going to get here is that we can't even stick together in something that we all enjoy being a part of.


New member
+1 quickdraw...
That most certainly is hunting, just like using a pack of dogs to find and eliminate problem cougars or save trees from black bears. Humans have been using canine assistance to track down and tarry elusive predators since shortly after the dawn of man.


New member
pns112500: I think you need to read the terms of service for this forum... your loosely masked profanity does very little for your argument, and cheapens an otherwise civil debate.
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