NAA 22's and Magnums

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
I have 1 5/8 22 Mag which I replaced with the slip on Hogue Grips. I shot the old TX DPS protocol for CHL with it for grins. Got a 230 - Max is 250.

Tried it with a 22S (it is so cute) - got about a 150.

BTW, the 22 mag is LOUD! Esp. between the walls of an indoor range.

They are what they are - shouldn't expect them to be a Glock 34.


New member
I have an NAA Pug and I love it ... if I'm home or out walking my dog, it's in my pocket ... I have average size hands and I can easily deploy, cock and aim in a reasonable amount of time .. I use an NAA fabric holster which always stays in my pocket on drawing and allows the carry of a full reload, tho if you have to reload, you might as well throw the gun at the BG and run like crazy ... the gun is very accurate at 7 yds and in, and with the (relatively speaking) flood of new SD rounds, from Hornady, Speer and Winchester, I believe the .22WMR can be considered a decent SD weapon ... sure, I'd rather have a .45 if I'm attacked, but I'm not carrying one all day around the house ... I would NOT recommend such a small weapon as an EDC choice, but under certain circumstances, it certainly works for me ...


New member
I occasionally carry an NAA Black Widow 22 mag with Chang grips. It looks a lot larger and bulkier than it is. The gun and grips are really slim and flat in your pocket. The extra length of the grips make it much easier to manipulate and the grips are much flatter than the bulky Black Widow standard grips.




New member
NAA has a nice range of sizes and styles all based on the same 5-shot, SA, spur trigger design. With the right grip for the shooter's hand and plenty of practice, they are very capable little defenders. I have a Pug and Black Widow, both with standard grips, and they work well for me. I am more accurate on longer range shots with the Black Widow, and for that reason I usually carry it over the smaller Pug. But the Pug is great for mowing the yard or to slip in my other pocket for a mini NY reload. I like 10 shots of .22 Magnum just as well as a 5-shot J-frame .38.

Deja vu

New member
I also have the 22 short. I like the gun and even carry it as a back up for my j-frame. I figure that a 22 short back up is better than no back up.... slightly :rolleyes:

Also in the gym my j-frame is too big to carry so I carry this gun, it is a little better than not carrying.

I can hit pop cans at 7 yards with it about 75% if the time.


New member
I had one and shot it a bunch. The small grips, recoil of the .22 magnum, and single action make it very impracticable and a defensive gun in addition to the fact that .22 magnum is less that desirable for SD. I carry at least a 9mm whenever possible (or at least I used to before I moved to another state and have to get a new CCL) Sometimes it's uncomfortable but oh well.


New member
I have both a mini 22lr, and a magnum, and I carry them often. I can actually hit with them at 10 feet. I have practiced with them a lot. If you plan on carrying one, you need to practice due to their limitations. It becomes second nature to draw back the hammer as I draw the gun. I have holsters for both so they don't tumble around in my pocket. The holsters are designed to stay in the pocket. Remember... a 22 in the hand is better than a 44 back in the car.


New member
Budda wrote

novelty....nothing more....

"remove the front sight if you plan on carring it........" you know the rest.

I have a NAA 22mag and I can hit inside an 8" circle at 10 yards.

You think I need to remove the front sight? Or is that still a novelty to you?


New member
I don't yet have an NAA but have a friend who has several and I've fired his. He likes the mag best but the argument presented here that the short barrels don't give a bigger casing much advantage seems logical. I'd like to see some velocity data for the short barrel and short vs LR vs mag.

Regarding stopping power, no .22 will be as good as a bigger caliber. It seems to me the great advantage in this little gun is the NOISE. Thankfully, I've not needed to protect life by firing at a BG but I believe anyone trying to mug me in an alley would be instantly in terror at the noise and flash of this little gun (unless the BG was armed with a bigger gun, of course, but they often are thieves of opportunity and act on surprise and speed rather than firepower).


New member
Well I picked up a 1 1/8" standard 22LR yesterday.. cool little gun really. :)
I went with the 22LR instead of the magnum because its 3/4" shorter, the grip is smaller, and it was cheaper, same for the ammo.

Absolutely perfect for Levis... it fits right in the change pocket!

I may also pick up a Pug too, someday...


New member
Make sure when you practice to keep a tight grip, and keep your thumb away from the cylinder, or you will bleed. NAA ballistics show stingers as having the most most ft lbs of energy of the 22 long rifle loads.

Biff Tannen

New member
Drawing, holstering

For those of you with big hands like mine, draw while using your thumb to lever the hammer back. Works every time for me, I can draw and fire as fast as a double-action...
For a holster, I use a suede mag case that has a clip on it (I think it's for a .380 mag, I found it at a gunshow). The NAA mini fits snugly into it, I wear it in the belt or in the boot. 100% reliable!
PS- I do recommend the laselyte laser for it for quick aim. It's an amazing little thing and their customer service is outstanding!
Stay safe and god bless!


New member
My choice is the four inch version with dual cylinders. Have used it as a BUG for years. With the longer barrel I get much better velocity and I can use it in the field and on fishing trips. The Mini Master is what I think NAA calls it. Even has real sights.



New member
Finally went and shot the standard non-magnum 22lr today, fun!
Much less kick than I thought it would have on ordinary Federal bulk.
I also found it easy to shoot quickly at ~10 foot.
I like the little thing, cool gun.

Now I'm thinking about adding a magnum.
How much more kick do they have?


New member
*DISCLAIMER: My glove size is Small.*

I picked up one of these .22 magnum NAA Minis in a trade a few months back, and finally shot it the other day with some Hornady Critical Defense. The recoil was barely there, and it was surprisingly accurate at 7 yards. Nothing like the horror stories I've read on these forums.

It has seldom left my pocket since.

Onward Allusion

New member
I have Minis in 1 1/8" 22LR & 1 5/8" 22 Mag. I wear medium size gloves. They are a pain to manipulate. Recoil is non-existent. Accuracy is right where it should be for a belly gun.

Keep in mind that an empty Mini in 22 Mag is just as heavy as an empty P32. I would rather have 8 rounds of 32ACP from a DAO pistol than 5 shots of 22 Mag from a single action mini revolver.

IMO, weight is one of the main issues with much of the NAA product line. They are touted as sub-sub-compact guns but there is no weight advantage to them.


New member
I have a NAA mini mag, and it handles very good. You need to get used to the single action. I can do it second nature. Carries very easy.